Lori Rossali



9 months, 22 days ago


Full name: Lori Rossali

Name Meaning: Lori means “Laurel” 

Nicknames: LoLo (teasingly, by Lauriam), Saint (by Lelandess), Birdie

Age: Physically mid 20s, presumably eons old. 

Occupation: Guardian of Faliux 

Weapon: Bells of Rapture (Battle Axe)

Birth place: ???

Birth date: September 3

Height: 5’6 

Weight: ???

Blood type: ???

Astrological sign: Virgo

Clothing Measurements: Waist 24, Hips 36, Bust 35 (US Size D) 

Species:  Cherub

MBTI: ENFJ (Mentor) 

Physical description and Appearance: A fairly attractive cherub female with medium long brown hair, feathery white angel wings that fade into gold towards the tips, a halo that resembles a small sun or rayburst, and heterochromic eyes of one red and one blue

Personality: Seems very spontaneous, troublemaking, and brash at first, but in reality Lori is a kind, gentle, encouraging, and extremely wise guardian figure.

Special Abilities, attacks, skills, magic: 

Element Type: Lori’s main element is Space, she can manipulate gravity, distort space around her to confuse or immobilize enemies, cause rains of star-shaped rays to fall or shoot forward, can cause a nebula-like mist on the field that can have various effects, use general psychic abilities like her relative Faliux, and likewise has her own divinity. Lori’s divinity is projected as crystals, which can be used as projectiles or to trap opponents in.

Desperation Move: Heavenly Requiem - By bending gravity, Lori causes a powerful stardust vortex to appear on the field which tears at the space around all opponents drawn into it and immobilizes them while doing severe damage (sort of like Rosalina's final smash). Lori then uses psychic suggestion to throw her enemies about and hit them with star rays/comets or slam them against walls she makes by distorting space. 

Limit Break: Sparkling Bombardment ~ Lori causes a storm of crystals to swirl about the field for a while, some opponents are trapped in crystal for a brief period of time.

Advantages in battle: Fast moving and a tricky dodger, erratic attack patterns are difficult to read 

Disadvantages in battle: Her spontaneity can also lead her to be caught off guard and not be able to likewise read her enemies’ attack patterns. 

Fatal Flaws: Lori’s grief has caused her to develop a guilty conscience, and thus surrenders easily, apologizes too often, and is easily beaten into submission 

Additional Info::

Likes: Joking around with friends, peach blossoms, giving hugs, riding on Lauriam’s shoulders

Dislikes: Being bored for too long, too warm of weather, being reminded of her failure

Favorite Color: Pink and gold

Favorite Food: Angel Food Cake

Homeland: Land of Departure

Hobbies: Gardening, baking, dance, sparring with Tuffy, drawing, journaling

Fears: Losing Lauriam a second time, letting Faliux down 

Theme quotes: “Even after all this time has passed.. I still failed her…” 

Voice Claim: English Kat Steel (Ibuki), JP Aki Toyasaki (Kofuku) 

Family: Faliux (niece), Aeterna (younger sister), Darigan (brother in law), Khepri (father), Ner (older brother), Tuffy (caretaker)

Bestfriends: Sirix, Lelandess, Zuul, Amber, Elrena, Strelitzia (deceased), Ephemer, Biggie (her Chirithy)

Friends: Skuld, Brain

Rivals: Elrena (playfully) 

Enemies: Vitali, Luxu, Ner/Master of Masters 

Marital Status: In a relationship 

Love Interest: Lauriam 

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Strengths: A good coach of sorts, an encouraging friend, humorous, knowledgeable, knows a lot of random trivia

Weaknesses: Surrenders easily, gets lost in thought frequently, is narcoleptic so she can nod off quite easily 


Before KHUX - Lori Descends

Khepri sent Lori, his first daughter and an inquisitive young cherubim to the mortal plane to observe humanity as his study, as well as to be of service to protect hearts in his namesake from the evils of the Primordial Darkness. She was warned of a being that called itself “Darkness”, who in fact was the great Vitali, the Fallen, who was leading an insurrection against Khepri to take all the hearts and consume them in order to take command as Kingdom Hearts, away from the benevolent Khepri. She had saw through the beginnings of the creation of the Unions at the command of the master of masters, unaware of just who he was working with. She had met a curious young girl by the name of Strelitzia, who Lori developed a fast friendship with, as her divine purpose allured the girl in a way. Through her friendship and guidance of Strelitzia, Lori had met her older brother Lauriam, and he took a liking to Lori as well, finding solace that his younger sister had made yet another friend fast. Not to mention Lori appeared to be his age, so naturally he decided to become her friend as well. Over time the three of them became inseparable, along with a sweet girl named Elrena, as Lori quite enjoyed having another girl that was her age to talk to. 

