Lucy (Xarron!Lucy)



7 months, 19 days ago


General Info

Lucy Fiadh of Xarros, is a xarron of the crimson church and the doppelganger of Lucy Fiadh of Sollah in the fanon. She is a quiet and stern xarron harbinger who has a lot to make up for.

Name: Lucy Fiadh

Age: 23
Creation Date: April 20th 2021
Birthplace: Xarros
Species: Xarron
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10

Distinguishing features

Lucy is a slightly plump red stick with curvy features, she has deep red sclera and bright white eyes that shine when using her manifest accented by two sharp eyelashes, she has dark black hair that extends down her body in sharp points she wears a long grey jacket that extends down to her thighs with a black color and at the sleeves have black accented ornaments, as well she wears a pair of black pants that shine out. Like all Xarrons her arms and legs move from her red body color to a bright saturated red as well to her claws.

Likes: Xyn, Keeping the peace, Spectral light, flying
Dislikes: The rich, The lower city
Fears: Being alone, Small spaces
Hobbies/past times: Reading, Napping,
Guilty pleasures: Ramen
Pet peeves: Others getting in her face (other than Xyn)
Personal goals: Serve Spectral enough to regain her family's honor
Religious values: Very Loyal to Spectral
General intelligence: Average
General sociability: Antisocial outside of Xyn

Lucy is a cold and stern harbinger who glares at any who approach her, often looking angry or pissed as some try to approach her. She treats her job as the highest priority and makes sure anyone around also considers it as such, she will threaten those who threaten the job or might cause issues for those around. Around higher ups she is the model harbinger who upholds her position and keeps her standards high, someone likely to climb the ladder except...

While Lucy is the model Harbinger there is a reason she does not move up the ladder, and a special case for the personality traits explained above, Xyndah Terasu, Xyn being the one she was tasked to personally guard early on in her career she has not left her position and fought any attempt to move from that position, Lucy is loyal to her cleric to no end. As well around Xyn she still acts stern and cold but has a certain sincerity to how she talks to Xyn, as well seems to loosen up and act less angry around her. 



Sylvie - Abandoning her early in both their lives, she dislikes her younger sister, not helped by the fact that she comes back into her life as a deacon in the Xarron church holding her power over Lucy



Love interest

Xyndah Terasu - Meeting her early on in her life in the wilds of Xarros, Xyn is someone Lucy cares for deeply, at first as just a friend but overtime with Xyns flirting, Lucy fell for the Xarron and now watches over her as her Harbinger guard.


Xarron Manifest: Like most, Lucy manipulates Umbra to generate a manifest. Her manifest is boosted by the fact that she signed the Covenant.
      Manifest: Vampiric touch
Her Manifest allows her to take the vitality out of other individuals.


Lucy's Concentration: She needs to have a decent concentration to keep up her manifest, if her concentration breaks she won't be able to use it
Direct contact: While boosted under the covenant she still needs direct contact to get the best out of her manifest, she can still take it over time by just being around her in battle she needs direct contact to sap the energy out of someone



XLucy's parents were lost after the Xarrons enacted the Red Storm, her Sister blamed her and left her behind. XLucy was left on her own and wandering the wastes of Xarros, she stumbled upon Xyndah Terasu and saved her from a beast by killing it with her own hands, Xyndah and XLucy spent most of their time growing up doing things together.

Other Details

X!Lucy was the first of the Lucy variants originally designed by Theocomix