Irene de Vries



8 months, 26 days ago


01 — Profile

Irene is blunt and straightforward, finding it hard to find many friends capable of dealing with her constant criticisms. At the same time, however, you'd be hard-pressed to find anybody better at reading a crowd -- and anybody better at changing a crowd's minds. The people willing to break down her walls find somebody who's reliable, genuine, and uncannily perceptive underneath.

Name Irene de Vries
Age 30
Pronouns She/Her
Height 5'10”
Birthdate September 2 (Virgo)
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation Media Manager

Race Otherworlder
Element None
Essence Non-user
Alignment Virion Project
  • She's 5'10" without her heels, but 6'0" with them.

  • Wears eyeliner and cheek makeup. Her cheek makeup can change to be any pattern (with circles and the four card suits being her most common looks).

  • Her earrings look like the symbol for the PR Division.

  • Her gold necklace has three magenta-colored diamonds on them; feel free to simplify or make these as complex as you'd like.

  • Original Profile

02 — Personality

With how strict her default expression tends to be, it's no surprise that people tend to steer clear of Irene. She doesn't put herself out as the easiest person to get along with, trying to conceal most of her past and personal information because of how easily she can be found on the Internet. Always wanting to be taken seriously by everyone she meets, it's hard for her to let down her guard when she's out in public. She's worried that if she lets even the tiniest chink show in her armor, people will work to undermine and underestimate her -- and the last thing that Irene wants is to be dismissed as somebody who doesn't know what she's doing or what she's talking about.

Even though Irene has an incredibly strong work ethic, rarely letting herself rest once she's decided to get something done, it's difficult to get her to do any work that she's not overtly interested in. She's careful about signing herself up for too much responsibility, not wanting to be pushed and pulled around the way that she did when she was a kid. As such, she finds it hard to understand most jokes and lighthearted humor. Irene finds it "safer" to assume that the people around her act just as seriously as she does. She always asks for clarification from others to guarantee what they're saying or what they're asking from her, following up constantly in email chains or double and triple-texting if she thinks that she didn't express herself well enough the first time around.

When she feels safe enough around her closest friends, however, she's hesitantly willing to loosen up. While it's still hard to get her to openly laugh, you can pull a smile out of her by acting in ridiculous or embarrassing ways. She tends to get along well with people who are rambunctious and who "make the most" out of the life that they're living. A part of her wishes that she could let go of her self-image enough to act as wildly as some of her closest friends, even though she knows that she'd feel too awkward to ever let herself do so. Still, though -- she's content to mostly live vicariously through the antics of others. If you pushed her hard enough, you might get her to sing a line or two of karaoke in a closed space with nobody in any of the adjoining rooms.

  • Animal videos.

  • Hearing about gossip.

  • Digital books.

  • Plush rabbits.

  • People who are too sarcastic or ironic.

  • Seeing pictures of herself as a child.

  • Slow Internet connections.

  • Typos and incorrect grammar.

03 — Background


Growing up as a child model and actor, Irene always felt like she was born and built for the spotlight: she rarely had a moment's rest when she was a child, constantly being hustled from photoshoots, makeup trailers, film sets, school, and so on. While her parents tried their best to stay in Irene's life, she established a certain guarded distance from them; their excitement over her achievements often felt fake or performative, no matter how genuine they were trying to be. It was difficult for her to make friends, given both her popularity and the fact that she felt decidedly disconnected from most of her peers. None of them quite understood the world of entertainment the way that she did -- and from what she saw, she wanted to escape as quickly as she possibly could.

The pressure that she frequently faced from being recognized on the street (or even from seeing herself on advertisements and on television) led her to be incredibly rebellious, particularly throughout her middle school and early high school years. While she never overtly caused any trouble, teachers would often complain about how often she skipped class or constantly missed assignments. She had a uniquely forged doctor's note for every delayed test, learning to write professional emails just so that she could pretend to be her own parents. Finding very little fulfillment in the expectations that both her teachers and directors set on her, she turned instead towards excessive reading and writing. It was easy for her to fill hundreds of notebooks with her thoughts or skim through hundreds of pages of newspaper articles, fantasy, fiction -- anything that could pull her away from her day-to-day life.

