Lucy (Estorrian!Lucy)



6 months, 22 days ago


General Info

Lucy is a alternate variant of Lucy Fiadh in the world of Estorra, she serves as an antagonist within its world.

Name: Lucy
Birthdate: October 28th
Species: Stick Figure
  Race: Magi
Height: 8'4

Distinguishing features

Lucy is a slightly-plump purple stick with curvy features, she has glowing aura filled eyes that blaze an orange color with 2 prominent eyelashes, and deep bluish purple hair left hanging messy and unkept. She covers her body with a dark bluish gray cloak that hides most of her body other than her missing arm and some scars on her body. During battle her arm will reform via aura and mimic the capabilities of an arm, however it is slightly see through and is glowing just like her eyes.


Likes: Being Alone, The glow of fire, Meat
Dislikes: Mushrooms, Others around her, False hopes
Fears: Enclosed spaces
Hobbies/past times: Improving her strength
Guilty pleasures: Taking others energy
Pet peeves: 
Personal goals: Get Stronger
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Below Average
General sociability: Avoid

Lucy is a cold, stern woman who uses her fists to take any energy out of another before they can talk to her. Not being one for talking she is rather quiet leaving it to grunts and physical motions. When she does speak she has a very rough voice, often yelling out when she does to get her point across.

Magi Power: Her power allows to to take in the energy of others and use it for herself, often redirecting it out and into others
     Weapon: While not a full weapon her reformed Aura arm is her weapon of choice, though to take in energy she must use her actual arm.


Aura Usage: She replenishes this with others around her, but overuse can leave her staggered or tired
Lucy's Concentration: While taking energy out of another she has to maintain an amount of concentration, break the concentration and the person should be disconnected
Lucy's Mood: Lucy's mood can effect how she uses her aura, however it most effects how she fights, the more angry she is the more direct in her approach.





(Up for change) Early on in her life learning she could take energy and reuse it to an extreme degree Lucy was outcasted and sent to live on her own after she accidentally nearly killed someone. Living on her own and growing her power via the creatures she could find in the wild, she over used it causing her arm to become withered and unusable, making a quick decision Lucy cut off her own arm and remade it with her own aura.

Fun facts

Estorrian Lucy has gone through 3-4 revisions with the current design being her 4th

Estorrian Lucy can also be referred to as Magi Lucy or E!Lucy