KHUX - Lori’s friendship with the Union Leaders

Lori befriended the other remaining leaders of the unions rather quickly, as she had taken up interest in observing the work of humanity through her friendships with them, choosing to walk with them as one of their own. Still, Lori had to keep reporting back to Khepri, yet she feared revealing what she was doing to her friends, as she was worried they would come to fear her. Lori had come to notice that Strelitzia was oftentimes going off to mess around with another friend of hers, and oftentimes getting herself into binds. This oftentimes upset Lauriam with worry, and Lori offered a sense of comfort for the boy, and during this time, Lori had begun to develop more strong feelings for him, yet she dared not reveal that to Khepri, another fear of hers that he would be upset over growing attached to someone. Being torn between two sides, keeping secrets from both ends, took a toll on her however, and she became visibly more and more distressed as time went on. Thus she went away for a while to speak with Khepri about her secrets, and he was surprisingly the opposite of angry with her. He told her that it was noble to choose to walk with the humans, and sent her back to continue her journey. But before she could settle her personal dilemma, she overheard strelitzia being spoken to by Ava, who had foretold the world would end and that she would need to take her place after a so called “Keyblade War” would erupt. This was her call, she had to tell Khepri of this, as well as her Union Leader friends. Alas, she was unable to. As Lori was found by Maleficent, who was trying to access a device to return to her time, and the device was incomplete. The energy Lori gave off was perfect, and she was taken to be a substitute piece of the Ark. Lori, sensing the darkness within her, and fearing her to be a primordial darkness, fought her and drove her away. That decision she would soon regret however, as galavanting through the area she would find that she had defeated Lauriam. Heartbroken and fearful, Lori cradled him and shielded him in tears throughout the entirety of his unconsciousness, remaining unmoving for days. Once awoken, she smiled and proclaimed her feelings, and he returned the confession, but he still had to look for strelitzia, so they parted ways for now. She unfortunately had to return to Lauriam confronting Darkness who had taken over a boy named Ventus to strike down Strelitzia, and he had pushed him into submission enough for Darkness to slip out and be defeated by him. She continued to accompany Lauriam throughout his internal turmoil in believing that Ventus still might have Darkness within. However, an armored man on horseback came to them, proclaiming that Lori had to return “home” as there was great danger incoming that Khepri had sensed. Reluctantly Lori left, gifting Lauriam with her hair ribbon and a single kiss goodbye, before returning to the divine with Genesis 

DR - Aeterna’s Mentor

Lori had once again been tasked to return to the mortal plane, this time to accompany another being that wished to walk among the humans, a seraphim named Aeterna, and the second daughter of Khepri. She kept the girl company throughout her preparation to descend, however it had to be done sooner, as Khepri had felt a disturbance. That disturbance was the rampage of Baldr, possessed by Darkness. Both her and Aeterna descended once more, and Aeterna’s attention was quickly diverted by one of the fallen, or rather almost fallen. A boy named Darigan who was barely hanging on. Lori, due to having more experience, told Aeterna she could only save him,as the result would spare her divine status and power, but at the sacrifice of giving her mortality. Aeterna did, and saved him. Lori over time continued to serve as guidance for Aeterna, up until her murder. She witnessed Luxu strike her best friend and sister down, much like Darkness within Ventus had done before, setting off Lori’s emotions as the same thing that had happened to lauriam  had now happened to her sister. Furious, she followed Luxu after he had encased Aeterna’s body in prism and clipped off her wings, putting her blood, one of the wings, and her laurel inside of a black box, that of which was passed on to someone. That someone was the Master of Masters, who Lori had heard of many times before, and he had praised Luxu for doing his will.

As the Master of Masters arrived to collect Aeterna’s heart, Lori stepped in with fury. She took Aeterna’s heart and sealed it within herself before he could take it, fleeing the scene being chased down by him. Even though she had technically saved Aeterna’s life in the long run, she fell into great remorse, fully believing she had failed her sister by being too late. Lori was taken in by a mysterious man in armor known as Freyr, a creature sent by Khepri who had been in the keyblade war to spurn the tides of battle towards the war’s end. Freyr had been told to protect Lori from suffering the same fate as Aeterna, as the Master of Masters had proven himself a threat and would only come after her again. He had to seal her away in an eternal casing as a result to be awoken when there were enough strong heroes in this world to defeat him and his overseer. Lori agreed to come with him, and was sealed in the palace Darigan had built in memory of Aeterna to keep her safe.