It took her until high school to break free from the various contracts that she'd been roped into during her youth. While she never quite got back into the academic swing of things, her teachers quickly recognized her drive for writing, pushing her to become a journalism and communications major when she finally applied for university. She had plenty of money stored up from her younger career to fund her education -- and she relished her time alone in college, spending most of her time pursuing extracurriculars rather than actually attending her classes. If you named a journalism club at her school, Irene was probably on the board. If you flipped to any section of her class yearbook, Irene's name was probably credited somewhere on the page.

While her freelance article-writing and editing jobs paid much less than her career as an actress, Irene was happier -- in every way possible. The distance away from her parents gave her the time and space to think about her relationship with her family; she slowly began to reconnect with them, despite how embarrassingly they still acted every time they noticed her name in the subtitle under a big news headline. As she looked for work, she would stumble, almost coincidentally, into the Virion Project. Having just established themselves as an agency, they were looking for writers to fill their Public Relations team -- and Irene knew that she'd be more than capable for the job.

Virion Project

It's been a significant relief for her to step back from the stage, taking a more backseat role in her maintenance of the Virion Project's reputation. Her eye for detail and her lawyerly capability to write things as neutrally -- yet persuasively -- as possible makes her the perfect candidate to type reports, write scripts, and release news updates swaying the public's perception of the Project as a whole. Irene's more than happy to leave the rest of the design work to her close partner, Carabelle. (For how much time she spent on film sets as a child, she was never able to pick up the same artistic vision that her directors seemed to see in all her work).

The Outbreak Incident was a challenge that Irene felt more than ready to face, even though it added a significant amount of work to her schedule. She was used to dealing with strange comments and negative opinions from a wide variety of people, particularly about herself and her work. Irene and Carabelle spent hundreds of hours overnight in the office to make sure that press releases were made on time and scripts could be written to guide their golden boy, Aaron, in his morning Q&A's. Even though it took her hundreds of thousands of words to repair the damage that the Incident had done to the Virion Project's reputation, she'd never experienced so much motivation to actually work before.

While she'd initially picked up the Project as "just another career," deep down, Irene feels more driven to wake up and write than she'd ever had as a child. It's hard for her to believe that she's actually found a cause and a career that she genuinely enjoys and believes in -- and that gives her the fulfillment she lacked throughout her childhood. For once in her life, she's not looking for an exit path. The reliability is more than she could've ever dreamed of.

04 — Trivia

  • She was born with slight anemia and arrhythmia, so she tends to be in the doctor's office more often than other people to make sure that her blood circulation's still fine. Irene can be somewhat of a hypochondriac, even given her heart condition. WebMD is bookmarked on her laptop browser.

  • Has a virtual library of PDFs that she sorts meticulously by "has read," "will read," and "urgently must read." She has to use multiple flash drives to keep her data sorted; she's been collecting them since she was a teenager.

  • Her rabbit ears often unconsciously express her emotions, no matter how much she's tried to train herself out of it. Her right ear is always flopped over, though -- again, no matter how hard she tries to get it to stand up.

  • While she'd never admit to it, she had a phase in high school where she would purposefully (and anonymously) start fights on Twitter. She's since faded out of the callout-post scene... but she still can't resist the urge to browse through discourse on her phone, from time to time.

  • The one aesthetic thing about herself that she takes meticulous care of is her makeup. Most of her other clothing is either designed by Carabelle or chosen by her parents -- she just doesn't have the eye or attention for it.

  • Knows a handful of card games and shuffling tricks that she breaks out at house parties; she likes being in the role of the dealer, though, whenever they sit down for things like blackjack. Plays a surprisingly mean game of poker.



05 — Relationships

work partner

"Sure. She's fine. I like being around her both at work and when we're off of work, so... y'know. That says enough about who she is, but you really have to meet her to fully appreciate her."

Carabelle's the exact type of person that Irene gets along with: she carries the conversation for both of them when they're interacting with the public, gets around enough to hear all the latest news and gossip, and draws enough attention from others that Irene feels like she can let herself breathe. She appreciates that Carabelle was willing to put up with her for long enough to actually get to know her.

It's a relief for Irene, honestly, that she doesn't have to constantly fight to be taken seriously around Carabelle. The two of them hold enough mutual respect that Irene feels like she can comfortably smile without being looked down upon. Still, though -- Irene's not sure if she'll ever be able to accept the fact that part of Carabelle's creative process involves day drinking on the job.
