Garnet Eins



9 months, 11 days ago

Basic Info


Garnet Eins


Unknown (appears 30s)


Genderless (She/they)


Gem Rabbit




Magic, saving the day, her siblings


Fighting with Amethyst, loneliness


Personality: Garnet is a highly energetic and excitable Gem Rabbit. As the first-created of all 12 siblings, she believes in being the best role model for everyone. This motivated them to emerge as the Moon's first official Magical Girl!

However, thanks to her busy schedule traveling throughout space and saving the world, this leaves her the sibling everyone sees the least; unfortunately, this is the catalyst for tension between Garnet and Amethyst.

Backstory: The Gem Rabbits are lunar creatures that resemble moon  rabbits, but like the namesake suggests, they're crafted solely from  gems. Every month of the year, the Lunarians collect shattered remains  of comets from vast moons in order to craft a special Gem Rabbit from each birthstone. Because Princess Kaguya is disabled and has a heavy fur  allergy, these rabbits serve as companions/pets for her!

Garnet served as their very first Gem Rabbit prototype. Since it was the Lunarians' first time carving a rabbit from stone, Garnet's initial appearances were rather scuffed. Considering their first gem ranks variously from 6.5 to 7.5 (according to the Mohs hardness scale), it was a moderate gamble on how to apply a model for all future rabbits. In fact, the current Garnet Eins model is the Lunarians' 31st rendition of them. A lot of different changes and upgrades? Yes, perhaps. This explains the fairly big age gap Garnet and Amethyst had between the rest of the rabbits.

All Gem Rabbits are crafted with a specific mineral, with one grand gem harnessing their power placed in a random area. Garnet has theirs placed inside the magic wand she carries around as part of her request.

When Ruby goes missing, she is unfortunately too busy saving this random alien population on this random alien planet to take action, but she's rooting for her little sis to make it home.


  • Excels in light-themed magic
  • The Gem Rabbit race created was indeed inspired heavily by Houseki no Kuni; in fact, they aim to combine aspects from both HnK and Steven Universe
  • Every Gem Rabbit is sexless and genderless by default, using they/them pronouns naturally. Garnet, however, also responds to she/her.

Drawing Notes

  • There's no right or wrong way to draw the hair texture! Feel free to experiment however you like!