Tuffy Kronos



9 months, 28 days ago



When you doubt the path trod thus far, when the hand you held is lost to you, gaze anew at the heart that once was... for all the answers are within.
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Role Keyblade wielder and mechanic
Origin Radiant Garden (Birthplace)
Home World Twilight Town
Other Residences Montressor(original home world, now destroyed)
Katakana タフィー
Romaji Tafī
English Voice
Caitlin Glass
Japanese Voice
Miyuki Sawashiro

"There are people in this world whose faces will light up when they see you, and it's not because of where you're from or what you can provide, but because of who you are"

Tuffy Kronos is a Keyblade-wielding dhampir (half human, half vampire) from the destroyed world of Montressor. She now resides in Twilight Town and runs a mechanic business out of her own garage. She resides with Lori, whom she cares for and provides her a system of moral support. Tuffy seems to have passing connections with the Organization, particularly one member, Luxord.

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts

A lady who seems to be stuck in another time period, Tuffy confides in Sora that her homeworld was destroyed by the Heartless, and the last thing she remembers before tragedy struck was the shadowy figure of a woman carrying a scythe on the roof of the home she grew up in.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

The Victorian-looking woman who Sora had spoke with before was mentioned many times by the figure in a white coat that appeared before Sora, could they perhaps be connected in some way?

Kingdom Hearts II

Sora finally got to catch up with this old soul again in the Carribean, and it was discovered that she too could wield a Keyblade just like him! Tuffy kindly promised the boy and his friends a treat in Twilight Town and was a temporary ally in their adventures. However, it seemed that she had vanished soon after they met, seemingly accosted by someone.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

A timid looking young girl with striking white hair and a strange birthmark, she got separated from her friend and asked for guidance back to him. Something about her seemed slightly off, like she wasn't human or something-

Kingdom Hearts III

Tuffy seems to have caught back up with this "Lori" she had supposedly known, and she recounted Lori's story to Sora, explaining why she was desperately searching for this girl. For some reason he couldn't help but sympathize with this woman... However, during their mission in Port Royal, Tuffy was seen speaking with Luxord for some reason and they seemed to already know each other. Could they be connected somehow? It's probably best to remain cautious around this strange wielder now-

Kingdom Hearts Parables

Tuffy sent for Lori to help Sora escape his limbo, and he knew he had to repay her somehow. However, she declined any sort of reward and instead allowed Sora to accompany her to a ceremony that she and Lori would partake in that was being held by the knight friend and mentor of Kairi, Lelandess. It was there she would reunite with the completed form of Luxord, his original name being finally introduced as Dulor. It makes a lot more sense why they knew each other now- as Lori explains that they were childhood friends before Dulor became a Nobody.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Tuffy was born into a very wealthy family, born of a sacrilegious union between a vampire and a human woman, the family moved to and lived in the shadows of Montressor and only a few people knew of their history as a result. Their fourth child, Tuffy, was an extremely sickly child. She always had some kind of severe affliction, it seemed. She was falling behind other kids her age and stuck out as a result, drawing the attention the family didn't want on themselves. Her parents and siblings, deeming her a liability on their family name, were at a loss on what to do with her, now that her drawing people's eyes upon their unit threatened the family's secret. The parents and Tuffy's older brothers came to a decision that she would be sent to a children's home to be raised there instead. At this home, Tuffy was kept in isolation for almost her whole life, she was lonely and had developed abandonment issues due to her parents throwing her away so soon. She would often shut people away, and due to the caregiver knowing of Tuffy being half-vampire as well as the girl's frailty, she wasn't treated too well by the other children either. However, even then Tuffy wasn't completely broken. She developed a fascination with building machines after one day discovering she could create metal with psychic suggestion. She had also developed a penchant for books and games that involved the mind, becoming highly intelligent and well read at her tender age. Unbeknownst to her, this would be the beginning of her life turning for the better. Her clever nature would attract a new face to the girl's room upstairs. The caretaker's son, Dulor, had studied his mom's daily morning path upstairs because he was curious on who she was scolding and desperately trying to keep away. After she had left for her other duties, the boy took the route his mother did and discovered Tuffy's little room in the attic. The two children instantly hit it off, and quickly became friends over their shared interests. Soon, Dulor began to sneak Tuffy outside the home when the caretaker was away so she could experience a normal life outside of her isolation. He taught her how to play games of cards and they would oftentimes spend their afternoons together playing or reading in the open area behind the home. The two would grow up close friends, and would inevitably develop a crush on each other, and then fell in love once they hit their teens.

