Royal Blue T.B. Pearl (Rina AU)



4 months, 29 days ago


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defective . female . she/her

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「 Royal Blue Pearl 」

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alias Lia
cut Defective, Keshi
height 6'3"
build Scrawny
role Tech/assistant
affiliation Orthoclase/Serene District
gem location Left hand
alignment "Loyalist" (neutral)

Royal Blue Pearl, full legal name Royal Blue Trachyphyllia Bathypterois, is a former Serene Seiche District student Keshi tech/assistant who graduated after a very troublesome academic journey. She was the personal pearl of Star Peridot 6SK, a staff member in Radium Station, Planet Phion-A, although soon shattered after a team of rebellious gems shattered nearly half of the employees.


Positive Gentle / Adventurous / Loyal

Neutral Curious / Colorful / Optimistic

Negative Overthinking / Evasive / Socially Unaware

She can be described as gentle, adventurous, loyal, and kind. Most of these adjectives stem from the "assistant" subtype, acting somewhat like a caretaker or a nurse. These skills were used plenty back in her serving days, but she doesn't exactly hold the medical title, as, well- she doesn't work in Medical Bays herself. However, Lia can be easily seen tending to or supporting injured individuals. It is unknown why Star Peridot requested these traits, but it's safe to assume they might've held some combative or rageful tendencies.

On the other hand, she's quite socially unaware, evasive, overly enthusiastic, and overall not very mature on her own. Royal can easily block out her feelings or dismss them and blames everything on herself. Once she gets her hands on something she is passionate about, she will not stop until it's necessary for her to, and it might send some prejudice toward her. Not even mentioning her absurd interests, one may quickly label her as "childish" at first glance.


  • Royal wears a bracelet around her right wrist with orange beads and two little yellow plastic wings. Or fins. They're hard to tell. She gets pretty mad when you touch it without her permission, and talks to it as if it was an actual person from time-to-time.
  • She has skin markings that resemble veins. When using her power, they light up and become slightly redder. Once the glow is finished, Royal is left with saturated color for around 15 seconds before her skin turns slightly grey. Don't worry, it's not permanent. In 5 minutes, she's able to use it again.
  • Lia is extremely skilled taking care of child-coded gems. Why? Not sure, she's kinda... good with it, I guess.
  • Isn't good at masking emotions at all. She won't make her staring subtle.
  • When poofed, there is a very small chance that she can die. Tiny... but not zero.
  • Will not let you touch her unless you have her permission. She enjoys physical touch, but please make sure to ask first. There are only a few people that are allowed to touch Royal, mostly due to her constant body pains and also her sensivity surrounding her subject.
  • Morning Sky
  • Cold
  • Shooting Stars
  • Darkness
  • Freezing Or Burning Temperatures
  • Traitors


Iriatherina Werneri Pearl
Royal's very confused on who Rina actually is. Is he a clone of Finn? Is he brainwashed Finn? Or is he maybe a spy being sent to localize her after leaking a Rainbow Puppy Adventures Episode? She tries to remain careful with him, but can't help to slip out information. She's half convinced herself she is dreaming all of this. No matter how much Royal tries to deny that Rina may be Finn, their phrases and mannerisms are constantly contradicting her ideals.

Marine Star
Marine Star is one of Royal's close friends. He's like that force you don't want to play with.

Bella White Pearl
One of the pearls that graduated alongside Royal! They are friends and compete in wordraces. Spoiler alert: Royal wins every time.

Hippeastrum Amaryllis Pearl
Another one of her friends. Sometimes, they pair up and theorize together! Brother figure.


designer : @ piavvz

  • Always wears a red&orange bracelet on her wrist.
  • Antennas are very reflective of emotions. Ex: flustered = curled antennas
  • Can't see without her glasses. Please put them on.
  • Semi-transparent gloves with flower texture.
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code by Leporidactic | decors via fontmeme