


5 years, 9 months ago


Stann Tremayn



Element: Tin
Gender: Male
"Age": 18
"Birthday": March 5
Height: 168cm
Romantic/sexual orientation: Hetero
Relationship status: Crushes on Alumina
Nationality: Cornish-Irish
MBTI: INFJ (“The Advocate”)
Job: Backing singer

"Alright? Would you like to euryor my tin whistle playing?"


Stann is the introverted one amongst his friends Indiana and Anton and pretty laid back too, but don't let that fool you into thinking he's lazy, when it gets right down to it Stann is an extremely good worker*, it's just that he's unwilling to take centre stage (quite literally, hence why he's only a backing singer). In addition he has very simple tastes, which is why his design is so plain and also he only has a few hobbies. One of these is playing the tin whistle (of course) although so far he only knows a few tunes like this one for example.

Another is travelling since tin is a moderately common element (49th most common to be exact) and is very widespread, however the main reason is because of the the following tin pest facts as some of the places Stann has been are, ironically, very cold,** for example the Antarctic Peninsula (it is said that part of the reason Robert Scott failed to make it back from the Antarctic is because the caches of fuel cans he'd left behind had leaked due to their tin soldering, but this is unlikely since "tin cans over eighty years old have been discovered in Antarctic buildings with the soldering in good condition.") and Russia. ("The story is often told of Napoleon's men freezing in the bitter Russian Winter, their clothes falling apart as tin pest ate the buttons." However this is definitely made-up as in reality most of his army had bone buttons.)

Now here's probably the most interesting thing about Stann; he has a bunch of references to the county of Cornwall, England. The reason for this is that tin mining used to be important to the Cornish economy, so much so that it is the most likely candidate for the location of "The Cassiterides" (named after the mineral cassiterite), the main source of tin in the ancient world. These references include:

  • Stann owns multiple copies of the Cornish flag aka Saint Piran's Flag. What's funny about this is that the flag is literally made from references to tin: "Saint Piran is supposed to have adopted these two colours from seeing the white tin in the black coals and ashes during his supposed discovery of tin.", and thus Saint Piran is the patron saint of tin-miners.
  • Sometimes when he's talking, Stann will use Cornish slang/phrases because yes, Cornish is a language.
  • There only two kinds of food he'll eat most of the time, one is "anything tinned" because tin cans, and the other is traditional Cornish food, but most of the time that means "Cornish pasties and ice cream". In addition, every now and again Stann has been known to drink a few cans of this.

*But only when it's warm. Tin (the element and Stann) HATES the cold, it literally drains his motivation and around 10°C he can hardly do anything. ("At 13.2 °C (about 56 °F) and below, pure tin transforms from the silvery, ductile metallic allotrope of β-form white tin to brittle, nonmetallic, α-form grey tin with a diamond structure." "Eventually the α-form decomposes into powder, hence the name tin pest.")

**There is an actual reason for this irony though, like I said before Stann is an extremely good worker, so he hates how he's no good in the cold, so he goes to these places to get used to those temperatures.


Alumina: His closest friend, these two are together pretty much all the time. They also both have a super obvious crush on each other which everyone in the apartments knows about, but these two are just too shy it admit it.

Titania: He's really good friends with her, but she's barely subtle about how much she ships him with Alumina and so he's wary of when she invites him to things.

Magnolia: While not super close, Stann and Magnolia are still very good friends and often chat about plants and music.

Trivia (WIP)

● Likes: Singing, playing his tin whistle, classical music, going to new places

● Dislikes: Cold or dark places, large groups of people, being idle

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