Kingdom Hearts

Alas, the newfound peace between Tuffy and Dulor wouldn't last forever. Montressor was attacked by a horde of strange creatures one day, and the whole world began to crumble, starting with the home they lived in. Dulor began to lead Tuffy to an airship that he had discovered one evening so the two would escape, dodging rubble and creatures alike. However, in a selfless act to save his lady, Dulor was crushed by falling debris. Soon after, Tuffy's leg was crushed in some rubble also. Not willing to let her love die in vain, she mustered all her strength to push the boulder off her leg, as creatures closed in on every angle towards her. She was cornered and crippled, and she picked up a bent pipe to hit at the shadowy beasts. In a flash of light, to her surprise, Tuffy now held a Keyblade in her hand. She had heard about wielders in her storybooks, knowing now it was more than legend. Her desire to avenge Dulor had been what lead her to be chosen. Snapping her broken leg back into place, she slashed through the shadows, despite her leg being hurt. She made it to the airship, and fled Montressor to somewhere far away. However, the last thing she saw before the airship took off was the crouched figure of a woman who was holding a scythe, her glowing purple eyes and deranged smile forever imprinted in Tuffy’s mind. Tuffy flew for many days, and eventually landed in Twilight Town, her airship had lost power and crashed in the nearby treeline. She eventually found a house and used all funds she had to move in there and start anew. She was filled with grief from losing Dulor, thus was rather reclusive, preferring to spend her time making intricate metalworks in her workshop and reading more legends of old. However, she eventually would recover and move on from her beloved one's untimely death and began to open up more to people. She would eventually open a business as a mechanic from her garage workshop, and would fix anything given to her with great efficiency, as well as treating her patrons with hot cocoa and a warm meal just for choosing her as their mechanic. This gained her the favor of almost all the townfolk, and she would become quite popular as a result. One had even gifted her with a kitten that became her dearest friend, being named Keno. Nonetheless during her evenings, she always returned to reading. Especially one book that Dulor had given her that always piqued her interest about a ruined palace that supposedly had held a slumbering entity that would bring great fortune to all worlds upon being awoken by one who wielded a Keyblade, like herself. One night, she decided to see if this legend was a reality. She set off on a long journey to find this ruined palace, and hopefully find the secrets within.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Tuffy was mentioned many times by Lori to both Marluxia and Faliux within the confines of Castle Oblivion. A few of the members within the castle have also claimed they have seen her, and one of their men back at their stronghold seemed to have a strange fascination with her, claiming that something was drawing him towards her. She was also mentioned by Amber, overheard in a conversation with Ansem. It seems to have been that Amber was the one behind the destruction of Montressor, and that she not only did so on Ansem's command, but as a way to prove her destructive capabilities, as some sort of warning never to meddle in her affairs. Tuffy’s life only got stranger as time went on, and strange events began happening. Tuffy had started to travel to other worlds to help with defeating Heartless and assisting anyone she could, and every time she traveled something weird would occur. The man in the coat finally showed himself to her on one of those occasions, the hood covering his face and thus concealing who he was from Tuffy. He would always come to her aid during battle and finish off Heartless for her, but still he didn't take his hood off to reveal himself, however she picked up that he fought with the same cards that appeared on her doorstep. Tuffy came to the conclusion that it's someone trying to undo her work. She always tried to attack him, thinking he was responsible for Lori's disappearance, but he'd disappear before she landed a hit.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

After a month of struggle, Tuffy did find the ruins she was searching for. Navigating through sharp vines snd rough terrain, she went through all the castle's chambers and eventually came upon one that was emitting a bright light and seemed untouched by the vines and strangely completely intact without any weathering. Descending into the chamber, she discovered a slumbering winged girl encased within a glass container. Using her Keyblade, Tuffy removed the binds keeping her in slumber, and the girl floated to the ground, life returning to her drowsy form. When the sleeping being awoke, Tuffy recounted the legend about her. The girl introduced herself as Lori, and she agreed to move in with Tuffy to help each other fulfill their destinies. Tuffy would become a caregiver to Lori, as she would clean her up and give her a place to stay. Sadly however, Lori disappeared one evening, only leaving a letter that she was going to find the child of her slain sister, as she had been given a message by a mysterious man in a coat that had stopped by Tuffy’s door that her niece was in danger somehow. Day by day, Tuffy waited on Lori’s return, worried about this winged woman who had become like a little sister to her. However, she kept her head up high. She knew Lori was strong and could fend for herself very well. Tuffy continued her life as usual, running her mechanic shop, fighting off Heartless, and interacting with townsfolk. She couldn't help but wonder who the mystery man in the coat was that gave Lori the message. However, soon she would get her answer. It started with mysterious playing cards that ended up at her doorstep that all had messages written on the backs. The handwriting of those messages seemed awfully familiar to her, but Tuffy couldn't put a finger on why it was.

