Aletta Vancouver (FO3 AU)



5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Neutral Good


Aletta is born to Sebastian Vancouver, an NCR native, and Rosetta Vancouver, a woman whose tribe was broken apart by slavers. The two travel the country with joint missions: Sebastian is seeking a series of hidden supply garages left by his family before the war, and Rosetta is out to combat slavery in the Wastes.

Aletta helps with the slave-freeing missions once she's old enough, but it also means she witnesses her mother's murder during a botched operation. Sebastian quickly abandons that lifestyle and takes his daughter to the Capital, which also is the location of the final cache he seeks. Unfortunately, he will not live to see it, as he is taken by super mutants during a scavenging trip. Aletta hides beneath a table in a ruined downtown building for hours, hearing the beasts stomp around and fire their guns in the street below. Mortified and heartbroken, she can barely trust the stranger who finds her and leads her to safety.

That stranger is the Lone Wanderer, Luke. She ends up sticking with him and becoming part of his growing party. Underhandedly, she wants to complete her father's mission, even if that means betraying her new friends to do so... but in the end she chooses not to. She hands over the last key required to open the cache in order to save Luke's father's life.

From all of her loss and trauma, Aletta is closed off, short tempered, and very suspicious of people around her. She is a natural thief and scavenger, willing to charm a few people to nab something off their counter. She wants to live up to her mother's legacy and bring closure to her father's memory but she is afraid and doubts herself. Towards her friends, she is protective bordering on controlling, petrified of losing anyone else. She has to make sure they're safe and doing the correct thing, and gets upset when they don't listen to her.

As time passes, she comes to terms with her loss, and chills out. The victories under her belt embolden her and help her feel more satisfied with being her parents' daughter. While Luke has been through enough for one lifetime, though, Aletta is just getting started being the big hero.


  • Has a phobia of super mutants
  • Carries her father's revolver, the handle of which is covered in carvings he did
  • Deaf in right ear after the incident that killed her mother
  • Has superstitions and beliefs from her mother, though she's embarrassed by them
  • She and her father helped bring supplies to Little Lamplight a lot, so she is familiar with some of the kids there