Juniper Ambrose



8 months, 18 days ago



Juniper Ambrose Cupcake Assassin


NAME Juniper April Ambrose

AGE 24





JOB Baker | Hitman


ALIGNMENT Neutral Evil

AFFILIATION Braddock-Keller Corp

Juniper is a baker by day and assassin by night. The woman displays extreme immaturity for her age, and has a tendency to seek out buttons to push for her own amusement. She enjoys the sensation of making others uncomfortable or disgusted in an attempt to maintain a mask of innocence. Juniper works for the esteemed Seth Braddock under the table as his personal bodyguard when she's off the clock from her bakery. People who don't know her assume she's a sweet (but kind of annoying) girl, but people who do fear her presence...


Juniper would probably be the most annoying person you could encounter. She will say the stupidest things in order to get a rise out of anybody in her path as well as just being an overall nuisance. She is relatively cheerful and loud in public, and normal Hamptonites know her to be just the wild cupcake maker. Juniper is a lot smarter than she appears, however, and will shine when under necessary pressure.

Under her mask, she hides a monster deep inside. She feels nothing and is completely incapable of empathy. Juniper is a cold and unfeeling person underneath all of the bravado, who will easily harm someone if she wished it to be. She is highly independent and knows how to protect herself should the situation call for it.

  • Sweet Foods
  • Annoying People
  • Neon Colors
  • Lizards
  • Leafy Greens
  • Coarse Sand
  • High Academia
  • Backstabbers

Childhood in Hampton

Juniper's life began tragically when her mother did not survive the maternity process. She was left under the care of her single father, who was also deeply affected by the loss of his wife. While Gregory did everything he could to care for his daughter, he was far from the perfect father; he ignored her for a good chunk of her life and did the bare minimum to keep her heathly. The two did not have a close relationship which stoked the flames inside of her heart.

Growing up, Juniper slowly realized that she did not find pleasure in anything and feel for much. Nothing excited her or even made her upset, so she felt completely empty on the inside. She understood that she wasn't a normal kid despite her attempts in order to feel like one. At first, Juniper started with small things to spark some emotion into her; she would make messes at school, dirty up gardens, play all sorts of games, but nothing worked. Soon, she became desperate and started doing more drastic endeavors. Kids were deathly afraid of her, especially after the harmful things she would experiment on them with. Again, nothing worked.

At the age of 11, Juniper made the decision to take one final drastic measure. During a drive with her father, she grabbed the wheel and swerved the car into traffic, killing her father instantly. Unfortunately to her, she lived. A messy court case went down which sparked a new feeling in her: fear, as she acted for her life and blamed the drunk driver that slammed into their car. The young girl was now orphaned without the financial support from her extended family.

Being a Carmichael

The child's stay in foster care was very short; someone almost immediately adopted her into the family. Juniper had to leave Hampton to live in New Haven, a city a state away, without her extended loved ones. This man was Wade Carmichael, a business man who showed a deep interest in her after the court case against the drunken driver. Life with Mr. Carmichael was a different kind of strange; Juniper was not used to such nice amenities in her life and having a doting parental figure. She was showered with love and given the childhood most kids would dream of. However, she was still met with that same lingering problem from inside.

Juniper had been caught burying an animal after some time, and despite figuring her new father would reprimand her, Mr. Carmichael instead pulled the girl over for a lesson. He taught her to hide her tracks better, blend in the crowd, and to act "normal" as the world accepted it. She learned how to survive in this world and that she will not die even if she wanted to. Together, Juniper grew up with the tools to become something more menacing than she could ever imagine.

Return to Hampton

At the age of 20, Juniper decided to find her old family again and moved back to Hampton. Her father provided her the funds in order to build up her own personal bakery and live by herself. She met up again with her cousin Xavier Lost, who joined forces to work the criminal underground with his reunited cousin. Now, the cupcake queen works for Seth Braddock as his righthand woman and keeps the streets of Hampton as dangerous as ever.

  • Juniper has been legally living under the name of April Carmichael. This helps with her identity a bit
  • She wears exclusively eye-bleeding outfits. If it wasn't made by a blind clown, she isn't wearing it
  • The only person she is actually afraid is her adopted father

ABOUT: Gregory Ambrose

Juniper's father. He was extremely distant from his daughter and he did not do much to support her emotionally. His expertise as a police officer was used by Juniper throughout her childhood, but was eventually killed in a car accident by her

ABOUT: Clarine Ambrose

Juniper's late mother. She died during childbirth and deeply affected her families after she passed away. Juniper wishes to have known her in person, but the ties are loose

ABOUT: Xavier Lost

Juniper's younger cousin. Xavier is someone she trusts the most in this world and is most likely the only person she feels the most for. Despite this, she loves to annoy the shit out of him. She cares for him more than anything in this world, so if anything happened to him, consequences would occur

ABOUT: Lacey Lost

Juniper's aunt. She is very fond of her aunt and can be a bit protective of her. Acts like a semi-normal person around Lacey

ABOUT: Wade Carmichael

Juniper's adopted father. He adopted her after her car accident with the express intent of molding her into a skilled hitman. Juniper has a deep respect for him, but he also instills fear into her. Whenever he is around, she acts proper and drops the wild act

ABOUT: Seth Braddock

Juniper's current employer. The two do not directly interact much outside of work, but they respect each other enough. Seth sometimes cannot deal with her erratic behavior

ABOUT: Dylan Damascus

Some bartender who she likes to piss off. She met him while lacing some sweets and knows his murderous secrets. Despite her age and size, Juniper constantly taunts him for fun