


5 years, 11 months ago


Howlite is a smoll, calm bean built to be a therapist. Her personality is therefore on par with cannon Sapphire for being even and level-headed, which she must be especially mindful of due to the nature of her powers (being able to project her emotions onto others). She does get extremely upset about the nature of Homeworld and its oppression. This can be seen in her behaviour on Earth as well.

Pretty calm, collective. Her power is this little aura around her where you can walk in and everything is magickally better. Of course, walking out of the aura makes everything come crashing back down, but hey, at least you can get a moment of ease in the rushing world.
While gems do have mental issues and still need consoling every now-and-then, therapists aren't that highly regarded, especially since it proves that gems can't be perfect. Eventually, she gets sick of seeings how the lesser gems are treated and decides to stow away on a ship to Earth. Or steal one. Or something.
That's rare, however. Usually she just follows others around and helps them out.
For a while after landing on Earth, she sleeps with a bunch of homeless people. Then one of them dies and she feels this...weird emotion. Why the heck is water coming out of her eyes?
As she takes a step away from her make-shift family, Howlite runs into a young, rich teen named James that's like, "oh hey little weird alien girl thing you can come live with me I already got a green alien girl thing anyway."
Then she meets green alien girl thing and they fall in love the end.

Her dance style is a mix of jump style and metal headbanging. Her gem is on her right hip, and her weapon is a pair of nunchucks.

Howlite's fusions:

-Howlite + Amethyst = ?? (Shield/mace thingy)

-Howlite + Aquamarine = Turquoise (??)

-Howlite + Blood Red Pearl = Red Rhodonite (??)

-Howlite + Blue Pearl = Blue Morganite (??)

-Howlite + Colleen = Calcite (dude just wants to get her job done...honestly I have less personality for Calcite than I do for Colleen, and that's saying something; though Howlite and Colleen have pretty similar personalities, so that isn't helping)

-Howlite + Lapis Lazuli = Sodalite (??)

-Howlite + Jane = Blue Jadeite (grumpy pouty gem; her gem is where Jane's left headphone would be)

-Howlite + Nephrite = Actinolite Cat's Eye (Pendulum)

-Howlite + Peridot = Green Cat's Eye (??)

-Howlite + Pink Opal = Rhodochrosite (Ball and Chain)

-Howlite + Pink Pearl = Rhodonite (Grappling Hook)

-Howlite + Red Nephrite = Red Labradorite (??)

-Howlite + Red "Sapphire" = Red Zircon (??)

-Howlite + Sapphire = Zircon (??)

-Howlite + Talc = Amazonite (Tetherball)

-Howlite + Wine Red Ruby = ?? (Double Nunchucks)