Elliot Biss



9 months, 5 days ago




full name
Elliot Biss








Your average twinkish scientist. Kinda always wears a lab coat. Really likes green pants. If he wasn't constantly needed to wear PPE, he'd dress academically. Bro his job is his life. He's dirty blond. That's a fun fact.




What isn't there to love about Elliot? He's a scientist with an anxiety disorder, struggling to even function. He seems stable on the surface but out of everyone on his team, he's in the bottom for stability. He's got such a high intelligence stat but his wisdom is sometimes something to be desired. But he is thoughtful, he is kind. And he is fucking determined.

And terrified, he is literally fighting his old boss.





social class


He's just some guy. Nothing bad ever happened to him. Everyone in his family is smart. Mom is a doctor, Dad is an electrian, sister is also a doctor.


Character Namerelationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Character Namerelationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Character Namerelationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.



Insanely brilliant scientist, Elliot has made ground breaking studies on Epithets that have changed how people view them. Unfortunately, he REALLY changed someone's perspective on them. Originally brought to Dynamic Details to work on the Gemini Project, Elliot's studies could move them miles ahead of any and every curve on Epithet removal. If... Elliot didn't start getting doubts... and super anxious... and start stealing prototypes from work.

"Oh, uh, well, I used to work for Dynamic Details. I was the head of a team that was continuing some research I.. worked on… in college. It was this way to take part of an epithet, separate it from the main body, and store it in a device. It was originally devised as a way to lower the proficiency of people with harmful epithets, but, uh… for various technical reasons that turned out to not be the best practical application of the technology, so we moved onto more of what you can do once you have a piece of the epithet stored, and after a few months of tinkering we discovered that through the right electrical stimulation you can make the epithet fragment use a low-level ability that the epithet possesses, and so we had started to work on different potential applications for that ability when Derek - the CEO - and I had a falling out. Essentially, I had been concerned about the project moving too fast. Derek had been giving us more and more funding, we were making progress more and more quickly, and I was getting concerned that we may end up releasing a product without first analyzing all of the potential ethical implications of that product. So I had gone to Derek and I had told him about these concerns, but he was very dismissive about them. He seemed to just want progress no matter the cost, and that was something I… was not... okay with. Um, because of that dismissal, I had started stalling a bit on my work, thinking I could just slow down a bit until Derek would listen to me, but he never seemed to budge, and so stalling turned to dragging my feet, dragging my feet turned to actively blocking research and, well, I suppose I won’t beat around the bush - I started stealing things from them. At first it was just a few documents, but it eventually turned into working prototypes, and even going in actively deleting things from databases. Eventually Derek found me out and, well, fired me. I immediately came here to the police hoping I could get them shut down, but it’s a bit difficult to build a case on stolen items and technology no one outside of a company knows exists. So I got a part time job as a substitute teacher, and things were going well, until I came across a… I suppose he was a contractor of some sort, of Dynamic Details."


After reporting... well his anxiety attack to the local Orange Lock station, Elliot could only sit on his hands and wait. Getting a job as a substitute, Elliot passed time and kept a cash flow. Right until the field trip he was chaperoning walked right into a super secret basement under a farm that held one of his inventions. So obviously Elliot did the reasonable thing and sicked a bunch of 12 year olds on it.

"He had this whole food production setup made entirely out of the type of epithet technology that I had worked on while at Dynamic Details, but more advanced in many ways. I confronted him about it and apparently Derek himself had told this man to be on the lookout for me. I kind of… panicked and told a bunch of 6th graders to fight him. Mancio, you were there, so you know how that went. After that, Jessica asked me to come here, and, well, that’s where we’re at now."


Okay so you don't just break into someone's property and throw 6th graders at a problem until it blows up and get away with it. As a semi punishment, semi we desprately need you, Elliot was set on the team investigating Dynamic Details. And oh god. Did it start TERRIBLY.

"When you’re designing a machine that can potentially do anything, you have to be very, very careful about what you do. The more good the machine can do, the more bad it could potentially do as well. So, in order to minimize potential harms, you keep the power rating on these devices very low. It should ideally be as little as an average TV uses, just to guarantee safety. But… the power supply I just pulled out of that machine is rated for 1500 watts. That is enough to make nearly any epithet dangerous. The only reason you would… EVER… go this high is if your intent… was to cause harm. So, unless they all suddenly became incompetent in the last year… they’re building weapons"


things to remember

Dude probably guessed your epithet

He actually carries a Gemini Cannon around with him. Constantly. He has 12 epithet at his disposal.

I Love him idk