Seriously such a cool page layout. Using it for my Ghost oc since they're into fortune telling :)

Absolutely perfect for my zombie fighting, southern gothic character.

Thank you ~ it's so good!

Went looking for codes that would fit my Eldritch themed characters and this one is perfect!! Tysm for this really cool design!!

Wahoo! I'm glad you like it :D

This is perfect for my tarot themed world oh my holy lampropeltis, thank you

Wahoo! Enjoy :D

used ^^

Ooh I love that you used one of them reversed!


I love this! Favving in case I use it for my charas ♥

Oh my goshh this code is amazing!! I'm using it for a section of my characters who are, funnily enough, semi-based on tarot cards, so this works perfectly! It has the perfect amount of details as well so this is honestly, such a cool code. You did an excellent job, thank you for making this code, and making it free :DD!!

im using this code for one of my characters!! this is such a dope code

I'm so glad you like it! Always makes me happy to hear that my codes are in use 😊

I used this code for one of my D&D characters, it's a perfect fit! Lovely work!!

Yooo his art is so cool! I'm glad you like the code!!

This code is so lovely! I want to use it on one of my ocs but I was curious, is there a way to make the cards (boxes) themself black? 

If you dont take questions like this I understand, and thank you again for making a wonderful code!

Hello! The easiest way to give the cards a dark background is replacing all instances of "bg-light" with "bg-dark". You can also update the internal borders on the images by replacing all instances of "white" with another colour (either a standard css colour or a hex code)!

If you specifically want black backgrounds that don't change per toyhouse theme, its a bit more indepth: on each tag that contains the "bg-light" class, you will need to both delete "bg-light" AND ensure that it has styles tags containing "background:#000000;" - if it doesn't seem to be working, make sure that its the only "background:#_" element in the style tag, and that you have a semi-colon between each style element!

I hope this helps! I'm glad you like the code :)

TYSM!!! and I'm so sorry for bothering you. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain it to me 💕

This is such a clever idea on the prompt! Great job!!

Thank you!!

THIS IS SIIIIICK i love this

Yoo thank you!