
4 months, 26 days ago




Name: Owel Chandler

Gender: Female

Chronological age: 55

Physical age: 37

Species: Vampire

Height: 5'2''

Sexual orientation: Straight

Setting/timeline: Apollo, modern timeline

Occupation: --

Connections: Rex (friend/eventual boyfriend), Fred (friend), Warden (son)


Owel grew up in a secluded island community. She was pushed into an arranged marriage, as was common in that culture, and was not treated well by her husband Reinhard. He left her for dead when she suffered complications bearing their child and Owel was saved by a mysterious vampire who Turned her in order to keep her alive.

Owel took her newborn son, Warden, and fled the island in a stolen boat. She now lives a happy and independent life, although avoids romantic relationships due to her past.


Positive: Caring / Motherly / Sympathetic / Independent

Negative: Slightly timid / Sometimes overly strict

Owel was taught to be polite, respectful and subordinate growing up. Some of this still shows in her personality - she is generally a very courteous person - but she has also learned to be strong and make her own decisions. She won't tolerate being ordered around or shown disrespect. However, she can be nervous or timid in dangerous situations.

As a mother, Owel is compassionate but firm. She does not shy away from employing 'tough love' when she feels it necessary, and would never turn a blind eye to her children harming others. She is against most vices. If her own child is drinking heavily or neglecting their health, she may employ harsh consequences to change their behaviour.


Owel has the same general abilities as other vampires in my world. These include high strength and reflexes, powerful healing, and the ability to shapeshift into animals. Her preferred animal form is a spectacled owl.

Her healing ability allows her to recover from most injuries, no matter how severe, with no lasting damage. However, she can't completely regrow missing body parts - and as such, being decapitated or losing vital organs would kill her. Wood is poisonous to her. Sunlight and garlic have no effect.


- I originally planned to call her Owen.

- As a vampire, she can't taste most foods, but still enjoys baking. She sometimes makes cookies for people she likes.