Yuudai (Lopdiemis Kamishiba)



7 years, 9 months ago




Name Yuudai
Species Lopdiemis Kamishiba
Nickname Yuu
build Small

code name Loki
Gender Male
blood color Antique White
age 19
orient. Bi
crush Kaeli
pronouns He/Him
toybi    Helios
Creator Mad-Izoku
Designer Mad-Izoku

Masterlist Link
Received       Bought both sides of ownership of a           beforehand co-ownership. Originally     bought second hand from Mischka-Loki
Design Notes

  • EYES: Uncommon circle lens
  • HEAD: Uncommon rectangular
  • PAD: Common one colored
  • TAIL: Legend Lopdiemis Haze tip + mystic non-articulable tail
  • HAIR: Abnormal hair trait (males)
  • EXTRAS: Lopdiemis horns + extra fur at paws

Warm, friendly, quiet, serious, sensetive, mysterious, independent and kind. Althought he doesn't talk much, he listenes to most of what people talk around him while he takes notes in his little book. He is loyal and faithful, but it takes alot of work to earn his trust. He doesnt likes to be manipulated or get bossed around. He has no interest of leading. He dislikes talking about his private life, hobbies or relationships, he rather shows others how he feels about them by being helpful.


  • Is afraid of other Lopdiemis, Guardians, Astrals and Entschanted Kamishibas
  • Can be manipulative (if needed to not die) and is very intelligent.
  • Is small and weak, so he uses his brain
  • Uses a bow as weapon
  • → Hairstyle changed
  • → Theme ''Loki'' changed to Original Design without special Theme
  • ❤ Ref with more Detail
  • ⇋ Can be sold/traded or gifted

He grew up in Dysania. He began pretty early to leave Dysania to visit other habitats of Aurora. During that time, he got attacked alot. Mostly by other Lopdiemis or Entchanted Kamishiba who saw him as threat.He was never save anywhere, especially not in Dysania. While he walked trough the land, he made his very first friend. HE showed Yuudai many things he does today, drawing, music, and how to play instruments and read music notes. Yuudai kept visiting that friend while he practiced the things he learned around Aurora, getting inspired by nature. One day as he came back, his friend was gone. Rumors say, that a big shape appeared that night. Yuudai knew it must be a Lopdiemis who took his friend. He never found his friend dead or alive, a Lopdiemis was the only logical culprit to him. For a long time, he charged Shade to be guilty, because of his attitude to hunt and hurt Kamshibas at night. After a long time passed, he got to know Sloth and Nyx  and Ren more, althought Sloth and Nyx aren't so good with Shade right now, he got told alot that they dont think Shade is the culprit, he could not eat an adult of that size without leaving any rest of the body. Yuudai is never free of doubts about the whole thing and Shade, but he feels sorry he charged Shade without a proof. At the end, Shade never  noticed how Yuudai feelt about him.

Today he tries to prevent to lose anyone who is close to him. He hates it when he cant do anything. Right now, he is not sure where to stay, he doesnt feel save in Dysania for forever but has no real reason to stay somewhere else.


  • Art
  • Music
  • Beauty or asthetic things
  • Mechanics
  • Singing his music text notes or songs he likes when hes alone.

  • Conflicts
  • Fights
  • Loud noises
  • People being too nosy
  • Dumb questions
  • People pretending to be friends with him
  • When he cant find his book
  • Someone touching or looking in his book.

Kaeli | Crush

Yuu met Kaeli on a Summer Festival. Shes a shy and cute Girl that Yuu decided to draw. Her founding out left him emberassed. Later he would see her fall into the water and get washed away as the group of Kamishibas collected pieces of a Medallion. He decided to search for her and found her thanks to her beautiful voice. They ended up gaining each others trust and becoming friend and more.

Fuoco | Rival/Enemy

Fuoco suddenly appeared and was the reason everyone got tranformed into puppets. Fuoco is a mastermind that remembered special Kamis crossing his plans. Shade, that ripped his minions. Yuudai, that never fell for his traps. Fuoco decided to pick on some of those Kamis, especially Yuudai, to show him who is the real genius.

Sloth | Friend/Buddy

Sloth put alot of effort into gaining Yuus trust. Yuu gave in and sees Nyx and Sloth as a save place to go to when he needs help or wants to talk. They would sometimes invite him for dinner or to play with Silver and Sárkány.

 Shade | ? ? ?

Yuudai suspected Shade to be responsible for the death of a good friend. Through Sloth, Nyx and Ren he overthought his theory and felt sorry for accusing him with no proof. However he didn't found out the truth so he has problems to befriend Shade and keeps a distance.

Lord Jinbai | Raised Kaeli

Lord Jinbai is  somewhat of a father to Kaeli, they clash with their believes alot, so as the view of Lopdiemis. As an Astral, Jinbai fights Lopdiemis and protects Kamishibas from their evil doing. He is not amused that Kaelis new friend is one of them. No, they are even more as friends. Yuudai is hella afraid of Jinbai and he takes alot of courage together to face him in a conversation about Kaeli.

Nyx | Friend

He firstly was a bit scared of Nyx but he would sometimes visit Sloth and Silver and warm up with Nyx. Shes much different as he expected and reaches out for him, inviting him to show and help him with things. Yuudai realizes the effort Nyx puts into making him fear entchanted Kamishibas less, but he is not afraid of Sárkány or Lanura....

  Asha | Friend

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Ān Róng | Friend

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Link | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

 Asur | Female Lopdiemis Siren

She completely ignores Yuudai, because his appearance is not fitting with what she looks for. Yuudai is paranoid and happy that she doesn't acknoledge his existence.