Kingdom Hearts II

Tuffy continued her life as normal helping people out around Twilight Town, to the point that she was even asked by a traveling dragon boy named Zuul to join a Restoration Committee in another world, known as Hollow Bastion, as they were trying to restore it to its former glory known as “Radiant Garden”. She obliged, and would visit to help the young dragon and his friends whenever she had off days from her mechanic business. She had also convinced another local, known as Lelandess, to join her. She had sensed the dragon girl was feeling lonely, as she had just seemed to have overcome grief of some kind. However, her life still became stranger. The man in the coat that visited her every now and then appeared more frequently to her, and Tuffy began to grow increasingly concerned about who he was, growing frustrated at him always showing up to finish off her duties in all the worlds she fought in. However, in one world her journey would reach a particular crescendo. She was finishing up her daily work in Port Royal, she had even met Sora and his league of friends and had promised them a treat back in Twilight Town once her goal of discovering who her strange ally was is done. When she decided to take a detour to clear her mind, she encountered a figure she did not want to see from her past. Tuffy's brothers had also landed here and had still held the grudge against their sister for "putting shame on their family". As a result, they would get into a brutal fight to the death and cornered Tuffy on a rock overlooking the sea. Having no choice, she chose to jump off the rock into the merciless waters below, as she would rather die there than be ruthlessly killed for honor. Miraculously she survived being thrown about the torrent as she had grabbed on to some debris and braved the waters towards a shoreline. Exhausted, she blacked out on the beach, thinking her tale had come to an end. When she awoke however, she was at home and on her couch, and on the side table was one of those familiar cards with a message that the holder of them had saved her. Thankful, but infuriated at being rescued by someone she was after, she decided to finally embrace her vampire half and approach finding the coated fellow more ruthlessly. Her efforts would pay off and he'd show up again when she was fighting. Tuffy used one of her vampiric skills to bind his disappearing ability to prevent him from fleeing and she lunged at him with no mercy and they fought and she demanded to know what he wanted with her with her now red as blood vampire eyes in full display to lock him into coughing it up. He did. He, fearing for his life, took the hood down and looked at her with fear in his eyes. Tuffy fell back, the man under the hood was instantly recognizable. She had knew this man was the same companion she lost in the crumbling of her homeworld to darkness, the object of her heart's desire, Dulor. But now he was with the enemy, after hearing from Sora that the men wearing cloaks were in fact an evil syndicate bent on devastating goals. He seemed to have recognized her too, and his own memory returned, immediately rushing to embrace the woman he had been so close to. Reluctantly, Tuffy gave in, even accepting the fact that he wasn't the same. She didn't care, she was just glad to see her beloved again. He had now gone by the name Luxord, and despite being tied to an organization hell-bent on something dark, he would visit Tuffy almost daily, and they would rekindle their now "forbidden" bond. However he, like Lori disappeared one day. Tuffy, now alone and back to square one, became a lonesome shut in once more.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Tuffy and Riku briefly met, where she would sit him down to tell him the story of her friend Lori, about how she was the caretaker of the girl and that she had disappeared one day without a trace, only a note that she was off to find someone. Tuffy expressed her worries about the girl and the two would find solace in the feeling of missing their friends and worrying about what had happened to them.

Kingdom Hearts III

Tuffy started to open up again, resuming her role as the humble mechanic of Twilight Town and local guardianess. One evening, Tuffy was awoken by a flash of light in the spare room that had once belonged to Lori. Curious, she went to investigate and found none other than Lori herself, alive and well with one major story to tell. The two shared an emotional reunion and began once more working together to fulfill their new dreams and travel together to grow stronger. This would prove to be a reward for both girls, as Lori had briefly reunited with her lost love, and Tuffy held onto hope she would see Luxord again one day. It proved to be the case, as during an evening Tuffy had went to the Carribean, in the same spot she washed up and was saved by him, Luxord found Tuffy again. However, he had come to bring devastating news, he was sent to collect something there on order of someone who he'd had grown disdainful of once figuring he was being used. Tuffy understood and the two promised to meet when Luxord was human again.

