


1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Spotify playlist


Pinterest board


『 General Info 』

Name: Kemuel

Nicknames: "Kem"

Age: 20

Gender: Male (he/him)

Sexuality: Panromantic, asexual

Height: 5’ 08” / 174 cm

Birthday: March 17th (Pisces)

Species: Angel

Ethnicity: Pure angel

Occupation: Archangel: various (subordinate)

『 Appearance 』

Kemuel has baby blonde hair that is tied in an over-the-shoulder ponytail and soft, golden eyes.

A cross necklace with a red gem in the center hangs around his neck.

His angel wings are white with a golden tint to them. He has 2 wings as an angel, and 4 when he becomes an archangel.

『 Personality 』


Lawful good

Kemuel is often described as precious or naïve. He’s more of a follower than a leader, and does things with a smile.

He is responsible and can easily do things given a step-by-step layout. If he is told to figure something out by himself, however, there’s about a 1-in-10 chance he’ll get it right. Kemuel is—always—messing something up, and more often than not, it leads to trouble that someone else has to help with.

Nobody has ever seen Kemuel get angry, and he himself has no memory of ever being angry. He has a high tolerance towards a lot of things. He will get upset if he does something wrong though, and often gets embarrassed and apologizes for things.

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Heaven, peace, beautiful scenery, kind people, casual conversation, light colors, travel.


Demons, darkness, rude/arrogant people, when he messes something up that he doesn’t mean to.


Losing those close to him, being casted out of Heaven.


Relaxing in peaceful places, listening to the choir (sometimes he joins), talking to other angels (he likes to talk to new ones that came from Earth to ask about their experiences).


To become one of the highest ranked archangels and serve under God.


Mother - pure angel - alive 

Father - pure angel - alive

Relationship status


Love interest


『 Weapons/Powers 』

Weapons: None

Powers: Slight healing ability

Power Drawbacks: None

『 Fun facts 』

~ He has served as a guardian angel before, protecting a girl from danger on earth.

~ After times where he messes up, he tends to doubt himself and get very upset. It usually takes another outside force to bring him out of it.

~ Cass, one of his closest friends, gave him his nickname “Kem.”

~ Like most angels, he has a strong dislike of demons. Unlike most angels, though, he is very fond of humans (most angels see humans as less than them, which isn’t true).

~ He tends to sneak off to Earth when he’s not busy and view the scenery. He’s also talked to many humans, and some of those humans may have seen him take off back to Heaven, which they weren’t supposed to see...

『 Back story 』

Kemuel was born an angel to two angel parents, also known as a pure angel. They taught him to be kind, respectful, and to follow the orders of the higher-ups.

His childhood was pretty good. His parents spent time with him and even slightly spoiled him as an only child. They would always show him different scenery of Heaven he hadn’t seen yet.

Since he’s a pure angel, he was granted the chance to become an archangel, and proved himself to be worthy of the higher ranked status at the age of 20. He now works as an archangel, attempting to rise in those ranks as well so he can serve under God.

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