Meridia de Mystalion



9 months, 28 days ago





NameMeridia de Mystalion
OccupationKnight, Peacemakers Guild
ResidenceApartment in Arc Capital

"If I must move mountains alone, I will." 


Meridia can almost seem incapable of emotion at times and stays relatively quiet in most cases. When she does speak, it is almost invariably in a monotonous tone which doesn't convey how she feels inside. This isn't to say that she lacks emotions, she simply chooses to hide her feelings from most others. She can and does open up to those that she truly trusts and cares for, but earning her trust is a difficult process.

Meridia does not take failure lightly, especially from herself. In this way, she is a perfectionist, sometimes to her own detriment or that of others. This also extends to work ethic, as she takes her duties very seriously and will often go out of her way to get extra things done as well.

Despite her flaws, Meridia is ultimately a kind and polite person. She treats even the lowest of the low with respect, and considers those above her as needing to do the same. She believes a society must be judged on how it treats its least fortunate members. If leadership is incapable of doing so, she would be the first to say so, openly and honestly.


Meridia dresses rather formally in most occasions, including during combat and at the beach. Her typical outfit consists of boots, a combat skirt, a buttoned short with flowing blue sleeves, and a crimson cloak on her back. A red lace rose is adorned in her hair, and the sword Thunderbrand is usually in its sheathe at her side.


Astilla Calloway

Meridia met Astilla during a routine stroll through Arc Capital, witnessing the Tinkatuff smacking her head into a lamp post. Although their encounter was brief, Astilla left a lasting impression on Meridia and the two have met several times since on various quests. Meridia is mildly protective of Astilla, given the latter's youth.


Meridia met Snapdragon as a result of her spar with Eriu. The Shaymin seemed rather defensive before watching Eriu and Meridia spar, but during their dinner afterwards Snapdragon seemed to open up just a little. Meridia doesn't quite know what to think of Snappy, but the girl is a cute one.

Roselyn Edmonds

During an attack on Arc Capital's market by lost souls, Meridia and Rosie were part of the group which defended the area and evacuated civilians. Although Meridia didn't witness much of Rosie's actions, she considers the girl's earnest heroism a positive trait. Meridia is likewise mildly protective of Rosie given the latter's youth.

Evangeline Edmonds

Meridia and Angie crossed paths during a prison break in Arc Capital. Tasked with guarding two prisoners alongside some others, Meridia could not help but appreciate Angie's skill in both combat and oration. Meridia is interested to see Angie once more at some point, and perhaps re-recruit her to the Peacemakers.

Lilian Edmonds

After Meridia's failed apprehension of the criminal Veronica Zippy, the latter used an Escape Orb to teleport the injured and poisoned Meridia straight into the living room of the Edmonds'. Lily took it upon herself to treat Meridia's wounds, and for that she is grateful.


Meridia was born as the eldest daughter of a pair of Gardevoir. In her youth, her parents employed experts in many fields to tutor her, and Meridia gained a younger sister named Onyxia when she was only two or three years of age. At some point, Meridia lost both her parents and Onyxia. Not much else is known about her past, and Meridia is not one to speak of it. Perhaps more can be learned later.

Present Day

Meridia continues to valiantly serve the Peacemakers, attempting to defend those less fortunate and to bring justice to the wicked. Slowly but surely, though, Meridia's connections are being built and she is having to confront both the past and her own emotions. Combined with a continent-wide threat, Meridia is prepared to face it all, whatever the cost may be. Duty is as heavy as a mountain, and death is as light as a feather.


Standard Theme: Orlais Theme ~ Dragon Age: Inquisition

Battle Theme: Pokemon ~ Champion Cynthia Battle

Meridia has a secret sweet tooth. Pancakes are delicious.

Meridia's Pokemon nature is Quiet.
