Melissa du Claire (Crossroads)



Character Name: Melissa du Claire, "The Beast Tamer"

Character Age: About a century old, looks 20

Character Race: Demon

Character Description: Melissa has pinkish-red hair, tied up in two swirling space-buns. She wears a black leather jacket, a purple camisole, and brown pants with knee-high tan boots. She has an athletic body, most of her poise coming from her attitude rather than her physical frame.

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 142 lbs

Eyes: Yellow, with swooping eyeliner around them

Skin color: Slightly tanned

Scars: Scar on her right cheek

Character Bio: Like most demons in the Rapture universe, Melissa was once human. She grew up on a farm, then moved to the big city in the 1920's to pursue her dreams of becoming a singer. She was pulled into flapper culture and had a successful career until the next big thing came along... another singer. Enraged and deluded in the idea that the girl was squandering her chances at success, she murdered the girl and tried to pin the crime on her current lover. This failed to fool the girl's brother, who murdered Melissa out of revenge. She ended up in the Seventh Circle for her sin of violence.
Melissa's time in the warring circle was incredibly difficult due to her never developing any innate magical powers. Frustrated, she ventured to the Sixth Circle, Anger, and was able to tame the feral demons there to fight in her stead. Eventually, she served enough time for her sins to go back to the surface, and she has been a nomadic Beast Tamer ever since. She is most well-known for her unorthodox practices for "taming" other unholy beings.

Personality Trait: Melissa has a playful, lightly seductive nature, and rarely seems to take things seriously. As a Pride Demon, she is very confident in herself and quite cocky.

Personality Fault: She doesn't like small talk, and usually pushes others away before they can get too emotionally involved with her. This often turns to her being incredibly rude, even to authority and especially towards strangers.

Combat - 


Physically Hardy [Innate, Physical]; Because she is a demon, Melissa is able to take a significant amount of damage, far more than a human. She's even hardier than most demons, considering she regularly fights giant magical creatures in close quarters on a regular basis. If a measure had to be put on it, if it comes to physical force, throwing her through three multi-level concrete buildings would get her to a point where she would have trouble moving. Lacerations, however, are just as easy to give to her as they are to any human, and they will affect her the same.

Strengths: Melissa has incredible stamina and fast reflexes, along with an extensive knowledge of magical creatures and potions. She's had a lot of nasty stuff go down her throat to provide resistance against magical creatures, so she's got an iron stomach as well.

Weakness: Melissa, unlike most demons, never developed any magical powers. As such, she's pretty much just a superhuman who can take more hits before going down. 

Equipment - 


Name: N/A

Sentient: N/A

Type: Silver-laced Whip

Ability: This is basically a normal leather bullwhip, but the inlaid silver woven makes it more effective against unholy creatures.

Name: N/A

Sentient: N/A

Type: Silver Dagger

Ability: Melissa's dagger is silver-plated and made of steel for durability.


Name: N/A

Sentient: N/A

Type: White Cloth Gloves

Ability: N/A, used as protection from getting burned by crucifixes and holy water when she uses them against others.


Name: N/A

Sentient: N/A

Type: N/A

Ability: N/A