


5 years, 10 months ago


Name Babette
Species StarDasher
Age 29
Height 5"3
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Pansexual
Relationship Status Widowed
Occupation Secretary
Theme [song]

Status NFS
Designer [username]
Worth $120







Babette grew up in a small poor desert clan. Her family had nothing but mouths to feed and a moisture farm that was rapidly drying up. So eventually her parents did the reasonable thing - they sold their kids. Turned a profit and got rid of a few hungry mouths. They took advantage if the close passing by of Sangev, and ont by one offloaded their burdens.

Babette was picked up by a lower class family that moved with the city, who needed extra help with their labor and were well enoguh off that they could aford the expense in the interest of increasing efficiency. This was how she met Gin, the son of that same family. Despite the class difference, Gin and Babette were essentially treated on the same level of free labor. Their relationship was never one of a master and servant, and Gins parents treated her just as poorly as they treated their own... so not terribly overall.

Nunc vel viverra eros. Aliquam nibh diam, mollis et est in, imperdiet condimentum lorem. Cras quis nisi laoreet, cursus arcu at, vulputate ante. Mauris tincidunt ligula ultricies metus euismod, eu mattis justo faucibus. Vestibulum interdum blandit tortor placerat porta. Mauris eu mauris metus. Nullam id massa id quam imperdiet vehicula. Morbi luctus neque et purus malesuada pretium. Integer pulvinar et justo ac lacinia. Sed et rutrum ante. Nam ut viverra tellus, sed luctus leo. Pellentesque bibendum dui neque, vitae venenatis quam blandit vitae. Sed ut diam nec velit ultrices eleifend non id ante. Nam quis tortor consequat, ultricies diam a, lobortis arcu. Maecenas egestas nec ipsum quis hendrerit. Nullam ut velit sit amet eros pellentesque laoreet.