


9 months, 27 days ago


Yor Sinister: Angel of Order


Name Yor Sinister
Called Yor
Age ???
Gender Female Lesbian (she/it)
Race Class Four Angel
Role Antagonist/Support
Alignment Lawful Evil


  • Calculative
  • Analytic
  • Leader
  • Studious


  • Big Band Jazz
  • Order
  • Riolu

Adopted daughter of Bd. Sinister, an advisor to Abelia's Hand. With her father in such a prestigious position with a devious plan to become The Hand, Yor aids him in his malevolent plans with the promise of order and preservation of angellic life. Those who do not support her father are immediate enemies.


Yor is Bd. Sinister's right-hand man (henchman) and is loyally devouted to him. In Royal Once More, she serves as an immediate antagonist to Amir, pressuring him to make important, life-changing decisions, and even trying to get rid of him when she deemed him as a threat to her father's empire. Even so, she has goals of her own to preserve this weak connection to the angellic race, not knowing her father seeks to eradicate it all.


Nobody knows this except herself, but Yor was the child to parents of remarkable strength. When they died of mysterious conditions, she was orphaned, whisked into the hands of multiple strangers until she landed in the hands of Mr. Sinister. At first it was a loveless adoption done as a publicity stunt for his politcal career, but Mr. Sinister later grew fond of Yor for her impressionability and her power as a Class Four Angel. She doesn't see this, and believes that Mr. Sinister's words are of true love.

Evangelism and Curiousity

Yor being a Class Four Angel means her grasp on the human world is different and she seeks to understand the intricacies of human norms and customs. It doesn't help that Yor was sheltered from the world for most of her life before Royal Once More's plot kicks off. Throughout the plot, not only is she balancing her duties as Mx. Sinister's confidant, but she learning the world around her and experiencing life on her own for the first time. That is why she approaches things in a methodical, curious way, studying people and why they behave a certain way. She also learns what it means to love, despite it interferring with her duties.


  • Yes, her name is a pun. Yes, I stole it from Spy x Family.
  • Yor wears oversized, untailored suits. Not only is it more masc-looking, but I purposely did this so her feminine features aren't prominent. I think she would prefer being mistaken for a guy.
  • A lot of her color palette consists of whites and light blues. Mostly to contrast Amir's dark suits.
  • x
  • x



Amir [ Work Mates ]

She doesn't know if she should despise him or tolerate him. Regardless, her feelings are irrelevant and needs him for a bigger plan.


Kiel [ Workmates ]

She sees potential in him. She knows he's valuable as an asset and as a connection to Amir. As much as she wants him on her side, he refuses to budge.


Riolu [ Interested ]

She thinks she's interesting.


Roku [ Nuisance ]

She only has negative impressions of him through Riolu, but despite that, she dislikes how much of an obstacle he is to getting Riolu.