


5 years, 11 months ago


This Vulcan was once seen walking straight into a caustic biome with no Atmo Suit, because he insisted he could handle the heat. He forgot there's no oxygen.

Vulcan is a duplicant whose body resembles that of a Molten Slickster. According to genetic tests run by the colony's scientists, he was originally supposed to be a Travaldo, but due to a contaminated batch of genetic ooze- most likely containing Molten Slickster secretions- Vulcan came out the way he did instead, a mixture of Duplicant and Slickster DNA. Nobody's quite sure how he came out so structurally sound and Duplicant-like, considering how drastically different the DNA of Duplicants and Slicksters is- the Printing Pod can do some remarkable things!

He has no awareness of the Duplicant he was "intended" to be, and got his fiery name from his equally-fiery physical properties. Due to the way he was formed, his resting temperature is somewhere between that of a duplicant and a Molten Slickster. His hair and limbs are gooey and very hot to the touch, causing burns after a second or two of contact. He can stretch his arms to about double their resting length, able to use said high temperature as a weapon. He can handle much hotter temperatures than most dupes, but becomes uncomfortable (or starts to freeze) at higher temperatures than others.

Though he's quite an irritable fellow and not exactly one to socialize with the other duplicants during downtime, he's definitely not incapable of feeling good. The dupes in his colony he's befriended see a warmer, friendlier side of him- it seems like he mostly just clams up around duplicants he doesn't know or doesn't like. Unfortunately, he has a chronic inability to think ahead and tends to get himself into trouble, more through stubborn bullheadedness than genuine incompetence. He's best at tinkering and operating machinery, and worst at carrying materials- those slimy arms don't have a whole lot of muscle in them.

Gets along rather okay with Noche, though the two do butt heads occasionally. Also alright friends with Travaldo (the one printed after him), Banhi and Ruby.
