

7 months, 24 days ago


Watch your back; I won't lose ☆ !

立道 伶桜名
Name Reona Tatemichi
Pronouns she/her
Gender Female
Symbol Piano
Age 16/17
Sexuality Lesbian

School Kibonomichi
Gen. First
Course Music
Divison Monarch
Role Leader
Colour #
Birthday 08/01/XX
idk idk

Affiliates Isono Sae
Riri Sakogami
Ayahi Nemoto
Erika Shun
Groups Going-Home Club

"I gotcha! Leave it to the great Tatemichi Reona~"

Reona wants to make people happy through the beauty of music. After playing piano for so many years, she's become accustom to the instrument as if it were part of her. She can craft symphonies from simple chords, and it's a skill she wants to use for good. In her heart, she knows music can bring people together, which is why she supports Eimi's mission in her own way.

Height 5'4 (164 cm)
Body Type Lithe
Blood Type AB
idk Content

V/C Claim
Reona's voice is quite high pitched and loud. One may describe it as childish at times.
Handwriting Ambidexterous
Ever since she was a child, Reona has been able to switch between hands in order to write. While her right is slightly better than her left, her handwriting is typically too scribbled to differentiate.

Reona is a high school girl who, while short, remains quick on her feet. Her skin is slightly tan, both from genetics and spending hours in the sun as a kid. Scratches and bruises randomly appear from stunts she pulls, but she pays them no mind.

Her hair is a light salmon pink, which is completely undyed. Despite the fact it's straight, it's nitoriously hard to comb and often spikes up in random spots. Her bangs are split closer to the sides of her face with a single strand (shaped like a moon) covering her forehead. When down, her hair reaches just below her shoulders.

Even though she doesn't remember why, she braids her hair every morning before school. This braid lays over her right shoulder, completely stationary. Closer to the bottom of her head, spikes of hair not in the braid stick out like porcupine spikes, giving her a unique hairstyle for sure. She secures her hair with a green bow with a double-eighth note on it.

Her eyes are a piercing lime green, with pupils that are sharp like a cat's. She also has fangs, similar to a cat.

School Attire

As a second year, she wears her uniform as intended (minus the Music course ribbon.) Instead, she has a smaller black bow. Over her uniform she wears a baggy, unzipped blue sweatshirt. Around the elbow area, fabric shaped to look like cat ears starts and covers the area up to the cuffs. Her pockets similarly have cat ears. She wears dark grey socks and plain white boots.

As a third year, and after her return, she's changed her style a bit. The newer sweatshirt she wears is a zip-up with a similar colour as her last. Underneath the hood is a significantly larger black bow with ends that reach the hem of her sweatshirt. The sleeves are a gradient to a lighter blue. She has one wide pocket that's a darker blue cat shape with drawn on black dot eyes. She, unlike last year, now wears white socks with a single green stripe across them. She also now wears blue and green tennis shoes with a weird sock-like top to them.

Casual Wear

Much to Isono's dismay, Reona has objectively bad fashion taste. Whether it be some tasteless hoodie or pants with a big hole in the knee, Reona isn't picky about what she wears.

Outside of her school uniform, Reona isn't big on skirts or dresses. She says this is because it's hard to move around, in addition to it not being her style. Instead, she'd rather wear sweatpants and a t-shirt with a cat on it. And so she does.

Her closet is quite a mess and she's known to wear the same outfit multiple days in a row when she becomes too engrossed in her work to pay attention to the passage of time. Overall, she favours comfort over style.

Body Modifications

Due to breaking her arm during her second year (and, by extension, refusing to let it heal properly), her left arm is still a bit iffy when it comes to certain things.

Design Notes
  • Her fang should almost always be visible.
  • When drawing her, make sure the strand in the front looks like a crescent moon.
  • Her body language is very crazy and "bouncy."
Positive Traits
creative hardworking positive friendly good leader
Neutral Traits
childish sporadic busy blunt goofy
Negative Traits
scatterbrained clingy unserious irrational uncooperative

Her main goal has always been to compose a piece of music that lives as the greatest masterpiece of all time. She wants to craft something that connects people and survives even after she's gone.
More than anything in the world, she just wants people to like one another. She can't handle hate in a mature way, and tends to spiral when she's put in difficult situations.
Reona tends to bury all of her issues, especially the ones related to her mental illness. She simply doesn't want to acknowledge them, and instead busies herself with making others happy to fill that sadness in her heart.
Outside of creating the most wonderful composition, she finds herself having simple dreams. If anything, she wants to stay by Isono's side and move away with her once their days of performing together with the others have ended.

Reona is both an extremely complex and simple person to understand. On the surface, one may see her as a mindlessly joyful idiot. She's constantly spouting nonsense, jumping around, and causing issues for others. That's just the first level to uncovering the type of person she actually is.

Beneath her cheery surface, she struggles quite a lot with several things. Most notably, these relate back to her connections with others. She tries to believe in the fact everyone is her friend, but as proven in the past, this isn't the case. Still, she reasons that if she continues to be the light in her friends' lives, they won't abandon her like the others did.

She's extremely aware of everything around her and is quick to catch on to other's issues. Because of that, she's usually the first in Monarch to try and solve the troubles of her members. Alternatively, this gives her an upper hand in arguments as well, due to the fact she knows exactly where to prod. Generally, though, she keeps things nice and tries a careful approach to maintaining a safe space for those she cares about.

