Sloth(SIN Lopdiemis Kamishiba)



8 years, 6 months ago




Name Sloth
Species Lopdiemis Kamishiba (Deadly Sin)
Nickname Slothy
build Average

code name Sleeping Beauty
typeSpecial Natural
Gender Male
blood color Crimson Red
age 24
orient. Hetero
mate Nyx
pronouns He/Him
toybi    Citrus
Creator Mad-Izoku
Habitat Gloomy Forest
Designer Mad-Izoku

Masterlist Link
Received Autobought in Auction
Design Notes

  • EYES: Ultra rare glowing pupil
  • HEAD: Uncommon Rectangular
  • PAD: Common One Colored Pads
  • HAIR: Abnormal Hait Trait
  • TAIL: common tail with HAZE TIP
  • HORNS: 3 Marvel horns (1 unicorn , 2 swirls)
  • EXTRA: Scales over its body., 
  • ONIX: located at the unicorn horn, 

Sloth is the face of the good Lopdiemis Kamishibas. He is faithful, loyal, friendly, optimistic, a caretaker and protector of the weak. When you meet him, hes an always friendly Lopdiemis Kamishiba with an pacifistic attitude. Despite his name he is not sleeping all day but enjoys being lazy and has a chilled way to see things.


  • Protector and Guide in Gloomy Forest
  • Special Ability to make others dizzy, sleepy and stun them
  • He does not yawn or sleep randomly on a daily basis, it does happen but not taking over his charcter
  • →Hair Trait has been added, it was granted afterwards. Not bought.

He took over the Egg of an unborn Kamishiba. Thats the only fact he knows, since he hatched as a Lopdiemis Kamishiba. He didn't understood much, but he understood that the Eggs parents were truly broken (their offspring was killed in the process). The Eggs parents did not think for a moment about raising him, as they felt hatred for this Lopdiemis Cub. Was it even a Cub? Will it kill us too? Truly they were no Lopdiemis Experts and got rid of the Cub as soon as possible. Sloth went through a Kamishibas childhood, understanding he was different and feared/unloved by everyone sorrounding him. He could not understand this as a child. He grew up alone but always tried to be good with other Kamishibas and befriend some of them. Surely many Adult Kamishibas were afraid and didn't let their kids play with him or let him step into their home. The first real encounter with a Kamishiba that would stay at his side was when he found Lanura when she was a cub. Sloth was a tiny bit older, helping her to get food. He would take the big Brother role and spent most if his time with her. As he grew older, he started to understand his own Species and the concept of taking over Kamishibas bodies and could understand their behaviour towards him. He realized he didn't remembered his Life before hatching as a Kamishiba. '' Is that... Normal? Why don't I know, who I was before, what I did and why I chose to be what I am now?''  He isn't questioning if it was his own decision, since all other Lopdiemis did that for their own motives. Was it his decision? And if not, what was the reason and who did it?

Sloths past years as Kamishiba made him thinking like a Kamishiba, helping and guiding them through the Gloomy Forest. He was aware that Lopdiemis are his own Species but none of them came to talk, they came to fight him for being missleaded as a Lopdiemis. At some point he was scared of other Lopdiemis before, until he found out about his SIN Abilitiy and his Status as Sloth - the Deadly Sin. He could always stun the enemy and escape.

Sloth is a hopeless believer in the good of every person, he can't give up too easy on people that he wishes to be close with. Gaining friends wasn't easy and he put alot of effort into it. He struggled until he was accepted or not remembered as a threat anymore. A new generation (his age) wasn't questioning him as much as the parent Generation. It was just Sloth from the woods, the guardian of Gloomy Forest, that would fight his own kind to protect who ever asks him for help.


  • Sweets
  • Pulling Pranks/Jokes
  • Cubs
  • Bird singing
  • Sunny days

  • Being lonely
  • Feeling weak
  • Not being able to protect

Nyx | Mate

In his first encounter with Nyx he ran into her. Both seemed very opposite from each other but the more often they talked, the more they realized what they had in common. Sloth had a strong desire for a mate, so he would be very tempted as Nyx was the first female Lopdiemis he encountered. Sloth never had a family before, only a little sister figure.

Shade | Friend

The most stubborn Kamishiba he ever met. Constantly fighting him for being a good Lopdiemis  and later for stealing Nyx - and challenging him to a battle. Sloth can't beat Shade, so he would always use his Special Ability or escape. Shade stopped attacking and hating him after being with Ren. Sloth still tries to befriend him. Its a challenge that takes a whole lot of effort and time to achieve.

 Silver | Adopted Child

Sloth found Silver as an Orphan and picked him up. He never intended to give Silver away ever again and had Nyx support to raise him. For a long time Silver was sure to be a Lopdiemis. When he realized the truth he would work to turn into a Wyvern to protect himself from danger. Silver -now an Adult - still is around his parents to help raise Sárkány. 

 Ren | Friend

He met Ren as a Cub when he bonded with Nyx in Gloomy Forest. Ren had a special bond to Nyx and showed him that Nyx had a weakness for Cubs, too. Since Ren always stays in contact with Nyx, she would become friends with Sloth too. Both Lopdiemis became older siblings to her, looking out for her and support her and Shade when she was in danger.

Sárkány | Adopted Child

After raising Silver, Nyx and Sloth would rather keep another Orphan from hatching season to raise it, than giving it to someone else, hoping someone would parent. Nyx brought home Sárkány -who she found having a flight - and they still wanted to care for a baby, since Lopdiemis can't breed.

 Vlurr | Sibling of Sárkány 

It appears that Vlurr and Sárkány are siblings, that lost each other shortly after hatching. Vlurr was found and adopted by Shade & Ren and so they could see each other again. However both couldnt leave or switch their adoptive parents. Both just gained trust into them and needed their exact set of skills to evolve into happy Adults. So they keep meeting like friends to play together.

  Lanura | Younger Sister Figure

Lanura was the first Kamishiba Sloth really interacted with. He found her as a Cub and helped her on her way, He couldn't take care of her as a parent, since he was too young as well, so he became a big brother figure to her. Lanura is his only Family he had before founding one on his own.

 Ān Róng | Friend/Buddy

Ān Róng, a brutally honest Lopdiemis which has faced a similar backstory. His Village got raided by Evil Lopdiemis, which shared same opinions as the ones that seperately attacked Sloth, including Shade.

  Avari | Silvers Best Friend

Shortly after adopting Silver, Sloths younger Sister Lanura gave Birth to Avari. Of course they would put both boys together to play while having a talk or sitting them while the other parents pair is busy.Avari is a positive Personality, so he comes along well with the Lopdiemis Pair.

  Yuudai | Buddy

A shy Lopdiemis that requires effort to be friends with. Sloth could convince Yuudai he would not harm him in any way and build a friendship to him together with Nyx. Yuudai would sometimes visit them for a talk or to draw them. Whenever he needed a roof he could come by and have meal with them.

 Asur | Female Lopdiemis Siren

Asur tried to capture Sloth as her first Victim. She is very attracted to SINS and strong male Lopdiemis. Her first target would be Sloth. He would be an easy one due to his friendly behaviour and wish to be close to others. She forgot about Nyx though. He already had a girlfriend. Otherwhise he would've been protectless. Nyx could stop her before reaching Sloth.

 Siara | Friend

As Siara started her Journey to find a new home, she encountered Sloth in Gloomy Forest. Sloth invited her stay to clean her sheets and get some food. As she mentioned her Goal, Silver and Sárkány wanted her to stay with them. But Siara decided she wasn't there: Sloth brought her to the port, where she took the next ship the same day.