


5 years, 9 months ago


Birthday June 15, 2012

Male/Bengal Tiger
Not for Sale/Trade EVER

Sterling has been a dream character in my head that I had wanted for years before I was able to commission the lovely Colonel to bring him to life. I love tigers, especially white ones, and I am so glad I was finally able to get him.

Like his ref says, Sterling is a hermit and a recluse. This means he keeps to himself as much as possible, avoiding being around other people unless it is absolutely necessary. Having spent so much time alone, he is a tiger of few words, answering questions in the least amount of words possible and is not much of a conversationalist.

Somewhere along the way, he picked up a sidekick, the highly energetic ferret Tosca. For whatever reason, she enjoys his company and will not leave him alone, no matter how hard he tries. Where Sterling is mostly silent, Tosca can carry on conversations by herself all day long. It is amazing that Sterling puts up with her and doesn't take a more drastic approach to be left in peace once more.