[ff1]: jayceon!



7 months, 23 days ago


  • 33 years old
  • 5’11”, normally wears heels
  • Red mage (capable of using both offensive and defensive magic, prefers offensive)
  • neutral evil

Jayceon came from a family of powerful mages, who his small town all relied upon for health and protection. Despite being very powerful in magic himself, he lived in the shadow of his older brother and sister, who were truly incredible. He has chronic little brother inferiority complex syndrome. Jayceon ended up turning against his family, feeling strongly he’d never be good enough to be a true member of their clan — and if he wasn’t with them, he was against them. Rebelling against the only life he’d ever known and turning to a crime-fueled existence, he cast a powerful sleep spell over the entire town and robbed the residents blind. To this day, he’s still on the lam — it’s been 15 years since then and Jayceon is now a powerful trickster and thief, using his shocking powers to call fire, lighting, and poison down upon his enemies. Since meeting Eurydice, he’s begun to relearn the ways of healing magic.