Both sides of her (the silly and the serious) work hand in hand to complete "Reona Tatemichi." She isn't even exactly sure what she represents, often scrambling to use music to explain herself rather than words. The world of keys and chords has never failed her at least.

  • Music.
  • Cats.
  • Love and peace.
  • Caffinated beverages.
  • Savoury foods.
  • Wildlife exhibits.
  • Being interrupted.
  • Sour foods.
  • Her own hubris (jokingly).
  • Lonliness.
  • Being belittled.
  • Silence.

mental wellbeing

emotional intelligence

reserved outspoken

the people the peak



physical strength


love survival

content desire



  • She can whip up a new composition in a matter of minutes, usually being piano concertos.
  • Her natural agility allows her to escape situations and move quickly.
  • She always seems to know just what (or what not) to say.
  • She follows Isono's word almost hypnotically.
  • While she's a good composer, she's not the best at choreography or lyric writing, which she leaves to Riri and Isono.
  • She's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

(All stats are temporary with lore and changes.)

Singing Since she's in the music course, she's very used to singing. She has excellent range, despite having an immature voice.
Dancing While she's not the best at dancing, she can hold her own. She's fine with this, as she'd rather Isono stand out compared to her.
Performance Reona is quote good at commanding a crowd, both by having a frighteningly commanding presence and a cute image.

Episodes: scampi arc, fragment/spring, lunar/stalemate


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?

Fun Facts
  • She can speak over 5 languages, not including fictional ones she claims to also know (such as cat.)
  • She can jump about 2 meters off the ground.
  • Spectacularly, she's never gotten sick before. The only time she's ended up in the hospital was for a broken arm.
  • Her family consists of her, her parents, and her younger sister.
  • She wrote her first composition in third grade and has been learning piano since first.

  • Writing/playing music, obviously.
  • Wandering/traveling.
  • Making up explanations and stories for everyday coincidences.
  • She believes heavily in the supernatural.
  • She thinks a positive way of life is the best.
  • Despite knowing manners, she kinda throws things out the window when she's being silly.
  • Her favourite food is wonton soup.
  • Her favourite drink is coffee.
  • Her favorite colour is blueish-green.
  • Attached to her bag she has both little UFO charm and a plush cat charm.
  • Since she loses/drops her phone often, she doesn't have a phone case on it.
  • She has an array of markers and pens stashed for her convinence at all times.

Isono Sae [trusted person]

Reona is near-obsessed with Isono, completely fascinated and mesmerized by her. She loves even the rougher, most pathetic sides of the other.

Riri Sakogami [division-mate]

Although Riri acts distant, Reona finds comfort in having someone that's as easy-going as she is. They mesh really easily, even if Riri isn't a fan of how observant Reona is.

Ayahi Nemoto [division-mates]

Reona has yet to perfectly figure Ayahi out, but that doesn't stop her from trying. She wants to be better friends with Ayahi.

Erika Shun [division-mates]

Reona loves teasing Erika, however it's in a much more childish manner than Isono's teasing. Reona sees the girl as her own child, and acts as a proud father. To her, Erika is also her "heir."

Mirai Machiai [best friend]

Ever since they met one another, Reona has considered Mirai her best friend. She claims they click in a way she's never been able to explain.

Eimi Takara [friend?]

Even though Reona supported and sees the best in Eimi, she's still put off by a lot of what Eimi has done. Nevertheless, despite her almost random critiques and reserves, Reona wants to be a good friend to Eimi.

Neia Niimi [friend]

Reona finds Neia quite entertaining and, as they are general-studies classmates, hangs around her from time to time.

Kisara Kurose [friend]

Similarly to how she is with Neia, Reona likes hanging around Kisara. Additionally, she enjoys climbing on the other, as Kisara can handle Reona's weight and scampering behaviour.

Sasya Isayama [accquaintance]

Because of their differing views on creation and life as a whole, most of their discussions end in mindless bickering. Despite all of that, Reona finds Sasya humourous and insightful.

Nijine Hanakage [friend]

Almost like having someone to look over, Reona enjoys wandering and discovering new things with Nijine. When they hang out, Reona finds her inner joy of life to be sparked anew.

Mizuka Migoshi [tense relationship]

Due to their only connection being Isono, and Reona being Reona, she is instinctively rude to Mizuka. While she doesn't /mean/ to, she can't stop herself from disliking the girl.

Name [relationship]

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Name [relationship]

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Name [relationship]

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Author's Trivia
  • Along with Isono, Reona was one of the first characters I designed back on April 1st, 2023.
  • I initially designed her for an animatic of Harumakigohan's song "Premised Summer."
  • Her name was chosen because of 'Reona' (PAREO) from Bandori. Unsurprisingly, her character also hails inspiration from her.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere animi veniam perspiciatis odio harum molestias placeat consequatur inventore illo, suscipit quia omnis officiis optio quae sit dolor recusandae explicabo ullam.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga perspiciatis assumenda quod consectetur cumque, deserunt nesciunt et commodi laudantium maiores debitis, quibusdam nostrum dolorem, dolores vel sed suscipit quae facere.
  • Content.

  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • PAREO (Bandori).
  • Yuki Takeya (Gakkougurashi).
  • Content.
  • Content.