Xavier Lost



4 years, 18 days ago


Basic Information

Name: Xavier Lost
Nicknames: Mad Scientist X, Baking Bad, Groomed Turnip, X-chii, Greenie Meanie
Age: 24
Gender/Sex: Male
Job: Concoctionist
Sweet: Missä X sour candy letters

Personal Information/Background

Height: 180 cm
DOB: 1st of June

* Lean build
* Likes to wear his apron on his right side
* Wears either rubber or cloth gloves at all times
* Wears purple-tinted glasses

* Biology, chemistry, physics, math
* Especially passionate about molecular gastronomy
* Experimenting
* Sci-Fi
* Interesting people
* Cleanliness

* Stupidity
* Cheating
* Disorganization
* Dirt and mold
* Skin-on-skin contact
* Bright lights

Mysophobia - Fear of bacteria and germs


Organized * Calculative *Passionate * Impulsive * Obsessive * Self-centered * Inconsiderate

Xavier  is a man who places more weight on logic and reasoning than feelings.  It seems like the only feeling he actively presents is his passion in  cooking and science, which can get a little intense for some people. He  has always loved experimenting and can get a little manic about it,  gaining him the nickname "Mad Scientist X" with his college peers. He's  always on the lookout of new things to study and when inspiration  strikes him, he drops everything to pursue his ideas. He hardly spares a  thought for others while he's got science in the mind. Xavier loves to  think up new ways to new combinations, solutions and reactions, stopping  at nothing to get what he wants. Even messing at other people's expense  is not above him, often leading to creepy suggestions of experimenting  on them - in a purely scientific sense, of course.

He needs his  surroundings to be sparkling clean and in order, he can't think in a  messy environment. It bothers him to no end and he can't get any work  done before everything is organized and scrubbed clean. He is also very  particular about his money, saving all but the amount he needs to live.


Xavier  grew up as the only child of a single mother. His parents were never  married, but lived together until he was about 3 years old. He doesn't  remember much of his dad other than that he was away from home a lot,  and he and his mom were always fighting. Eventually, he left the family  altogether, vanishing into thin air. For most of his life Xavier thought  that his dad left them because they weren't a good enough of a family  for him. The truth was revealed to him much later when he was in high  school.

As long as Xavier can remember, his mother worked hard to  keep them afloat. They were only ever a hair's breadth above the  poverty line because she worked two jobs. Despite being always tired,  she made time to spend time with his precious son. It often meant that  she worked that quality time into her chores and he particularly loved  cooking with her. They couldn't afford any fancy ingredients but she was  inventive, whipping versatile dishes from whatever happened to be on  sale. It's a treasured memory for him. Their home was always in a state  of slight disrepair, and there were some spots of mold on the walls and  roof paneling. Xavier could ignore it as a child but later, he found it  absolutely disgusting. It sparked his mysophobia later in life.

He  went to public school and proved himself quickly to be very smart,  borderline genius, and it became evident that he would be a great  candidate for a scholarship. His mother was overjoyed - her son had a  chance to study he otherwise could never had had, to escape the harsh  lifestyle they lived. Xavier displayed an interest in math and sciences,  and he was enrolled into courses above his age level in those subjects.  When he entered high school, at first he was bullied for being a nerd -  but he fought back. The bullying vaned when he filled their lockers  with expanding construction foam.

It was around this time that he  started getting interested in the Indulgences. When he mentioned his  interest in skipping a dose and examining the medicine instead to his  mother, just for a little project, she flipped out. She pleaded him to  not to follow his father's footsteps and finally told him the truth  about him. Xavier's father was a man with radical thoughts, and she had  tried to pull him away from that out of love, without succeeding. When  he had left the family, she had been sure that he would come back like  always. Instead she received the news that he had been quarantined. She  hadn't had the heart to tell Xavier that his father was a rebel,  choosing to shield her son and live a normal life together. The  revelation shocked him and he gave up talking about the issue, pushing  it to the back of his mind. He wasn't going to have the same fate his  father had.

He managed to get a scholarship for College to study  his main field of interest, chemistry, but it could not cover all of his  expenses. He took up odd jobs but soon, he found a way to make money  that would actually be interesting to him: making party drugs for the  college's rave crowd. His then-girlfriend tried to make him quit, it was  too dangerous, but to Xavier it was just a fun job that earned him  money for living expenses and even extra to send to his mom. She ended  up breaking up with him over the argument they had about it. Only after a  close call with the police he finally quit, disappointing the customer  base he had built. He had to look into alternative methods of amassing  funds and his old odd jobs were simply not able to draw his interest.

The  only thing that actually caught his interest was Dulcet Laeta,  Concoctionist department. He already had a passion for the culinary  arts, especially molecular gastronomy, so he thought it would be  perfect. The only bad side of it was that he would have to halt his  studies for a while to get enough money to cover the rest of it. So he  had his studies put on hold and applied for the job at the factory. He  believes his spectacular grades had him accepted easily.


Powers: N/a

Skills and strengths:
* Extensive knowledge of cooking techniques and chemical reactions
* Steady hands
* Organized and neat
* Very smart

* Will put his work before everything else
* Doesn't consider other people's well being as much as he should
* Thinks he's smarter than everybody else
* To him the law is just a hindrance
* Eyes very sensitive to light
* Not in a good shape physically - gets tired from a little sprint

Item: Tinted glasses

* Has an odd, almost sadistic sense of humor