Melissa du Claire (University AU)



6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Melissa du Claire
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Race: Demon (Pride)
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 4"
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Pinkish-Red hair, usually done up in space buns. Freckled, lightly tanned skin. Yellow eyes. Usually wears dark lipstick. Crop tops for d a y s. Has a trademark leather jacket that she wears with every outfit.  
Personality: Melissa is bouncy, lightly vulgar, and rude. She's not afraid to speak her mind (though she's quick to cover it up with a smile and a compliment if it offends people). She has a playful, lightly seductive nature, and rarely seems to take things seriously. She is very persistent once she wants something, though.
Likes: Strawberries, dancing, and getting to use her whip.
Dislikes: Any relationships of hers being brought up, being doubted in her abilities.

Supernatural Abilities/Objects:
Holy Objects; Just to piss off the church, Melissa has studied extensively on how she can wield holy objects as weapons. She wears white gloves when she plans on using crucifixes, and keeps a bottle of holy water on her at all times. She's built up a tolerance to holy water (the bottle kept breaking and soaking her clothes).
Martial Arts; Melissa is proficient in MMA fighting, and used to participate in a Supernatural fighting ring as a freshman. She's rather strong.
Whip; Outside of class, Melissa has a silver-laced bullwhip that she keeps clipped onto her belt at all times. She's not allowed to use it on campus save for Combat Training, but she's definitely not afraid to use it off-campus.
Silver Knife; Melissa has her knife on her at all times, strapped to her side.
Singing; Melissa is in the university choir.

Backstory: Melissa had a rough life, longing to earn attention from her parents. She's the youngest of five, and the runt. She ended up having to actually fight to get her parent's attention, signing up for MMA. She didn't even really want to go to college, but decided to do so to see if she'd learn anything useful at Rapture Uni. Enamoured with the idea of becoming a famous Supernatural hunter, she enrolled in the Focused Study of Supernatural Creatures. Her history with Jeff started with them as friends, similar to Corona and Derek's relationship. He needed to loosen up, and she was obnoxious enough to keep insisting. Once they dated, though, Jeff realized Melissa's personality was not worth sticking around as a friend nor anything else. He broke up with her, and she's rather upset about it. Best to not bring it up.