
【 Name 】 Maxis Neo Denver-Pendragon 【 Called 】 Max, Maxi, Sissy
【 Age 】 17 【 D.o.B. 】 Sep 28th
【 Gender 】 Male 【 Orientation 】 ???
【 Height 】 5'8 【 Build 】 Scrawny
【 Origin 】 Royal 【 Ethnicity 】 Native
【 Role 】 Alchemist 【 Alignment 】 Peacekeeper
【 Status 】 Single 【 Theme 】 link a song

Maxis was born to Azura Pendragon and Mort Denver on september 28th alongside his twin brother, Diore.

Maxis is a very mousy and lanky Kia who is known for his workaholic tendancies and vast comparison to the villagers as 'the mad scientist.' Truth be told he isn't mad at all, just very shy and blunt, often speaking his mind without or very little tact. He prioritises only three things in his life, his work, astrology, and his family. He takes great pride in being an officially licensed alchemist and sometimes acts snooty and superior when asked about it. Besides all of this, he is a family man, loving his mom, dad sisters and brother very dear and would do anything to them, even if he had to revoke his alchemist license in doing so.

He was a small and more timid child. Being that he and his brother were the first boys born in the family in a long time, the family was both shocked and thrilled and they soon became the babied spoiled children of the family. This made Maxis to grow up to be quite the sister's boy. He adored his older sisters, while his Brother did not. He loved the color pink, and his brother did not. By the time Azura was convinced by Mort to send the boys to the village school, he was a target for bullying. His brother, did not tolerate this and became quite the roughhowser to protect him. This caused the whole class to become his collective protectors over the course of their education, due to the fact that they're probably scared of his brother. While learning he became inmmersed in science, chemistry and Alchemy. He would spend many days in the village library just looking up different elixers and writings and copying his favorites into a small writing pad his mother would give him for one of his birthdays. He very quickly was known as the genius of the village students and graduated top of his class. After graduating he left home very breifly to research advanced alchemy in the capitol city of the kingdom in the royal archives. After around three years of jotting down research, Maxis then applied for and received an approved alchemist license by request from the king and he soon after went home to his family where he was given a section of their land to build his own labrotory/observatory to be able to work in while being close to home. He currently works in his lab near constantly while trying to be there for his parents and siblings. He's there to babysit his younger siblings and help out his parents during the cold winter months.

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