šŸ§ø Mooni



10 months, 22 days ago



Zach Bryant

Qamar Cetis

I'll bandage up your bodyā€¦ and your bad days too

Dr. Qamar Cetis






She / Her

Homoromantic Asexual

Its complicated

Pediatric Oncologist

TW: CHILD ABUSE ISLAMOPHOBIA AND TRANSPHOBIA Mooni Cetis was born on April 28th, in Vermont. Her sperm donor had lived in Vermont his whole life, and her mom was born and mostly raised in the UK and came to Vermont to go to school. She was a student, he was older, her friend introduced the two and she really liked him. He didnt like her but potential high earner + knows how to cook and clean + is muslim. Took it and ran. She refused to marry him until she graduated and he was pissed and annoyed with her but he agreed. Mooni might have some older paternal half siblings from this and hes a womanizer too. Eventually they get married and they have Mooni literally as soon after as soon after can be. This is where cracks start to appear.

He becomes very physically abusive to her. She tolerates it bc it is to her knowledge just her and he never laid a hand on their child (which wasnt true she just didnt know). The older mooni got the worst it all got. Mooni was 10000% a baby trans like one of those kids where itā€™s obvious this kid is gay or trans. And her mom was always encouraging of it. Najima would dress her up in cute outfits and do little kid-friendly makeup things to indulge her, until her husband caught them one day. It was the first time she had ever seen him turn his aggression to mooni so she decided 100% her and her child would no longer be staying there. She stole the car and drove and drove and drove until they stopped in Ohio bc they were stopped by the cops. She was so scared to explain the story but faithfully for her the cop to pull her over was a young Jean (not super young like Ko is like 5 already. He lets them stay at his house for a bit bc he feels bad and stuff, doesnt report the car stolen or anything. Najima quickly goes to look for teaching jobs, even preschool or whatever, so she could move out. They buy a small small house and they live comfortably for some time. Najima also picks up a job @ a dry cleaners after school hours. This is Mooniā€™s backstory so i must add that Mooni is very happy for the first time ever. She feels so safe with mom and her and Koda become besties, over the summers when he comes to visit Jean. Najima and Vivi also become friends and life is really good. One day she decides to get Mooni and her a little coffee(ish) treat and mooni bumps into some dude spilling her drink and Najima is hella embarrassed. She offers to clean his suit and everything for free which he takes her up on. From that point they begin talking and they end up getting very close. Shes still married and doesnt wanna rush into this but hes so attractive to her and they start secretly dating. They do this for a long time and eventually mooni finds out and shes so happy bc they are cute. Eventually Najima is allowed her divorce (which causes mooni and her to have a year of separation waiting for it in order to not like dox where they are at the moment). By the time Mooni is 8 her parents get married and she moves in with her dad. Shes so happy. Next couple of years are mundane. Koda and Mooni get into trouble and stuff, Mooni saves them, rinses and repeat. But he was her only friend. When they got to hs it got ,,,, bad. Koda didnt want to do it anymore and dropped out and Mooni was all alone. She'd be bullied, shed want to join activities but no matter what she did she was shunned. Rampant homophobia (its actually transphobia more but like itd be called just homophobia) and Islamophobia. Shed feel so depressed and alone. Shed go into school and as soon as the day was done shed book it to get home. Najima and Salam were really worried for her. They tried to build a community in their mosque for her, and get Salamā€™s older children to interact with her. This didnā€™t work either. No Islamophobia but the homophobia got worse. Shed never tell her parents or anything she just got really sad. Right before she graduated Koda was kicked out so she and her parents let him live at their house. And then she graduated. After graduation she was like ā€œhey i want to be a doctor and they comes with great benefits and i dont want to be alone again so do u wanna get married, scam the system, and solve both of our issues.ā€ And he was like yeah sure. So they did. It was really small just her parents and then she went to college and stuff. She took a break b4 going to med school and thats when she found out she was trans and she was very unhappy with just everything. She hated her identity her name her religion everything. Cursed her parents out and was like im done with this shit. Najima and Salam were less like ā€œomg how dare u turn ur back on our religious.ā€ And more scared and confused abt this change. In this like year she was smoking partying everything. I find the funniest thing is like Koda also was like girl calm down (he needed that insurance). One day she decided to come out to Koda and he was like great me too. So knowing that she came out to her parents who were so normal abt it and offered their support. It kinda was at that point for her she was like wait they dont hate me I could have been who i always was this whole ass time. Najima and Salam were adamant that transphobes were not welcome in their lives and even in their like religious circles. It was not like omg super hard but yk not easy either they had to cut out people but yk!! Mooni finished medical school, stole some testosterone for Koda along the way, and stuff. She didnt come out officially (publicly) until after she graduated and did her residencies and stuff. After becoming a doctor she really like idk fell into her own. Lots more trans/queer people around her, and itā€™s been nice so far. Far from perfect now. She has severe travel anxiety bc she doesnt want to bump into her dad (she looks just like him and her legal name is his name, with her step dadā€™s last name). Bc shes a younger doctor even though she runs her ward she often gets like, yk!!! People arenā€™t always friendly but itā€™s ok!! She has friends For the next two years Jean stayed quiet on everything but was not pleased, and on Kodaā€™s 18th birthday he kicked him out. Koda went to his only friend in the worldā€™s house Mooni who was more than happy to take him in. By the time Mooni graduated she proposed they get married so Koda could receive her benefits and wouldnā€™t be out on the street. Something Koda agreed to. Koda lived with Mooni and her family before going back to live with his dad who apologized. Jean knew Koda was selling drugs but agreed to just ignore it. This continued until a string of burglaries began. At first Jean tried to ignore it and pretend Koda couldnā€™t possibly do that but eventually proof began piling up. They had another blow up fight about it but Jean decided to not kick Koda out again but expressed he was very disappointed. Currently Koda still lives with his dad but does spend a lot of time with Mooni and her family. Kinda in a stalled place with all of their relationships. No plans just vibing.

Loving | Emotional | Dependent

Mooni is very loving to everyone she knows. She could just meet you and shell interact as if she knew you her whole life. Shed open up her home to anyone for any reason or none at all. She does come off slightly manipulative at times, although shes very well meaning and kind that its easy to bypass that

Charisma ( 60% )

Intuition ( 70% )

Self Control ( 40% )

Resilience ( 50% )

Sociability ( 100% )

Reliability ( 80% )


Shes always up for trying something new, whether that's food or a new experience.

She makes a lot of her own clothes/does a lot of up cycling of clothes

Shes legally married to Koda, and they have been married for abt 10 years







Seeing others hurt


Wild animals

health insurance




Taurus Wood Pig

Neutral Good


Her legal spouse. They are childhood best friends not in love @ all. But they get along fine!!


Her loving mother. They are so close.


Her father she loves him so much. Shes actually a complete daddyā€™s girl.


ohohohoho??? How are you guys doing this is a place holder


Ohhohoho??? Blah blah blah this is a placeholder this is a place holder


One of her favorite coworkers ever. Yayyyyy for Aisha. They have a book club bi weekly.