

8 months, 11 days ago

Basic Info



Tiny bio

102 was created offer the passing of experiment 101, 102 is the brother off 100, he's considered a mild failure due to not having any powers, but he is very strong, and is very close with 100, and the main reason the krang keep him around is being 100 asked them to let him stay, and they only want to make 100 happy, thus letting 102 stay within the facility and go wherever 100 goes, 100 and 102 are like best friends and do pretty much everything together

You may

Change the design but only a little, you may also change their gender and bio!

Do not

Do not sell or re-trade for more than what you paid without adding value and also don't sell to someone who doesn't have toyhouse AND DONT DELETE THE CHARACTER FROM TOYHOUSE


It's getting late to add his lore rn but semi-basing it off of the tiny bio
He is from one of the universes Kozmotis used to visit frequently, for a time he was there more then home but then everything went wrong
It met him at this time
Koz hopes he's okay it was very fond of him - but doesn't know if he could bare going back.

CII  [102 in roman numerals]
  [pronounced like sigh c-EYE]
Character is an adult!
He / Him pref but also uses it / they