


6 months, 27 days ago


she/her, lesbian, 13 years old

Rank: Nursing Parent, Care Specialist

Wife: Morel

Children: Chanterelle, Bat, Salamander, Bobcat

Born without eyes, Raccoon has developed keen senses of smell and hearing. She can smell sickness and infection faster than any cat, so she assists Mold in his healing work when he needs a helping hand with diagnosis. As a young cat, Raccoon needed a little help with navigation, but after 13 years, she knows the whole expanse of all the territories by heart, rarely ever making a wrong turn. She didn't choose the care path because her blindness held her back at all, she chose it because she could never imagine doing anything else with her life. She has a knack for soothing fussy and upset babies with her softspoken and naturally calm energy. Even just sitting next to her seems to calm any cat down. She's the least likely to freak out in stressful situations, and if things go wrong, she helps others face challenges calmly and logically. There's no sense in spending energy on panicking or worrying when she's right here to help. Raccoon is very close with her eldest daughter, Bat, and the two bonded a lot when Bat had her kittens. Bobcat and Salamander take up most of Raccoon's attention currently, and she's very happy she was able to have them and be able to care for her own babies with Morel one more time.
