BO 🕶️



9 months, 16 days ago


brooke minz

name: brooke ryder minz
nickname(s): brooke; bo
mtbi: estp
species: aussie. shepard
pronouns: he/him
gender: male
age: 21 years
birthday: feb. 14th

bo minz is hattie-lynn's future boyfriend. bo is originally from australia, but, he moved to yugūre, then to tokyo with hattie. bo is unique to say the least; when he and hattie go to bonheur, bo is seen as a outsider, wearing make-up, dressing in gyarou fashion, and behaviorally standing out. bo is wild and unpredictable, but he is also openly affectionate and even at times, feminine. bo enjoys riding motorcycles at night, and other niche intrests such as collecting ramune bottles, and shopping at candy stores.


unperdictable amorous empathetic

extravert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


taffy, make-up, motorcycles, fashion.


violence, bugs, traffic, the past.

bo is described as: unique, empathetic, reckless, and affectionate.

while he is exotic looking, bo doesn't let his looks decive people, for he does have a more serious side when the setting calls for it. he strictly detestes violence, because he knows his limits and realizes that his anger may harm others. bo has been extremely empathetic his whole life, and this he doesn't hide. his empathy comes off as overwhelming, and even a nuisance to himself. as an example, he nearly used force to try and get hattie to stand up against fusae at the school festival. bo wanted hattie to finally leave their group, and stop living and contracting so much guilt over the years. he couldn't bear to watch it happen, so when he was put in place by hattie, with a painful slap, he was silent, and didn't realize what he had done wrong. these instances result in him hiding his feelings behind his kooky personality. when he is happy, which he mostly is, bo is described as the life of the party, and is always up for anything, anytime.

I. childhood
bo was adopted by a wealthy couple living in dernesta, australia when he was 5. while his family's main house was in dernesta, the three moved all around the world for years at a time because his dad was a high executive in a company. this led to bo having a mysterious background due to switching schools and environments frequently.
bo has always been an unruly child. he's always been very well liked, but the people who didn't like him often despised him. throughout his childhood he often rubbed some people the wrong way with his over-the-top personality, and at times even temper; so he channeled a lot of his energy into sports, and academics, which surprisingly came easy to him. still, throughout all his schools, he was quite popular for his uniqueness and experiences.
II. teenagehood
when the minz family returned to settle down at their house for a couple years, bo re-entered his old school district in middle school. he was still very well liked by his peers, but, he had a secret he had no close enough friends to tell. bo was very bi-curious at the time, and that was proven when he met another boy in his grade, heath. heath was quiet and often outcasted by his peers for wearing gyaruo fashion. the two began to talk and ending up dating. bo also began wearing gyaruo fashion as a way to express himself, but, he would later have conflicting feelings on the matter, as heath turned out to be very abusive. the two's relationship was a secret, and bo would often feel uncomfortable with keeping that to himself. if bo ever talked about leaving or breaking up, heath would threaten violence and other punishments. the two broke up sophomore year when bo left to go on an exchange in japan for three months. though be loved his friends and parents, bo used his exchange almost as an escape from dernesta.
III. adulthood
during his exchange he moved in with a kind, soft-spoken girl his age named hina hamasaki. to introduce him around, she introduced him to many people at school, including her old friend himiko-rin. "rin's in yoshida's clique, i wouldn't try and get close; she's stubborn." she'd joke. but, this was no joke to bo, to him it was love at first sight. the two began to hang out, with himiko always seeming distant. until one night, at the summer school festival, bo saw what himiko had been enduring. he joined fusae's group and confronted them, to which himiko ran away crying. the two shared a meaningful talk in the festivals lights. without going into specifics, bo saved himiko from fusae and the rest of her past. the two realized their shared feelings, but neglected to do anything with them; even when bo left to go back to dernesta. when himiko thought she'd never see him again, bo ended up moving to japan when he turned 19 with the rest of his family. bo's father had turned out to be himiko's fathers boss, and after a meaningful reunion a month after the move the two families met and approved of bo, complementing that he was just what himiko needed. the two moved to tokyo together and live in a shared apartment working at a popular night club. when hattie revolted against her past, she began wearing gyaru fashion and bo later realized that he would stay with his fashion choice too. the two are now apart of a widley diverse friend group, and himiko and hina had been brought together once more thanks to bo's help.

  • bo is bisexual AND bilingual.
  • bo's favorite color is pink and his birthday is on valentine's day.
    • every valentine's day he throws a huge party, with the help of his wealthy parents.
  • hattie and bo like to have 'secret' conversations in their friend group because their the only two that know english really well.

design notes


6'0 ft.


162 lbs.


upside-down trapazoid



  • bo is an austrailian shepard, so please include their markings on his hair, like his brown stripe. (spots are always optional).
  • please use his sunglasses unless told otherwise.
  • please add gyaruo make-up, but if you feel like you don't know much about it or just can't draw it, you don't have too.
    • keep the same outfit unless specified, and please remember his leg bandages!







bo and hattie have had a complex relationship through the time they've known each other. they've had many ups and downs, but that's expected, as the first time they met was in middle school. regardless off their downs the two love each other very much and respect the hardships the other has faced. the two are a very spontaneous duo who often bicker of small things and make up a second later. hattie would say she admires bo's openness and affection, and bo would say he admires everything about hattie.
although elijah and bo met under odd circumstances, the two act as if they've known eachother since childhood. seeing how happy elijah made hattie, and hearing about all their history only equated that bo would become best friends with elijah. the two are a contrasting duo who often act together in dire situations, while they often make attempts to hold eachother back. bo would say he admires elijah's logic and responsiveness, and elijah would say he admires bo's skill and experience.
when the two met bo immediately formed a hatred for shawn. everything about him rubbed bo the wrong way, and seeing his actions only made it worse. he particularly despises him because of his resemblance of of heath, and he notices as stark similarity towards fusae too. bo hates violence because of his anger, but when he finally ended up fighting him in the diner's parking lot, elijah had to restrain him from doing anything to irreversible.

"don't worry 'bout it."
