Era1 Peridot



5 years, 11 months ago


Name: Peridot
Pronouns: He/him
Dance Style: Pop-n-lock a.k.a. "The Fancy Robot"
Gem Location: Left hand
Weapon: I put Iron Knuckles but it's supposed to be Brass Knuckles oop
Basic Bio: Peridoodle is an Era 1 Peridot, swayed by Rose Quartz's words and secretly joining the rebellion. He remains a spy for the Crystal Gems, relaying information of Homeworld's plans whenever he gets the chance. Unfortunately, since the majority of the Crystal Gems had been shattered in the war, he had lost contact with the main gems- Rose Quartz/Steven, Garnet, Pearl...never met Amethyst. He was able to keep in contact with a couple scattered ones though, namely my Ruby OC. Heh.
Peridoodle is a tech nerd. He's about the size of Cannon Pearl, maybe just an inch or so taller. I keep imagining him doing Portal shit. He's a Crystal Gem spy; those stars are replaced with Diamonds when he's under the eye of Homeworld. He does a lot of rogue CG missions in his spare time. Good at getting in and out unnoticed, mostly in thanks to his tech, a lot of which he designed and produced himself, taking a lot of precautions to avoid any tracking material from being put in them.
While Peridot prefers male pronouns, he is used to the conformity of Homeworld and doesn't find it unusual in the least to be referred to as a girl (as everyone is on HW).
Basic Personality: Peridot is obsessed with Earth culture and tries to learn as much as he can about the strange world that he fights for. When first reforming on Earth, the kiss he gave to a nearby local in order to learn their language was...much more romantic than the ones Jade, Pearl and Opal had given. He sometimes will unintentionally go overboard with intimacy. Peridot is, however, incredibly intelligent, especially when it comes to Homeworld technology. He tends to think before speaking and doesn't like to cause too much of a ruckus. Though he can be rather judgmental, Perry hides it well.
Bro delux. James's only bro, and living in a all-"girl" gem society, where other genders aren't even present, let alone question, he knows the pain.
Well, I mean, he's kinda used to being called a 'she', and if he corrects someone he'll probably be cracked, so maybe it's not quite as painful for him. But y'know.
Homeworld outfit - "pre-regen" - short gloves; Diamond on gloves, shirt, boots; pants tucked in; no pockets
Earth outfit - "post-regen" outfit - longer gloves; stars on gloves and shirt; nothing on boots; shirt half-tucked in; pants pockets
These two are going to be labeled pre-regen and post-regen for the others, but since he switches between the outfits before landing on Earth as it is, didn't think those label were very appropriate.
Reverse!Peridot - Reverse is an AU where their personalities (and to a degree, their appearances) are the exact opposite of their usual self. Reverse!Peridot is, in one word, a slut. She constantly says things without thinking and acts very stereo typically blonde, but! she's very accepting and tends to refrain from judging others. Despite the lack of general intelligence, Reverse!Peridot is still somehow able to do a decent job of what she's built for- technology and all that.
Also she speaks like a Valley Girl.

Peridot's fusions:
-Peridot + Howlite = Green Cat's Eye (??)
-Peridot + Lapis Lazuli = Larimar (Wolverine Blades)
-Peridot + James = Peri A. Dot (child, not fusion)
-Peridot + Nephrite = Serpentine (??)
-Peridot + Pink Coral Pearl = Pink Labradorite (??)
-Peridot + Pink Opal = Brown Jasper
-Peridot + Ruby (Crystal Gem) = Bloodstone (Spiked Bat)
-Peridot + Talc = Chrysoprase (??)