dr. candescent



8 months, 12 days ago


profile :]

nova candescent, scientoon in the main clash dimension affiliated with loony labs in ddl. owns a shop front on twilight terrace named the obfuscatorium that sells nonexistent items which they use to distract from their real research into aliens. experiment problems led to their entire body gaining a bright glow to it, which draws a lot of unwanted attention; luckily, they also have the ability to turn invisible on command, which they use when interacting with anyone. softspoken and sort of naturally innocuous, which works out great when they aren’t really supposed to be using lab resources for personal projects. loves gizmos and gadgets. i don’t know what else to put here for right now umm sillyyyy silly toon. something glowing

design variations are a wip FOREVER. alchemist items, candle hat, some sort of glasses probably green hypno, sleepwalker shorts. maybe shoes. the candle flame remains when invisible.