


8 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




Mikaboshi, Mika for short




55 (looks like she's in her late teens to early twenties)




Sun Venia


June 3rd




Tea House Owner


Optimistic | Easy-going | Timid | Unreliable | Indecisive | Erratic



-Very petite
-A Cup but not flat
-Always looks (´▽`)ノ
-Dresses pretty modest but is actually very toned


-Seems nice but is a pushover
-Can easily get antsy/nervous when confronted or put in an uncomfortable situation
-Unreliable and has horrible overall money managmenet and organizational skills but despite this, she is very hard working
-Adaptable in the sense that she has no problem fitting herself into society's mold, even if it puts her in a morally gray area
-True neutral, is selfish in that she only watches out for herself and cares deeply about not drawing too much attention to herself or looking out of place
-Gets bummed out easily rather than getting angry
-Tries her hardest to be a pacifist and avoid conflict


-Was once one of the strongest fighters in the Sun Venia military, she made quite a name for herself and her deeds were legendary
-She was a zealot who was proud to serve in the Venia military and was quick to rise up in rank with her talents. She frequently served on the front lines and led many battalions.
-50 years ago before there was a treaty between Venias and Devoras, she lost several comrades on a war mission where the opposing side was orchestrated by Kalidasa. When she retreated and asked for reinforcements, it was denied and she was told to abandon the mission. Feeling betrayed, this was a starting point for her doubt in Venia society. It eventually reached a point where she decided to abandon her duty and left for the Neutral Zone.
-Being in the military all her life, she had no idea how to do anything else and could hardly make a living. For almost 50 years, she wandered the slums of the Neutral Zone as a mercenary, taking on odd jobs here and there. Many had thought that Amatsu-Mikaboshi died in the war.
-Fast forward to the present, her name and the fact that she had infamously left the military without completing her mission drew the attention of Nazaire. With his money, he helped her start a Teahouse to give her a sense of purpose. Because of this, she is forever grateful towards him though with his whimsical nature, she is typically stuck with all the responsibility and with her lack of experience in running a business and her poor money management skills, she is always struggling to keep the place running. 


-She picked the name "Amatsu-Mikaboshi" for herself when she started becoming well known in the military. It means "August Star of Heaven" and although she was very proud of it at the time, she is very embarassed by it now and simply goes by "Mika", both out of embarassment and to hide her identity.
-Her name is a masculine one which is very misleading when people try to seek out this "legendary Venia". This also helps her conceal her identity as people tend to overlook her with her meek and unassuming nature.
-Although her teahouse is struggling, she could easily ask Nazaire for money though her pride doesn't allow it. She feels far too indebted to him to want to ask him for help though he will occasionally drop by and give her money to survive (and pay off her debts).
-She only serves three items on her teahouse menu: Tea, assorted tea cakes, and hot water. Tea is complimentary with an order of the tea cakes but water costs money. Others are not sure if this is a genius business practice or a very poor one (most likely the latter).