Lori was absent throughout BBS and KH1

358/2 Days (Lori awakened by Tuffy and first encountering Marluxia and confronting him) 

The slumbering Lori was found by a mysterious woman by the name of Tuffy, who had broken her seal using her family’s inherited power. Confused at how she knew where to find her, Lori asked Tuffy her ambitions, and she revealed that she read the legends of Khepri’s legacy as a young girl, and strived to free the one daughter of his that remained, and how that the daughter of his slain daughter was still alive somewhere, a girl named Lufia. This gave Lori her new task, as she had remembered that Aeterna did in fact have a surviving child, and it would be her utmost duty to ensure her protection. Thus she set off to find this daughter of Aeterna’s, taking up residence in Tuffy’s home where she would be cared for and trained by the mysterious diamond-bearing woman. Lori began to follow the auras that lingered from Lufia. However, this quest brought her back in contact with someone she knew too well. The nobody of her old flame, Lauriam, now bearing the name Marluxia. He had briefly remembered who she was, yet couldn’t remember the things they shared so long ago, leaving Lori heartbroken, but at the same time hopeful she could jog his memory by lingering around for a while longer, in hopes they could resume their old bond from eons ago. She took her chance because she had still the task of finding Lufia at hand, asking if Marluxia knew anyone that gave off a similar atmosphere as her. He did, and she was at the castle he resided in. They parted ways, but that fateful encounter set something off within Marluxia, he began to recount his time with Lori ever so slowly. He was despaired, though, as his current state would never fully allow him to reconnect. Nevertheless, he was determined to do whatever he could to try and rekindle the lost connection full circle. His almost lustful desire for her back in his life, and her trust, combined with his want to uncover the truth about the Keyblade, fueled the desire for him to overthrow the Organization. Achieving both came hand in hand, or so he had begun to believe. 

Chain of Memories (Lori’s first true appearance) Heartbroken 

Lori had gotten word via a ‘friend’ of Tuffy’s, by the name of Luxord, who had claimed that Faliux had been trapped in a place called Castle Oblivion by none other than Marluxia, in a futile attempt to get Lori back to him. He knew about Lori’s desires to keep her safe through Tuffy, and thus set out to look for Lori and belay the news. As much as Lori was glad to hear her ‘friend’ was okay, she could not let her emotions get the better of her. Marluxia had crossed the line- all to try and selfishly reach out to her for his own gain. Appalled by the way someone she once knew so well would stoop so low just to have her on his side again, she made her departure to the castle to confront her now corrupt old friend after rescuing Faliux, donning a white coat to shield her identity. She also had run into Sora, who was on the path towards confronting the Lord of the Castle himself, she would give him advice and words of encouragement, as well as belay bits and pieces of her story to him in a cryptic way, almost as if she was telling a fable to give him that spark. After finding her niece locked in a secret room of the castle, she set to work on sending Faliux back to her home and offering her some words of wisdom. Only after finding her own comfort in seeing Faliux okay, she mustered up the courage to confront Marluxia, right before he would fight Sora with his Specter. Surely enough, Marluxia was happy to see her, but she wasn’t going to return the welcome so easy. Tearfully, she cried out for him that there was still a chance for him to go back to the way things were, if he were to cease this madness and stop hurting Faliux just to draw her out, and to stop trying to coerce Faliux into his ideals just to get her to notice. However, Marluxia was so caught up in his plan, and lust for the Keyblade from long ago, that he didn’t listen to her, telling her to leave and to never return as he had no use for her anymore as he had almost achieved his goal of discovering the secrets of the Keyblade, she knew too much and thus he had no reason to keep searching for her. As much as it hurt Lori, she listened, as she surrendered to the fact that the man she once knew was gone for good, and that she’d have to find him some other way. Her will was all but done with sparing Faliux, now she was left purposeless now that helping her old flame see the light again was now impossible. 

KH2 - Lori’s own fall from grace

Lori’s despair at the events in Castle Oblivion became more powerful over time, and the guilt of her “failures” to Aeterna had also begun to return. She became more and more distant with Tuffy, and she began to worry the woman by oftentimes disappearing for long hours just to lament alone about losing everything, in fear of distressing her caretaker. However, she did try to distract herself by joining Lelandess on her missions with the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee, however there was something about Lelandess that made her feel even more pain- as she saw Freyr within her, and the memories became too much quickly. Even when Sora came upon her in distress and offered her comfort, she refused, as she remembered exactly who he was from Castle Oblivion, and even though he didn’t remember her, the pain and the shame she felt for drifting between his and Marluxia’s side remained, and she feared he resented her deep down. The culmination of these feelings all but became too much for Lori- and she decided she had to go through with a plan she had been debating on going through with for a long time. Taking Freyr’s sword out of a display in Hollow Bastion, Lori disappeared under the radar and arrived at the Realm of Darkness. Lori had also had noticed Faliux blacked out on the shore- and since she was unconscious, the cherub had believed Faliux was actually dead, and thus she felt as if she failed again. The suffering within her had truly came to a breaking point and she fully had internalized the guilt, she had not only failed Aeterna, but Lauriam and Strelitzia as well, by letting Lauriam stray so far from his ideals when he became a Nobody. The only way to repent was to go out the same way Aeterna did- an arcane blade through her heart.. Thus she found where Freyr’s sword lay, raised the blade to her chest, and pierced it through her heart. 

