Lin-Manuel Miranda



9 months, 26 days ago


Lin-Manuel Miranda
Aspiring Playwright

Lin, otherwise known as "Lil Lin" is the clone of Lin-Manuel Miranda, an American songwriter, actor, playwright and filmmaker! He's technically a 2nd gen clone, though he came much later than the regular batch. Rather than being cloned in 2007 like the others, Lin wasn't cloned until 2016. Because of this, he's homeschooled and his existence is kept more of a secret.

Not many of the clones know of him. The initial reaction is usually shock, followed by people questioning him about his connection to the original LMM. It's mostly the theater kids that pester him. Wanting to get to his dad through him to his annoyance.

Given his clone father's legacy, it's no surprise that Lin is a bit of a prodigy! He loves to write and has a basic understanding of music. His young age holds him back from his full potential, yet it's obvious that success will be in his future!


After the government saw the major success of Hamilton in 2016, they realized that society undeniably had a taste for these kind of "cool" adaptions of historical figures. If one man could get millions to love the founding fathers throughout musical theater, then he was clearly a valuable asset to their cloning project! The board of shadowy figures unanimously agreed that they would have to keep the legacy of Lin-Manuel Miranda going, even if he was still living.

After an odd conversation with Lin posed as an interview about his success, they got right to business. Proposing the idea to him and coercing him to get on board. After all, it would be for the good of the world! Lucky for them, Lin was flattered by the idea and gave them the green light!

Thus, life officially began for the clone boy! Lin is fostered by a lesbian couple, two self-sufficent women who adore him to bits. Their unending support gives him the boost he needs to be the best he can. In addition to his foster mothers, Lin is visited by the original LMM sometimes! However, due to his father's busy schedule as well as having to keep the little boy a secret, his visits aren't too frequent. Despite this, Lin absolutely loves his dad and puts him on a pedestal. Lil Lin wants nothing more than to live up to him!

Even though he's still very young, he has big plans for himself in the future. He's already got a zest for writing and a love for theater. It's undeniable that he's already on his way to filling his father's shoes!


Lil Lin is an overall friendly and polite child! He's a rule-follower, never wanting to make things harder for those around him. This is a direct product of his main influences being his foster mothers, listening to what they teach him instead of letting any outside influences steer him wrong. He isn't as gullible as people think, being smart enough to know when people are condescending him or trying to manipulate him.

He can be a bit shy and introverted when introduced to new people, but it doesn't take much for him to come around. As long as someone treats him with respect and kindness, he gives them the same. If agitated too much, though, he can be quite snarky and rude in return. Lin is also very in tune with other's emotions, paying attention to their mannerisims and changes in tone gives him a good idea of a mood change. He tries his best to make someone feel better when they're upset, even if his efforts don't amount to much...


Lin's style of choice is very casual, not wanting to make a big splash or draw too much attention to himself. His outfit consists of a grey sweater with a star etched onto the left side of his chest as well as dark jeans. The only pop of color within his ensemble is a yellow scarf and yellow sneakers.

The yellow colors and star are a subtle nod to Hamilton. Even despite the fact that Lin has yet to watch it, he still recognizes his clone father's fame regarding the show and respects it.

His hair is cut in a short simple style, not bothering to do much with it. Even though he's homeschooled and doesn't go out all too often, Lin likes to be well put together and have a clean-cut style.

  • Voice claim is Emil-Bastien Bouffard (Think young Manolo from The Book of Life)
  • Actually hasn't seen Hamilton or any of his clone father's more mature works. Only familiar with his kid-friendly content, like animated movies he worked on
  • Favorite movies are Moana, Encanto and Vivo
  • Since both of his foster moms are latina women, Lin is fluent in Spanish
  • Restricted internet access because his moms don't want his brain rotted or to stumble upon traumatizing things
  • Does A LOT of reading and writing, already reading above his grade level
  • Despite his skill, he's shy when it comes to sharing his works with anyone other than his family or close connections
  • In vocal training, enjoys singing much more over rapping
  • Working on getting more acquainted with actual music writing, can read and play basic sheet music and instruments such as the piano and guitar. Nothing too complex though
RosaFoster Mom

One of Lin's moms! Rosa is the much more lenient and chill parent between the two. She's incredibly spiritual, running a shop to sell crystals, incense, tarot cards and other basics. Lin usually stays at the shop with her while Eva works. Rosa enjoys playing games with him and helping him wih creative ideas! He's usually always at her side clinging to her skirt.

EvaFoster Mom

Lin's other mom! Eva serves as the more strict mother. Lin doesn't regularly act out, but Eva makes sure to teach him right from wrong and keep her son on the right path. Eva serves as the drama teacher at Clone High, and sometimes brings Lin in to serve as her teacher's aid. Their shared love of theater brings them close together, as Eva enjoys helping Lin write. She, along with his clone father, sparked his love for theater!

Lin-Manuel MirandaClone Father

Being a clone of a living person means that Lin is more aware of his clone father than most. LMM visits him sometimes to give him tips and pointers on his writing and compositions. Lil Lin wishes his dad were around more, but understands why he can't be. Despite this, he regards him in a positive way, viewing him as a role model. He looks up to the original Lin and wants to follow in his footsteps more than anything.

Jack BlackBest Friend/Future Boyfriend

With the two of them being cloned at the same time, plus both being clones of living people, it was only natural for them to be drawn together. Despite Jack's rowdy nature, Lin really enjoys spending time with him! He appreciates how Jack looks out for him and tries his best to give him that same kindness back. As teens, Lin is incredibly oblivious to the other's crush on him, yet harbors the same feelings deep down.

Alfie YankovicBrother in Spirit

Another clone of a living person is rare to find, and Lin was ecstatic to meet Alfie because of that fact! He immediately latched onto the other boy once he became his main babysitter. Alfie is one of the strongest relationships Lin has, viewing him as an older brother. The two usually bond over their clone dads' music and other projects. He very much wants to succeed in his endeavors to make Alfie proud, as his support is a driving factor!

Isadora DuncanFriend/Babysitter

The two of them got off to a rocky start due to Isadora's admiration for his clone father getting in the way of any real bonding. Her pestering him for questions on how to get a connection with his dad was an annoyance. Luckily though, the two got past it as Isa babysat him more! Their shared love of theater gives them a common ground. He has a respect for her as a fellow writer and preformer, sharing his scripts and bouncing creative ideas off of her.

BrutusSister in Spirit

The two met through Alfie, and although he was intimidated by her at first, Lin quickly took a liking to Brutus. He feels comfort in knowing she's looking out for him, viewing her as a cool big sister. On the off chance that neither Alfie or Isadora can babysit him, he jumps at the chance to get babysat by Brute. He enjoys playing music for her and reciting poetry! He isn't worried about any judgement, and even tries to assist her in any acting endeavors she pursues.

Salfie YankovicEvil Babysitter

After Alfie cancelled a night of babysitting due to last-minute plans, Lin was quickly put into the care of Salfie. Unfortunately, it was the most horrifying experience in Lin's whole life.......... NEVER LET SALFIE AROUND HIM EVER AGAIN!!!!!

Credits & Help

Code by winston
- winston#0102