Cerebral Island (Accoustican Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameSonus Musicus
DietHydropholurk meat, cactus, crickets
PowerSonic screech, energy drain


Accousticans belong to the bio Power Class. They're naturally born screamers, and have evolved in a way to perform a sonic screech, one that not only hurts your ears, but has enough power and force to send you flying. An interesting feature of this sonic screech is that it does not share the same vocal chords as the ones used for regular speech. Like some cats, accousticans have a pair of vocal chords. One is used for talking and the other is able to generate the powerful frequencies for their sonic screech attack. They also have a strange plug shaped stinger. They can actually plug it into foes and any living object, then drain it of any nutrients and energy. While plugged, their screech becomes more powerful.


Accousticans resemble gargoyle like creatures, with tanned skin, yellow eyes, dark hair, and large wings with orange red membrane. They have five fingers, three toes, and a tail resembling a plug. They have a strange mouth, that opens up into three sections.


Accousticans are humanoid Social Class, and run most widespread business on the island. They are very economically wealthy due to being the sole providers of music on the Island. Socially speaking, accousticans are civilized to the point they even have mobs, who run the backstreets of the city. Their city is by far one of the largest villages around, allowing many jobs and positions for other races, even for their prey, hydropholurks.


Accousticans may appear nice, but their story is of betrayal and violence. They used to coexist with the neighboring hydropholurks, until accoustican mobs went after them, massacring them. When they finally managed to drive them into the Northern Desert, with the newfound territory they managed to expand their city, and cultivate resources to make a flowing community. To sustain the reputation of themselves, the mobs would gather under one boss, Percuss Campana. He founded the musical industry for the accousticans and helped them receive the title "Notes of the Desert", where they managed to stay on top for years, until a mysterious stranger revealed their treachery. They were later found dead, and starting that year, accousticans began helping fund for new homes for the hydropholurks.


● Notable Accousticans include Rhythm Xylo and his hybrid daughter, Tempo Xylo.

● Accousticans adjust how open the sections of their mouth is to adjust the width of their screech's range.

● Accousticans are among the wealthiest emotibeasts in Personalia.

● A skilled accoustican can change the pitch of their tone drastically with ease.

● The wings are an evolutionary tactic so that an accoustican resembles a sekevil from a distance

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