KH3 - Reawakening, and her promise to keep

Lori awoke in the Realm of Darkness, unsure of how she survived when she made sure that the sword had befell her. All that she knew was that she had made a mistake, and in doing so she had fallen from grace the same way Lauriam had.  However, a spiritual apparition of Aeterna appeared to her, she spoke to Lori and told her that her heart was within her the whole time and that she had to keep going, for she still had a legacy to withhold. The legacy of ensuring Faliux is okay and to be her voice of support and guidance still existed, especially here and now because of recent things she has faced. Lori still couldn’t face Aeterna, breaking down and proclaiming her belief that she had failed her for being too late to the scene of her death. Aeterna simply reassured her that even she couldn’t have stopped the event from happening, and it would never be her fault, and she had to learn to forgive herself. She disappeared, but not before telling her that there was someone who had returned that would benefit greatly from her presence, leaving Lori with a new purpose. She was brought back to Twilight Town in a flash of light, and ended up once more in the home of Tuffy, who resumed once more caring for the lost cherub. Even though Lori’s desires to get her old life back have failed, she now has Faliux to care for again. Thus she made it her duty to achieve that, and she found the girl again, despondent at what happened to Xemnas and lamenting at his absence, clearly grieving his death. Sympathizing with her subject’s grief, Lori would be that voice of comfort that Faliux needed to move on, even when Xemnas returned. Seeing that her niece had her love interest returned, Lori held onto hope that maybe Lauriam was now out there, or even if he was back once more as Marluxia. The latter would prove to be the case, and the two met again. Lori however, was still not ready to forgive him for what he had put her through at the castle, thus confronting him again for what had happened. Marluxia did manage to calm Lori down enough to explain that his return now had been a fluke, as he was brought back to serve only as a device to Xehanort’s desires and that it was best to just leave him alone. Lori, however, still had it in her to help him out in any way to fully return to his former self, and promised him that she’d be right there when he was finally complete . Her resilience struck a chord with Marluxia, and he swore to go and find her once he had found himself again, and he’d strive to help them both start over in the here and now, slowly learning to love all over again when he was ready. They made amends, and Lori was there when Marluxia was defeated- watching the fight from a distance and keeping up hope in her heart, as well as her own promise to stay by Faliux’s side, as that was now her true calling, to be the support her niece needs and to help her come to terms with her own past. 

KH: Parables Origins - Coming back around

Lori continued to serve as a mentor for Faliux, and rediscovering that goal she made a beeline to find her again to check on her, as it had been ages since they last saw each other . Faliux was ecstatic to see her relative again, and told her all about her journeys and how she had fully helped Xemnas find himself and a new lease on life, and how rescuing Koroblynx allowed her to gain her heart back again, thus allowing her to once more access her true potential. Lori was ecstatic, as she is now truly helping Faliux be Aeterna’s living legacy, and thus she had truly not failed her late sister. She offered to be Faliux’s personal confidante and guidance, which she accepted. Taking Faliux’s hand, she wanted to help Faliux with her most outlying problem, she still hadn’t fully forgiven her father, and Lori decided that showing her the palace she was sealed in by Freyr, built by Darigan’s own hands, would help her along. This succeeded in soothing Faliux’s soul, and it gave her the strength to seek him out and rekindle their father-daughter bond, and in thanks she freed Aeterna’s battle axe from the remaining crystal, passing it onto Lori as Freyr had wished she would accept it back eventually. Accepting the gift in return settled Lori’s soul, breaking her free of the cycle of guilt. Aeterna once again appeared to Lori in spirit, congratulating her and telling her that her gift to her for persevering and finding her true purpose was waiting outside the palace, as someone was looking for her and that Aeterna’s spirit was the voice leading them to the location. There, looking for some solace after said “voice” had spoke to him, was Lauriam, who had become fully himself again. Lori, in tears, ran over to greet him, both fulfilling that final promise. He had also brought with him Lori’s old Chirithy, Biggie, as a way to welcome her home, saying that Aeterna (or in his words “the voice”) had returned him to his physical form.