Kingdom Hearts Parables

Tuffy would eventually see to Lori’s initiation as her niece's official mentor and guide, proud of her sister figure achieving greatness. She had even accompanied the cherub during the grand knighting celebration at the palace where Lori said she had to attend, as her late sister's voice had came to her and told her to attend the gathering and take her sleeping Chirithy from the remaining crystal there. Tuffy agreed, and she went as Lori's guest of honor. There she met a good friend of Lori's, the one doing the knighting, Lelandess. Tuffy had seen Lelandess when the Luckdragon used to live in Twilight Town and helped out with the struggle tournaments, and the two were well acquainted but didn't know each other on a first name basis. Lelandess has heard of Tuffy's story through Lori's recounts, and decided to knight her as well, due to never giving up the chase for both Lori and eventually Luxord through thick and thin. The two parted eventually to enjoy the ceremony and Lori was reunited with her beloved, now being restored to human form himself. This gave Tuffy a spark of hope that maybe, Luxord, now Dulor again was maybe there amongst the crowd too. She kept her hopes high he would appear as she enjoyed the rest of the evening. As if fate ordained it, at dusk when Tuffy went to take a break away from all the celebration in the palaces back gardens by the fountain, she felt someone sit next to her on the fountain ledge she was sitting on, tossing coins into the fountain. Her wish had come true, and the one awaiting her was none other than Dulor, who had attended the ceremony in hopes the two would reunite.


Tuffy is a relaxed, calming, reserved, and sort of stoic kind of woman. She has a gentle heart, but it can turn fiery when she’s roused or angered. She is also sort of a quizzical and playful person, she likes to test people or challenge them to little puzzles, games, or riddles. Very intelligent, and will offer her hand to help anyone if they just say the magic word.


Tuffy is a relatively tall, fairly curvaceous woman who always seems to be wearing steampunk fahsion of some kind. She has long white hair that is tied into tails in the front and braided on the sides towards the back, with her bangs loose. She has a purple diamond birthmark on her cheek and aquamarine colored eyes. She has visible fangs whenever she smiles, due to her being half-vampire.

Kingdom Hearts

She wears a single-fronted coat dress with a high, ruffled collar that is tied in the front with a bow that has a topaz pendant on it. The sleeves of this dress are puffy with bows on the ends of the puffs, ending in brown ruffles towards the cuff. The "coat" part of the dress is brown with gold pinstripes and gothic lace prints on the front. She wears brown ankle boots and white knee socks with this.

Kingdom Hearts II

This time, Tuffy seems to have ditched the dress in favor of a brown and gold pinstriped jumper with an underbust corset and belt that has a half-skirt attached to it. She wears a belt with a satchel on it over the corset, with a gold pocket watch attached to it. The jumper has a popped collar tied in the front with a white cravat. Her gloves are asymmetrical, one being a satin opera-length with black leather gloves over it. The other is a brown patent leather work glove witb a black strap around the wrist. She wears white stockings with black stripes, the right being fastened with a leather garter. Her boots are mostly black and leather with a golden hourglass as the heel, with a white pom-pom at the very back.

Kingdom Hearts III

Consists of a brown striped, strappy underbust corset over a beige sleeveless blouse. The corset has mahogany colored ruffles along the bottom. The shorts are mahogany brown with blavk straps and are fastened with black belt with a gold buckle. She wears beige over-the-knee stockings that are supported by black leather bracers with garters. Her boots are a pair of brown leather riding boots with black straps. Her gloves are black patent leather with brown straps areound the wrists. The shirt and corset are under a mahogany colored shawl/poncho with gold trim and four gold buttons at the front, accented by a beige bow with a gold center.

Kingdom Hearts Parables

Returns to a set with a skirt once more. The set consists of a white blouse with a cravat and gold buttons under a brown leather jacket with short puff sleeves that end in white cuffs, The skirt is brown leather and high-waisted and resebles the teeth of a gear, with a white ruffled underpinning and a large white bow in the back. She wears white over-the-knee socks with bows and brown work boots accented by gold gears. Her gloves are white and satiny, with brown cuffs that are also accented by gold gears.


Tuffy's primary ability is Chronomancy. The vampires from her father's side have always had some level of control over time, however she can only apply it to one or a select group of individuals or herself. She can slow down time, speed it up, or stop it completely. Sometimes she can reverse the clock on allies to recover damage.

