


9 months, 30 days ago


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Ginger she/her | 5'3

"Yeah, yeah, sure. I'll do it. Just give me a day or two. ...Maybe a week."


Ginger is chill. Maybe a bit too chill. She doesn't care enough to put effort into most things in her life, including her side job as a magical girl. Most of the time, instead of doing anything that others want her to do, she'd rather be wandering around the city until she gets tired, taking in the sights and checking out stores on the way. Her teachers and classmates have long since pegged her as someone who's never going to go anywhere in life. Her parents still have some hope, so they're always on her case about taking initiative and not just dragging her feet through everything. Ginger is not a fan of this. Part of her does wonder why everyone else seems to have something they're striving towards and if she went wrong somewhere. Thinking about things like that is a lot of work, though, so it's easier to just enjoy the moment.


Like all magical girls, Ginger was granted her powers at age 16 (this age was chosen because 16 year olds are decently mature, even though many of them lack a lot of responsibilities. This leaves them with free time to perform their duties). She was extremely annoyed by this development and saw the idea of being a magical girl as just another thing she was being forced to do. She was so unwilling to fight the dark creatures in her neighborhood that they piled up and attacked her one day. Frightened, she fought back and defeated them. Since then, she begrudgingly fights the dark creatures, although she isn't really happy about it. When Cecilia showed up with the news that their city was the last part of the Earth that hadn't been taken over by the dark creatures, she was surprised. She's not lazy enough to sit back as the world gets taken over, though, so she set to work helping her wherever possible. Even if their third teammate was really annoying.

Ginger has powers that draw from the earth. Her attacks get stronger the more plants are around. Since she lives in a city, this means that her power levels fluctuate a lot. Bigger plants, like trees, offer more energy than smaller ones, like grass.

Fun facts

- Ginger loves all kinds of animals. She doesn’t have any pets, but one of the few times she showed initiative to do something was when she volunteered at an animal shelter for a couple of years. She stopped after becoming a magical girl (one extracurricular at a time, you know).