


6 months, 24 days ago




NAME Zakhari (Захарі)


NICKNAME(S)   Zak (Зак)

SPECIES   Stuffed rabbit

AGE  60+

HEIGHT Flexible

GENDER Male (he/him)

STATUS Forever homed


  • British Invasion bands + 1960s pop rock music
  • Old video games (especially horror and FPS, but he's not picky)
  • Having company
  • Spiked and/or studded accessories
  • Controversy


  • Having his ears or tail touched
  • Being called a "bunny" (that's rabbit to you)
  • Losing in multi-player fighting games
  • When people touch/move his stuff without asking
  • Being interrupted


  • Zakhari loves 'British Invasion' bands of the 1960s–70s; his favourites are The Kinks and The Zombies, but he'll listen to pretty much any of them
  • He doesn't always use grammatical articles (a, an, and the) when he speaks English, which Vsevolod likes to tease him for
  • From around the 1980s to the present, he's picked up a video game hobby; he's not bad for a stuffed rabbit and will play anything from Tetris to MediEvil to Castle Wolfenstein to Silent Hill ... mostly games from the 1970s–80s
  • He has a biting/chewing habit that he blames on his 'rabbit nature,' but whether or not a stuffed rabbit can actually have the nature of a real rabbit is still up for debate ...


  • He is a stuffed rabbit, not a real animal—please draw the seams on his face, abdomen, and limbs
  • His collar is not optional unless stated otherwise (or unless it is drawn with him [holding it, on the ground, stolen by another character, etc.])
  • His bushy eyebrows are not a stylistic choice; you may stylize them to suit your work, but they should be large and noticeable
  • He has no irises in his eyes, just black pupils (this is not a stylistic choice)
  • His underbelly stops at his chest—please don't make his neck white


Zakhari is a wild little rabbit with a lot of crazy thoughts, but alas, he is only a stuffed rabbit. Sometimes he wishes he could have been manufactured as a cooler animal like a lion or wolf, but he makes do with his little blue, fuzzy self. Zak was manufactured in the tumultuous 1960s and lived through the equally tumultuous decades after it, which made him a bit of a rebel. He loves weird music, weird movies, and weird games—well, weird by mid-20th century standards. I suppose he never left his 'rebellious teenager' phase—if such a thing exists for stuffed toys. He spends a lot of time hanging out with his friend Vsevolod, an equally as chaotic fox. They get into trouble together a lot, but always have each other's backs (until they start playing games of course, in which case their competitive natures shine and they no longer like each other). All things considered, Zak is surprisingly easy to get along with; he actually enjoys the company of others—it's always fun to have folks to play games with—so he doesn't like to sabotage his relationships by being crude and absurd. He might be into some weird things, but that great news tohis fellow toys who are also into weird things. He's a pretty easy fella to get along with ... well, as long as you're not better at video games than him. Please note that his age is based on the date he was manufactured, not his mental and/or physical age.