

7 months, 24 days ago


Don't bother trying to salvage a broken dream...

佐江 磯乃
Name Isono Sae
Pronouns they/she
Gender Nonbinary
Symbol Butterfly
Age 16/17
Sexuality Bisexual

School Kibonomichi
Gen. First
Course Dance
Divison Monarch
Role S.I.C
Birthday 02/10/00
idk idk

Affiliates Reona Tatemichi
Riri Sakogami
Ayahi Nemoto
Erika Shun
Groups Tennis Club

"Just watch... Not that you'll be able to take your eyes off me."

Isono wants to make her mother proud. Living off of praise and nothing else, they exist as a superficial and standoff-ish person. If something's not to their standards, then it's worthless -- or so she thinks. In order to achieve true beauty, they're willing to blow the competition away and break from the crysallis she deems herself trapped in. What risk does that put others at? Do they even care to know?

Height 5'6 (168 cm)
Body Type Skinny
Blood Type O+
idk Content

V/C Claim
Isono's voice is deep and drawn out with certain words. Her singing voice, comparatively, is very strong and despite not being a singer, takes pride in her limited range.
Handwriting Right-Handed
Their handwriting is pretty average for someone her age. They put extra care into making it legible (and fixing Reona's as well.) Back in their second year, they handled almost all of Monarch's document work.

Isono is a high school student of pretty average stature, but light weight. They have pale skin that reddens easily. In spite of this, she takes special care not to get blemishes or scratches on her body.

They have long, straight dark-grey hair that curls at the ends. It reaches the tops of her thighs when standing straight up. They have shorter bangs that sweep over in layers and longer strands at the front that fall over her ears and reach their shoulders.

As it compliments her tsundere personality, they often wear their hair in high twin tails. Her hairstyle is fastened with butterfly hair clips with teal wings that stick out. In middle school, she wore simple scrunchies, but switched over to give a more striking appearance.

Her eyes are a dazzling cyan, the same colour as the hair clips she has on. Her eyes are slightly more narrowed than her classmates, and often accentuated with eyeliner. More often than not, she's glaring or grimacing. In spite of this, she has a generally beautiful face, one that often earns them compliments.


As a second year, she wears the typical Kibonomichi uniform. Underneath said uniform, she wears a leotard that goes up to her neck like a turtleneck would. It is white with grey trim. She also wears black tights under her skirt and brown loafers. As she's in the Dance course, she wears the cyan ribbon associated with it.

As a third year, she no longer wears the leotard she wore the year prior. Instead, she has a more strapless one that's barely visible when her uniform is worn. The other notable change is the simple black sweatshirt they wear now.

Casual Wear

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Body Modifications

Although her body shows no immediate harm, her eating habits leave her quite skinny and almost underweight. It's a bad habit she's aware of, but struggles to get help for.

Design Notes
  • Her hair curls at the end, or is at least wavier than the rest.
  • Her body is lanky and pronounced.
  • She's quite stiff and typically frowning.
Positive Traits
graceful quick-learner motherly trait trait
Neutral Traits
sarcastic sensitive panick-y trait trait
Negative Traits
naggy possessive ill-tempered prideful hostile

When entering Kibonomichi Academy, Isono had the sole goal of rising to the top and becoming a star as a dancer. As time passed, this goal stretched to include the rest of Monarch.
Though she'd never admit it aloud, Isono hopes that Monarch remains as it is for as long as possible. They're internally glad they've met people that bring out both the troublesome and good sies of herself.
While it's not a secret per-say (as she's the most obvious person ever), Isono spends a lot of time mentally wallowing over what happened between them and Reona during their second year.
Throughout life, not helped by the way her mother raised them, Isono has only been one to dream about fame and success. Because of her pretty looks, because of her hypnotic dancing, all of that stuff became stepping stones for her dream. However, she's slowly redefining that dream with the help of others.

Isono is incredibly hard to like upon first meeting. She's full of herself, caught up in a pipe dream, and refuses to be kind to anyone they view bothersome. These parts of them put people off almost immediately, and because of that, she had barely any friends growing up. The exception to this -- minus the kids she looked over as a child herself -- was Reona. With the addition of that girl in her life, the cocoon that trapped Isono slowly began to crack.

Although it's hard to tell upon first glance, Isono hates themself. Extremely so. All of the self-confidence that she claims to have is nothing more than a farce she keeps up, because maybe if it sticks for long enough, she'll believe it. This fragile exterior is easy to slip through, and beneath all of the unlikable layers is a scared, trembling shell of a person.

