


11 months, 1 day ago



they / them
toon (bear)
dec 25


  • a toon hellbent on proving the existence of alternate dimensions.
  • once a pretty unremarkable resistance ranger, cryptosanta’s world was turned upsidedown when they briefly ended up in the grey. the event drained their colors and gave them a vested interest in worlds beyond the one they know.
  • soon after, they quit the resistance to focus on their own work. they aren’t aware of the research loony labs has already done on the grey since they just sort of started forming theories and ran.
  • crypt is dedicated to finding out more about dimensions but go about it in the least scientific way possible. they have a big conspiracy board and behave kind of erratically whenever they get An Idea. quick to run off in a random direction without explanation.
  • they have a really weird view of cogs that hinges on a theory of theirs that the company is somehow connected to the dimensional nonsense they study. very convinced of cog consciousness.
  • all this works out conveniently when they find stella hiding in the brrrgh. they believe she could provide valuable insight on reaching other dimensions solely because she seemed to vaguely recognize what they were on about.
  • crypt manages to convince her to help them in exchange for a safe place to stay and some modifications to her radar. they don’t exactly trust her but don’t try to keep secrets either. they’re abnormally nonchalant.
  • their home base is an underground bunker located beneath the brrrgh’s resistance hq. the resistance rangers do not know that thing is down there.

  • they have a lot of missing polygons, which show up as absent triangles across their body. their inner mouth is also missing, showing whatever’s behind them when open.
  • darker grey blotches typically show up between near missing polygons.
  • their pupils occasionally glitch behind their sclera, giving the appearance of a pure white eye.
  • they can wear any holiday themed clothing :] they were a red bear before their colors drained, so they especially like wearing red.


  • the rogue cog crypt is housing in their bunker. they try to get information related to their work out of her, but she’s really only vaguely aware due to other lawbots she’s met in passing. crypt finds her fascinating nonetheless and is fine with letting her stay out of their own curiosity.
  • cryptosanta has seen soft fuzzy man around fleetingly. they don’t know who it is or if it even really exists, but the fact that they might have seen someone outside of their own dimension serves as a sort of “anchor” for their thought process.

snowflakes, candy canes, colorful lights, fireplaces, old technology, thrown-together contraptions, scattered notes