


6 years, 15 days ago


Age 25 B-Day 11/13
Build Athletic
Species Psyke
Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Pronouns He/him
Occupation Bassist in Pandora's Box
Creator Athren
Design Notes

  • Griffin almost always has his headphones on but can be drawn without them. However he does have piercings in his ears.
  • Griffin's hairstyle now is the orange and blue mohawk as shown on the image of the male hairstyle model.
  • Please do not draw Griffin in his original outfit without my permission please. I'm trying to get him drawn only in his new outfits and there are several to choose from. Feel free to hmu if anyone has any questions regarding this.
  • He is a tall boi at 6 feet and 3.25 inches tall

Griffin tries his very best to make sure those around him are happy. This backfires sometimes because he can just get so hyper or too hyped up with trying to help that it causes annoyances. But overall Griffin is just a young adult male with a good heart who's trying his very best to do the absolute best he can. And when he cannot calm himself down he has his adotpive father Cloud to reign him in and calm his hyper buns down.


Mad World - Gary Jules / Tears For Fears Cover by Jasmine Thompson

Panic! At The Disco: This Is Gospel Piano Version

My Chemical Romance - Cancer

Yuri!!! on Ice Opening Lyrics FULL History Maker by Dean Fujioka

Pika Girl - S3RL Nightcore Version


  • Griffin's older brother Taylor raised him by himself for several years and Griffin still misses him terribly.
  • Griffin is the only one who knows this but on the inside of his headphones Taylor wrote a message to him. "To the best little brother ever! Love ya Griffin! Love, Taylor."
  • Someday Griffin hopes to either have a child or two of his own or two adopt at least one child. Gender doesn't matter to him.
  • In the past Griffin learned a fair bit of German but never grew to be completely fluent in it.
  • His favorite movie from his childhood years is Muppet Treasure Island

  • Bright colors
  • Memories of his deceased brother Taylor
  • Spending time with Cloud and his friends

  • Being alone for too long, it brings back flashbacks of his younger years at times
  • Not being able to see Cloud
  • Being without music
  • Others touching his headphones

When Griffin was young he was a very shy. boy. That shyness has mostly faded as he's gotten older but some of it is still there. Griffin was born into a very happy family but was especially close with his eldest brother Taylor. They did basically everything together that they could and were very happy for a time. However once the toxins started filling the air Taylor's health declined quickly. Within less than a year after becoming ill Griffin came back with food and water only to find that Taylor had passed away in his sleep. Griffin frantically tried to bring Taylor back to life with CPR but Taylor was already dead and gone. Griffin had been dealing wit ha lot of depression and worrying over Taylor's health but after losing Taylor a fragment of his happiness permanently left him. Taylor died the day before Griffin's 20th birthday. Griffin noticed that Taylor had made a special gift for Griffin and wrapped it up as best he could with old newspaper. The gift was Griffin's headphones which is why he never lets anyone else touch them. Taylor must have been working on them in secret while Griffin wasn't around and thus they're his most prized possession. Griffin also noticed a photo album that Taylor had been working on as best he was able to. That photo album is Cloud's second most prized possession as it's one of the few links he has to remember all the happy times he had with his family and especially with Taylor. Cloud, one of Taylor's closest friends, had been stopping by to help out when he could as well since he was pretty close by. He came to visit the next day to celebrate Griffin's 20th birthday and Griffin handed Cloud a note from Taylor. It simply read, "If you're reading this Cloud then I've passed away. I'm afraid to leave Griffin on his own so please take care of him for me now. He's probably going to really need you day and night for awhile but please fulfill my final wish Cloud. Sincerely, Taylor." Griffin will never forget this day either. It was the saddest birthday he's ever had but Cloud has stayed true to Taylor's final wishes for Griffin. The two of them are very close now and Griffin knows he can always count on Cloud no matter what time of the day it is or if Cloud's busy doing anything else. He can always go to Cloud if he needs emotional support or even just a hug. Random facts about Griffin: He's closest with Cloud but is currently looking for more friends and even romance. He's a very kind and giving man but only shares his book collection with others who aren't Cloud unless he really trusts them. Griffin's book collection is mostly his own along with a few books that Cloud has given him from his own collection. Griffin can be very hyper at times and if he were to ever become romantically involved with anyone they would have to be able to keep up with his hyper activity. He loves cooking, baking, and preparing food in general. What he lacks in calmness he makes up for in friendship and giving out snacks to others, especially his friends. Griffin can be very lonely at times, especially when thinking about his deceased eldest brother Taylor, but Cloud makes sure to be there for Griffin in those moments in particular.