
6 months, 27 days ago



full name

Douglas Sokol


Early 30s





Height / Weight

5'10 / 350lb


Pit Crew





All purpose racing oc. Mostly F1 & Stock car / NASCAR settings, for the moment.

Doug is the child of a retired race car mechanic and unionized tradesman. Though both are the reason behind his love of cars, with the former being why he has interest in taking apart a car and seeing all of its parts and how they work, to getting to bond with the latter over watching any race they could get their hands on, on their days off. So it’s no surprise that Doug started gravitating towards jobs that gave him hands-on experience with cars on a daily basis. After coming out of trade school, he managed to work his way along different race tracks until he landed himself working alongside some of the best racers there is, as one of the members of the pit crew. He himself is a sweetheart of a man and actually a big ol’ teddy bear, even if from a quick glance he’d seem like the type of person to just have Awful Opinions, to put it very very nicely.

How he could end up being friends with 28 at some point causes great confusion in most people.

In the professional racing scene, he’s commonly positioned to be one of the jackmen or tire catchers in the crew due to his strength and build, however he is flexible in any position. Outside of that, he usually keeps his head down in the garage and paddock, despite having a massive range of knowledge of the car’s internals from the get go and can easily solve some kind of problem that’s going on with the engine from the moment he hears it run. When pressed when people find out about this, his answers range from “you never asked.” to “I’m not paid enough for that.” which is usually followed by: “That’s not in my job description.”




  • Constantly wears hats.
  • Is missing one of his teeth--specifically top right tooth next to the first two front teeth. He lost it in a fight.
  • Built like a blue color construction worker.
  • has top surgery scars & has a skin graft scar on his inner left arm. He also has other related phalloplasty surgery scars.
  • Very cis passing to some extents, even if he doesn't really try that hard to. His generic "An Guy" energy doesn't help.
  • Has a massive crush on 28, despite trying really hard to hide it. 28 is not blind. In some (read most) settings they end up together. In the ""canon"" one, they definitely do. Plus most people rarely if ever put it together that the two of them are dating, especially since neither of them are public about it.
  • Outside of his uniform, he is easily mistaken for a fan, since 28 gave him their hat to wear (they dont like wearing it). He does not attempt to correct this and it endlessly amuses him.
  • Deep enjoys learning about the innerworkings of cars.
  • Smoker. He's tried to quit. He patiently waits for the lung cancer at this point.
  • Fan of old '80s classic rock.
  • F1: part of the Pit Crew team for Red Bull. Was part of the team before 28 arrived.
  • Stock Car / NASCAR: part of insert whatever team is 28 is on here.