


9 months, 25 days ago


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Francis she/her | 5'11

"Er... remind me, what did you need? If it's nothing important, I'll be on my way."


Francis gives off the impression that she has her whole life together and appears very mature for her age. This is only true to a certain extent. She does take things seriously and has a good head on her shoulders, but she's also very awkward (despite not being shy). Half the time, she's actually just making things up as she goes along. She tends to stay away from people--not just as a magical girl, but in general. This is hard when a lot of people at school look up to her and/or want to copy her work.


Like all magical girls, Francis was granted her powers at age 16 (this age was chosen because 16 year olds are decently mature, even though many of them lack a lot of responsibilities. This leaves them with free time to perform their duties). She was mildly annoyed at having to pack yet another thing into her schedule, but after a while she got used to it. To her surprise, she found gratification out of defeating the dark creatures. It made her feel like she was doing something that actually had an impact, unlike her schoolwork and other activities. When Cecilia showed up with the news that their city was the last part of the Earth that hadn't been taken over by the dark creatures, she immediately offered to help. The only problem is that her other teammate irritates her to no end.

Francis's powers draw from darkness. This means that her powers are strongest at night (unless she's in a dark room or something). This works out nicely since she does most of her magical girl work at night. Her schedule during the day is pretty packed. She usually still manages to get a healthy amount of sleep in because the dark creatures are easy for her to handle.

Fun facts

- Her best subject is history, closely followed by math. She finds history fascinating and math satisfying to work out. Technically, her grades in everything are pretty similar. Those are just her two personal favorites.