She continuously justifies her naggy and sarcastic personality with complete righteousness, though this is of course stupid on their part. They're the type to grow extremely annoyed when things don't go her way, when people misbehave, or even the simplest of mistakes in their vicinity. In recent years, they've tried to work on holding their tongue when these things happen to varied success.

Generally, the best way to sum her up is: Pathetic.

  • Seafood (shrimp).
  • Ballet.
  • Her mother's praise.
  • Preparing meals.
  • Crocheting.
  • Teasing their juniors.
  • Alcohol.
  • Summer heat.
  • Being ignored.
  • "Annoying" people.
  • Guilt.
  • Desserts/unhealthy food.

mental wellbeing

emotional intelligence

reserved outspoken

the people the peak



physical strength


love survival

content desire



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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id, beatae debitis assumenda praesentium dolorum molestias adipisci harum, impedit aperiam, reprehenderit blanditiis delectus consectetur ea sequi quasi a ex enim! Consectetur!
  • Content.

Box won't scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam, magnam vero dignissimos iure, porro reiciendis amet laudantium modi odit et sint vitae obcaecati quidem quia delectus voluptas eligendi fugiat corrupti?

Skill Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?
Ability Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?
Talent Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?

Pretty much none of the boxes here (except for main card, obv) will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam, magnam vero dignissimos iure, porro reiciendis amet laudantium modi odit et sint vitae obcaecati quidem quia delectus voluptas eligendi fugiat corrupti?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?

Fun Facts
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum, unde eius. Officia, nihil! Perferendis aliquam ipsam, facilis vero quaerat officiis iste soluta quos laboriosam quibusdam quis incidunt nisi reprehenderit totam.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed ducimus expedita quia impedit voluptas pariatur dolores doloribus, amet, totam officia facere, autem alias deleniti. Facere ducimus commodi iste non aspernatur.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere animi veniam perspiciatis odio harum molestias placeat consequatur inventore illo, suscipit quia omnis officiis optio quae sit dolor recusandae explicabo ullam.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga perspiciatis assumenda quod consectetur cumque, deserunt nesciunt et commodi laudantium maiores debitis, quibusdam nostrum dolorem, dolores vel sed suscipit quae facere.
  • Content.

  • Just stuff the character likes to do.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
  • Morals, philosophy, stuff like that. I couldn't think of a good icon to use, lol—
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
  • Content. Character's favorite stuff.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
  • Content. Stuff your character has. Weapons, important valuables, and so on.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id, beatae debitis assumenda praesentium dolorum molestias adipisci harum, impedit aperiam, reprehenderit blanditiis delectus consectetur ea sequi quasi a ex enim! Consectetur!
  • Content.

Reona Tatemichi [ambiguous]

Even though the two have an extensive history and Reona's feelings are clear, Isono's are not. Because she can't forgive herself or accept the concept of love, Isono's accidentally put an impossible barrier between them.

Mizuka Migoshi [psuedo-sister]

Isono has an unhealthy attachment to Mizuka following Reona's absence from their life. This dynamic, obviously, weirds Mizuka out, though Isono still insists that she'll "protect her younger sister" anyways.

Riri Sakogami [division-mates]

Although both of them act like nothing more than accquaintances, Riri has heard almost everything plaguing Isono's nature. The two have a somewhat strange relationship that's just shy of friendship.

Ayahi Nemoto [division-mates]

Isono says she "tolerates" Ayahi, but in reality they still see her as part of their messed up found family. Ayahi reciprocates, but would also never say that.

Erika Shun [division-mates]

Isono loves teasing Erika, much to the younger's dismay. In a way, Isono sees Erika as a younger version of themself. Maybe that's why she likes picking on her so much.

Author's Trivia
  • This is where you, the creator of this character, will write about character stuff. I dunno. Talk about how your character started off, your development of said character, your first drafts, your unhealthy attachment—anything. W r i t e.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed ducimus expedita quia impedit voluptas pariatur dolores doloribus, amet, totam officia facere, autem alias deleniti. Facere ducimus commodi iste non aspernatur.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere animi veniam perspiciatis odio harum molestias placeat consequatur inventore illo, suscipit quia omnis officiis optio quae sit dolor recusandae explicabo ullam.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga perspiciatis assumenda quod consectetur cumque, deserunt nesciunt et commodi laudantium maiores debitis, quibusdam nostrum dolorem, dolores vel sed suscipit quae facere.
  • Content.

  • Secret Himitsu - PinocchioP
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • The characters, books, personal experiences, whatever that made this character poof into existence.
  • Contemt.
  • Content.
  • Content.