Amethyst Zwei



9 months, 10 days ago

Basic Info


Amethyst Zwei


Unknown (appears 30s)


Genderless (She/they)


Gem Rabbit




Caring for her siblings, cooking, baking, teaching the Princess


Fighting with Garnet, loneliness, Garnet always running off


Personality: Amethyst is quite the opposite of her older sibling, Garnet. While Garnet is far too busy saving some random world, this left Amethyst as the "mother" of the other 10 Gem Rabbits. As such, this has made her leaving quite stressed, but at the same time, super loving to her family, no matter what. She is ALWAYS the first one to come to aid when anyone needs help, rabbit or Lunarian. 

Thanks to her decision to be the "stay-at-home mom", they rarely go out unless specifically requested; unfortunately, this is the catalyst for tension between Garnet and Amethyst.

Backstory: The Gem Rabbits are lunar creatures that resemble moon rabbits, but like the namesake suggests, they're crafted solely from gems. Every month of the year, the Lunarians collect shattered remains of comets from vast moons in order to craft a special Gem Rabbit from each birthstone. Because Princess Kaguya is disabled and has a heavy fur allergy, these rabbits serve as companions/pets for her!

Amethyst was the 2nd official Gem Rabbit prototype. Funnily enough, after the final succession of Garnet, the Lunarians got right down to work with crafting Amethyst. Their 31st revised blueprint model felt too good to be true to work once more, but alas, it did! Thanks to the amethyst being a more consistent 7 (according to the Mohs hardness scale), it felt like a breeze crafting Amethyst.

All Gem Rabbits are crafted with a specific mineral, with one grand gem harnessing their power placed in a random area. Amethyst has hers applied on her lower back, which they always cover behind big bows.

When Ruby goes missing, she has to be there to comfort her younger siblings, especially Sapphire, who takes the incident VERY seriously.


  • While she lacks any major magic, she is capable of healing through food. Gem Rabbits rarely need to eat, but there's no way you can say no to Amethyst's homemade cooking.
  • The Gem Rabbit race created was indeed inspired heavily by Houseki no Kuni; in fact, they aim to combine aspects from both HnK and Steven Universe
  • Every Gem Rabbit is sexless and genderless by default, using they/them pronouns naturally. Amethyst, however, also responds to she/her.