Threadfin Rainbowfish Pearl ([SWAP AU])



5 months, 28 days ago


Iriatherina Werneri Pearl



Personal Alias





Cab-98GM Cut-88094.X

Gem Type





Combative Assistant


What Was I Made For?

Billie Eilish


Blunt, sharp, and bold, Rina is exactly what one might expect of a Realgar's personal pearl. He excels in both secretary and combative work, an utterly devoted and compliant thing. All orders are to be carried out, even if it costs his gem. Many admires Rina as a servant, but fear him as a person. The pearl is known to be rather callous and cold, an incredibly sharp mind whose nature as a pearl seems to have been ingrained deep in his very coding. A prickly front and hardenned exterior, he is hard to get through. Nonetheless, however, with his intensely competitive and analytical nature, Rina will ensure the best quality of work. Let it be known, this pearl will do whatever it takes to get his way. Rina is a fighter, not a friend.


  • Incredibly up-front and direct, he seems to dislike speaking more than necessary.
  • Perhaps one may find this unexpected, but Rina is a conniving liar, often twisting tales to his own pleasure and advantages on a daily basis. Most of the time it's when he has something to gain.
  • He is capable of wielding most if not all weapons. Rina can also use his claws to fight, although it is not the most efficient approach.
  • While to many pearls he can be rude in his aloof approach, the pearl can - surprisingly, be quite the smoothtalker towards elites. Greenhouse graduates must be cunning, after all.
  • Intensely competitive and stubborn. If you find yourself in disagreement with this gem, more often than not - you'd feel as if you're arguing to a wall.


Headstrong Stubborn
Hardworking Competitive
Clever Deceitful

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf











Food: None, he dislikes eating.
Elites: Realgar, Gold, Platinum, Steel
Specializations: Combat + Secretary work
Work He likes being on the go
Flower: Lilacs and blue Lily
Praises: Especially from elites
Season: Summer. It's ... warm.


Unwarranted Touch: Don't
Losing: There's a constant drive to win
Nicknames: Debatable
Orders: If you're not his elite


6'9" (6'7" without heels)


Toned, athletic

body type

Red and Gold

color scheme

Sleek but active

clothings style

Will wear

  • Active clothes, anything that's easy to move in.
  • Doesn't mind oversized stuff, as long as they're not too long or large.
  • Tight clothings, only if he can't help it, though
  • Anything that isn't shabby or ridiculously colorful.

Won't wear

  • Lengthy dresses/skirts
  • Excessive ruffles or frills
  • Puffy sleeves
  • Anything too revealing, especially his arms. Rina is insecured of his build.


Early Life

Rina initially originated from Abyssal Reef, a establishment known for drawing inspirations from aquatic lives for their pearl creations. Despite being a standard cut, the reef never held it against him due to its welcoming nature. Abyssal was truly an open environment, a place where self-expression and self-discovery was encouraged. It was the pearl's true home, the sanctuary which shaped his initial characters and personality.

In fact, he used to be drastically different in comparison to now - outgoing, friendly, and many would even describe as "boisterous." A social butterfly who could light up any room they were in. Perhaps a tad juvenile and carefree, but that was the pearl's very charm. It was also here where he made a lovely friend. He cherished her very much. But regrettably, they parted ways after he was picked up by the Realgar.

Mid Life

Not long after he began working under the Realgar, however, ["Redacted"] was placed into Greenhouse Reef Academy due to the dissastifaction in his work. The Realgar was not high-ranking enough to receive another pearl, so he hoped a conformitorium would do the trick. He wanted something more obedient, more devoted, more acquiescent. He wanted pearl, not a friend - which, tragically, ["Redacted"] was unable to offer. Thus, under the guidance of Greenhouse most trusted facility - Edith, the fish pearl was reprogrammed. Twisted and changed to the elite's liking. The rest were...history.

The servant returned a different gem, much to the Realgar's expectation. The change was drastic, but undoubtedly welcomed. And thus, ["Redacted"], now dubbed as "Rina" continued working under the Realgar until their tragic demise. Despite being made loyal and devoted, Rina parted with his elite's shards with a blank stare and empty silence.

Current Life

Rina now wandered from reefs to reefs, offering his servitude to whoever that may be interested. Notably, work came easy for the gem due to his cunning personality, he's a pearl who knows what the elites want. And he'll get it for them. A shrewd and sharpenned mind, with his own past buried - the pearl never once looked back.

However, the emptiness of the past would sometimes return, clawing at him for some sorts of closure. Like what one may say, "You can run, but you can't hide."

Don't order me around, I know what to do.