



Name will be changed when I think of a better one ^^"

Null was studying to be a psychologist, and dedicate his life to helping others. After hearing one too many bad takes from professors, he stood up in the middle of class, and left university for good. Figuring there must be a way to attain his goals without paying more money and time to the uncaring field of corporate medicine, he began looking in to alternative methods of influencing and understanding the human brain. It was many sleepless nights of research, which might've impacted his judgment, because when he finally came to the dreamwalker hypothesis, he jumped on it.

Null has turned to studying astral projection, lucid dreams, and hypnosis to enter the minds of patients and study them (or change them) from the inside, and slowly losing and transforming himself in the process. He's now something slightly more monster than human, with sharp teeth, mutated features, whiskers for sensing and navigating dream tunnels, and unusual pigmentation. He works with [Name Pending] a mad psychiatrist, and allows her to experiment on him in order to gain access to her resources and research.

Null has gained an appetite for dreams during his metamorphosis, but has been turning this towards some constructive - hiring himself out as a "sleep psychologist/doctor" for patients who struggle with PTSD and nightmares - eating those as a form of treatment (not that he tells them exactly how he is helping.)

He typically wears a mask when going out in public, citing a supposedly bad immune system, and dyes his hair back to brown when he has to be seen in professional settings.


  • Occupation: Sleep Psychologist, Mad Scientist
  • Allegiance/s: Cranium Command, Mad Lab
  • Likes: Humans, Shakespeare, activism, research, tea, reading, deep conversation, blunt people, Autist4Autist, getting comfy, treating patients, helping out, praise, affection.
  • Dislikes: Exclusory academia, talking about himself or his past in detail, inaccessibility in architecture and medicine and bureaucracy, most authority figures (especially shitty doctors and professors.)
  • Handle: @Dazedreamer
  • Emoji: ⚕️

» [Now Playing: Sleepwalking] «
0:00 ─〇───── ?:??
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✧ Wake Up // Jonathan Coulton ✧
✧ Clean Slated State // The Altogether ✧
✧ We Looked Like Giants // Death Cab for Cutie ✧

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