Isadora Duncan



11 months, 10 days ago


Isadora Duncan
Professional Theater Kid

Isadora is the clone of Isadora Duncan, an American dancer and choreographer! She is a 2nd gen clone. Following in her clone mother's literal footsteps is a big task to follow, but Isa does her best to measure up. In addition to her dancing, she is also the head of the theater department at Clone High, constantly starring and directing in various productions. She's also quite the pageant star! Isadora has competed in various pageants for as long as she can remember.

Isadora has her sights set high, stopping at nothing to climb her way to the top! ...Even if it jeapordizes her own dignity. She's often seen as a spineless scapegoat to the more popular students. Putting up with the constant demands and poor treatment is draining, but Isa believes it will all be worth it eventually.


Life as a clone means heavy expecations thrust upon you from birth. This is increcibly true for Isadora. From the moment she reached the age requirement, her foster mother began entering her in pageants. At first, Isa enjoyed them immensely! The sparkly dresses, the chance to show off her dancing and all eyes on her.. It was everything a little girl could want! Unfortunately, it didn't stay this way.

Isadora's mom is a woman hellbent on living out her glory days throughout her foster daughter. Any of Isa's failures directly reflected badly on her and the woman never hesitated to take her anger out on her verbally. Isadora quickly fell in line, trying her hardest to ensure wins as to not envoke her mother's wrath. A single misstep in her dance routine? She had better brace herself for some screaming! Isadora wants nothing more than to quit pageants, as she takes no pleasure in competing anymore. However, the idea of losing her mom's approval is unbearable to think about. Putting up with it is her only option.

As if her home life isn't bad enough, Isa has also backed herself into a corner by being overtly subservient to the popular students. She latches onto those with the most power, because it's all she knows. Being ordered around is mentally draining and she has developed major distaste for those mistreating her. However, she NEEDS to have someone above her for that sense of normalcy. Someone has to fill the role in the social hierarchy, and Isa takes it upon herself to do it.

Life isn't ALL bad for Isadora, though. She finds comfort in musical theater and is extremely passionate about it! Isa dreams of escaping the small town of Exclamation and making it big on Broadway.


Isadora is an extremely bubbly and social person! She isn't one to judge others by first glance unless they do something to warrant her distaste. Isa will only put up with disrespect if it's from someone she finds above her. Otherwise she doesn't hesitate to clap back and hold her own. To her friends, she's usually a nice and attentive person to have around. She attempts to be as supportive as possible and partake in other's interests.

She is a bit emotionally immature and is prone to outbursts. She has a good heart, but can be insensitive to the feelings of others. Isa will usually apologize and attempt to make amends when she's made aware of her behavior. Though she can be stubborn if she truly believes she's in the right.

Isa tends to be overdramatic and blow things out of proportion whenever her plans fall apart. She tends to freak out if anything in her routine is out of order, as she's an orderly person and can't stand not having control over a situation. This is something she's working on getting over but it's hard to keep her cool when these situations ruin her vision.


Isadora's style of choice is preppy and retro! She prefers loose clothing that she can dance in. As she finds tight, elongated clothes restrictive. For her outfit, she adorns a seafoam green top with exposed shoulders and flowing sleeves. as well as a evergreen shade for her belt. She wears a creamy white miniskirt with a slit on the sides. For her footwear, she has creamy white flats.

She accessorizes with evergreen bracelets on her right hand and left ankle, as well as a creamy white chiffon scarf around her neck. A creamy white headband as well as dangly earrings complete her look. She chooses to wear a seafoam green shade of eyeshadow and soft maroon lipstick for makeup. Isadora enjoys dolling up her hair in a high 50's style, bunching it up with hairspray and other products.

Isadora has a chubby bodytype, yet isn't too self-conscious about it! She doesn't let it get in the way of wearing stylish clothes and having confidence. Ignoring any comments from snooty pageant girls as well as others who attempt to bring her down.

  • Voice claim is Ashley Park (Think Gretchen from the Mean Girls musical)
  • Having to constantly partake in pageants has stunted her maturity and she struggles to relate to peers because of this. She is VERY bitter about it
  • Extremely hyperfixated on musicals and the 50's-60's! Her music taste mostly consists of showtunes and oldies
  • Has a deep appreciation for fashion! Isa always makes sure she has a cute look for the day
  • REFUSES to wear long scarves due to how her clone mother died
  • Hopeless romantic! Gets crushes A LOT
  • Has a preference for men, but occasionally finds herself liking women too
  • Autistic; has yet to get a proper diagnosis though. Her foster mom shames her for her autistic traits and tries to assure her that she doesn't have autism so... Isa is in denial about having it
  • Heavily abstinent when it comes to substances to the point where she shames anyone who partakes in them. This MAY stem from her clone mother and foster mom both having issues with alcoholism and smoking...
  • Was INCREDIBLY clumsy as a child. It took years of practice and extensive professional dancing lessons to improve. Isa still shames herself for any mistakes because she wants to be a graceful dancer like her clone mother
  • Her favorite musicals are Grease, Hairspray and Hamilton
JodiFoster Mother

The two front in public as a pageant power duo, but behind closed doors is an entirely different story. Jodi is incredibly hard on Isadora, overworking her and criticizing her every move. Isa's developed a hatred for pageants and her, but would never verbalize this. She feels obligated to follow Jodi's vision, since she raised her and puts a roof over her head, after all...