Keyblade Wielding

Tuffy's Keyblade is known as Grisly Gears, a large and sturdy looking Keyblade that appears to be made of scrap metal and machinery. Its primary transformation is a pair of mechanical wings that Tuffy uses to glide with.


Tuffy can use metal element type magic as well, using it to create shards to deal damage or coat herself or an ally to reduce damage. She can also conjure large gears to throw at opponents or to shield herself or teammates. She has a field move known as "Vampire Hold", where Tuffy can tap into her vampire side and use a hypnotic type enchantment from her gaze that prevents an enemy from fleeing or can slow their attacks.



"I'm sorry I let you down, Tuffs... but what I was chasing after was important to me and it was a promise I kept before I was placed into slumber. Please forgive me for worrying you sick."

Tuffy is responsible for freeing Lori from her eons-long slumber, frozen in time. She would go on to care for Lori and allow her to stay in her home as a roommate, and the two girls would develop a sisterly bond of sorts. When Lori set off to find Lufia and was gone for some time, Tuffy grew very worried for Lori' fate and became rather emotional at the absence of the one she was caring for. When Lori wold return, she would resume this role as a mentor and friend, even helping Lori find peace for herself as well.


"Such a shame... it seems that this vampire has no bite in her at all~ Oh, how very pathetic..."

Amber was given the command by Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness to start overrunning Montressor with Heartless. However in an attempt to demonstrate her true capabilities, she ended up completely tearing the world apart. She would henceforth start appearing in Tuffy's nightmares in hopes of taking her heart via fear like she normally does. However, there was something within her that Amber just couldn't quite break as hard as she tried. She did, however continue to taunt her out of pure sport.


"You're quite the cunning girl, using my attempts to reach you to will the chase in your favor, wearing me down so you could get me in this position in that I would be forced to speak. I thought you had become meek over time... seems I guessed wrong."

She has known Luxord since they were both young children, and before he became a Nobody. Dulor (his somebody) was the very first to introduce Tuffy to life outside the confines of the home she was placed in and naturally the two grew closer from there. Tragically, Dulor sacrificed himself for Tuffy in Montressor's destruction. Upom becoming a Nobody and being initiated into Organization XIII, Luxord seemed to be quite fascinated with Tuffy even as an outsider on the opposite side as her, he seemingly remembered how close they were, even if he didnt' realize that they were once in love before. He would observe her during fights and would begin jumping in to finish them off for her in hopes of grabbing her attention. He would also start leaving her romantic messages on the backs of playing cards, in hopes that that she would want to seek him out as well to jog their memories. A great opportunity came to him when he witnessed Tuffy fending off her three brothers and being forced to jump into the churning ocean during their time in the Carribean. Not willing to see the one he had grown attached to die in vain, he would grab her and bring her to shore, before bringing her home and leaving her another message telling her what he had done. Alas, Luxord couldn't dare reveal his identity to the girl yet, as they were sadly on opposing sides of a battle. However, when Tuffy caught him in her gaze after lunging towards him when he finished off Heartless for her again, he had to come clean. Tuffy remembered everything, and both of them were disparaged at how they were now at odds with each other because of their differing motives. Regardless, the two would rendevous in secret, rekindling their affection. Even after Luxord's defeat she would continue to have him on her mind. Come KH3, Luxord knew he had to make a tough decision to spare Tuffy's life from Xehanort's wrath if he were to find out what they had between them. The two had one final moment together before parting ways for good, promising to find one another after Luxord was complete again. Which would come to pass. As Dulor again, he would desperately seek out his beloved Tuffy until he finally found her during the knighting cermony.



Tuffy has been around since early 2021 as a background character before I finally decided to flesh her out. Being close with Luxord was always a part of her story, however her origins and first design were pretty rough. I completely overridden the original design and personality of hers (a colorful, Wonderland inspired character with a fiery temper) for a calm and euphoric woman of steampunk fashion.


Headcanon theme song "Waltz of the Hours"

Appearances in Other Universes



  • Her last name, Kronos, is a spin on "Chronos", the god of time.
  • Tuffy's cat, Keno, is a ragdoll cat. She was later determined to be female, rather than male after giving birth to 7 kittens.
  • Tuffy's ancestor is named Bram, after the author of Dracula, Bram Stoker.
  • Tuffy's homeworld is the main city from the movie Treasure Planet, it was hinted at briefly in KH3.
  • TBA

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