Prince Edmund 'Edie'



5 years, 10 months ago


【 Name 】 Prince Edmund 'Edie' 【 Called 】His highness, princey poo, thing 2, Edie
【 Age 】 19 【 D.o.B. 】 June 15thth
【 Gender 】 Male 【 Orientation 】 pansexual
【 Height 】 7'2 【 Build 】 Tall & Wirey
【 Origin 】 Royalty 【 Ethnicity 】 Native
【 Role 】 Prince 【 Alignment 】 Peacekeeper
【 Status 】 Single 【 Theme 】 link a song

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Edie is the middle brother to three current siblings. He is a playful soul who lives for acting, and the arts and dispite being a prince, has no ambition to one day rule the nation. He loves both his dads, and tries his best to be the best kid he can be while also being, possibly, the most dramatic of the siblings.

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