Alfie YankovicCrush/Boyfriend

After Isadora stumbled onto Weird Al's "Ricky" MV, she developed an attraction to the singer that she couldn't shake. Lucky for her, his clone son went to school with her! After some persuasian, Alfie allowed her to dress him up for a closet cosplay of the song. Isa found herself liking Alfie outside of their hangout session, developing a crush on the boy.

Che GuevaraBest Friend/Ex-Boyfriend

On-and-off relationship, but eventually ultimately broke up to pursue a strictly platonic relationship. The two broke up because they realized they worked better with other people, not each other. It was bittersweet, but they manage to have a sense of normalcy. Che can be an annoyance to Isadora, but he's one of her most loyal friends and is a big source of comfort. The two are close despite how different they are!

PrinceCrush/Best Friend

Isadora has a MASSIVE crush on Prince. She thinks he's incredibly charming and attractive. Prince humoring her feelings does little to quell this. The two are incredibly close and can be seen hanging out with each other often. She's his biggest supporter and works hard to make sure he's in the spotlight.

Isadora's closest girl friend! She admires Selena to a high degree, finding her to be the most talented and kind person she knows. The two usually bond over fashion and music. They like shopping, sleepovers, and robbing banks. You know, the usual girly activities!

SophoclesBest Friend/Frenemy

Befriended Soph due to their connection to the theater. At first, she steered clear of Soph due to their association with Aeschylus. Once she got to know her, though, she took a liking to him and the two became close. Bond over their shared love of theater and hatred of Aesch. Occasionally they tend to pick fights with each other and disagree, usually making up right after.

AeschylusFamily Friend/Enemy

Due to their foster parents being friends, Isa is forced to hang out with Aesch often and she LOATHES it. Isadora cannot stand him outside of the association and finds him unbearable. Both bicker over their shared theater ideas and can NEVER work well together. Could her dislike stem from feelings of hurt? Who's to say...

Cleopatra"Best Friend"

After Cleo was unfrozen, Isadora befriended her as a means to up her popularity status. Isa serves as her guide to the modern day, as well as a spineless yessman to keep the girl ontop of the school hierarchy. Their friendship is mostly just for show, since Isadora can’t really stand how demanding and one-sided the relationship can be.

Isa is one of Lin's main babysitters! She is a HUGE fan of the original LMM, so she tends to annoy the younger boy to connect with his clone father. It's a mild annoyance, as she generally is sweet to him. The two of them bond over musicals and Disney.


As soon as Isa laid eyes on JFK after he was unfrozen, it was love at first sight. She fell head over heels, finding him to be the perfect man for her! Unfortunately he doesn't exactly... know of her existence. Leaving the crush unrequited.


Good friends! Both are hopeless romantics so they help each other out with their crushes. The two also bond over their similar relationships with less than ideal foster mothers... yikes. Isa is willing to defend Sappho from anyone who treats her poorly, even if it jeapordizes herself.

John Wilkes BoothAcquaintance

Isa made sure to steer clear of Johnny due to his reputation. Believing him to be dangerous. Her feelings began to shift due to him entering a relationship with Soph. When it came time to pick someone to play JD in her Heather production, she knew he was the perfect fit! After learning of his issues with the role, though, she apologized and made things more comfortable for him. They aren't exactly friends, but they get along. Plus, he's a reliable actor!

Monty EzumaFriend/Crush

Monty is one of the nicer popular kids, to Isadora atleast, so Isa has a better relationship with him than most of her other connections! She has a small crush on Monty, though it fizzles out once they grow to be friends. Not that she dislikes him! She just prefers having a friend in him.

Harriet TubmanBest Friend

Friends since childhood! Isa and Harriet bonded over their shared love of theater and they've been close ever since! They do drift apart a bit once the g1 clones come into the picture, but they're still important to each other.

Casual friends! Isa befriended Frank because she's fan of the original Frank Zappa's music. She doesn't mind how different the two of them are, as she just enjoys listening to music and conversating with him.

Assigned partners in drama for a scene and it went AWFULLY. Neither of them worked well together due to their creative differences and they ended up failing. Both hold a grudge to this day and do their best to avoid each other.

Salfie YankovicMutual Dislike

Isadora is terrified of him and thinks he's creepy and offputting. Though because of her relationship with Alfie, she unfortunately has to interact with him often. She's very subservient to Salfie due to all the threats he's given her. Isa is afraid that if she doesn't obey, that he WILL harm her instead of making empty promises.


Don't usually get along due to their differences, but their shared love of the theater forces them together and they're able to be civil.

Credits & Help

Code by winston
- winston#0102