


9 months, 12 days ago


Name: ?

Falsum nickname: Phalange

Pronouns: She/Her

Class: Warrior (Ranger)

Age: ~390

Height: 12’

Nationality: Japanese

Mutations: Oni tusks

One of the worst corda out there, Phalange is the head of an old and powerful yakuza family. Originally from the Edo era, she was trained as a Samurai. She died via Seppuku, feeling that she had failed her family as their protector. When she came back as an adult corda, she decided to use the second chance to make up for her past dishonour, continuing her path as a warrior.
Once she reached a position of power in the Yakuza she stopped trying to hide her immortality and instead used it (and parts of her Grey Skin) as a tool to instil fear in her underlings. She gained a brutal reputation for her habit of collecting the finger bones from those who angered her, leading her to take Phalange as her falsum nickname.

Despite her fearsome personality, Phalange is always on the lookout for any FC that her work comes across. If they are killed by her gang (or by herself) she’ll take their bodies back to her manor so they can cocoon safely, and then introduce them to the Underground once they emerge.
In one case, a FC turned out to be perma-feral so she kept looking after them, continuing to do so for years after. At this point, Hand is basically her adopted kid. She only has one (1) weakness, and it’s a funny lil purple guy that hides rocks in her bed.

She also has a liking for Carpal’s unique paintings of scenery and has several of his works around her house. Her patience is tested each time he breaks in and raids her pantry however (Hand lets him in)